Who's exactly doing the buying and selling?
>niggers enslaving niggers
I see how it's a problem but I don't see how it's mine.
thanks hillary
>protest slavery
>africans only
>nobody calls out the sandniggers kidnapping pajeets and making them work in 40+ degrees C heat picking out weeds
I dont believe this story.
I was watching a CNN "journalist" just casually attend a "slave market" and the so called "slaves" couldn't stop smiling and sniggering as if it was all a joke.
>tfw CNN paid some poor migrants to pretend to be slaves so Europe could receive another mass influx.
Africans selling Africans to other Africans? I'm not sure how they are turning a profit here.
The way it works is there is a nigger charmer or sandnigger who persuades these darkies they'll make big money in libya or dubai and live in air conditioned house, food etc all paid for. When they land they get their passport stolen and all ID removed and destroyed effectively leaving them stranded. They are told if they want to get their stuff back they need to pay off their debt which grows everyday. They live in a tiny room, no aircon, broken or no toilet and have nothing to eat. If they go against their slave masters they'll get their arms cut off or even death. UN doesn't even bother calling them out for it and its well known modern slavery and extortion.
>people are selling slaves in the middle east
>we must take to streets in paris!!!
why are niggers and libtards so bad at everything
Its going on here with the Indians mostly.
They con other poo's to come here on student visas and then force them to overstay and work for 3$ an hour.
Its never whites doing it (as we keep being told) its always their own kind enslaving each other and breaking our rules.
Or the white slaves in those countries, fuck knows how many hot roasties are kidnapped, sold and traded by those 'people' in those regions
They protested at the Libyan embassy.
>nogs protesting Libya in Paris
What a joke France is
I'd like to get in on that. I'm American, Americans were pretty good at slave handlin back in the day.
The question is - how much?!
nogs don't know until they are in master house.
Why is it always the responsibility of the world to fix these nigger nations? Why don't they ever have the responsibility to build a great nation like everyone else on the planet?
Fuck the niggers. Quit whining about how cruel their suffering is soyboy. Their suffering is a result of their thousands of years of dumbshit choices.
nope, north-africans and arabs always rules the slave trade even since roman times.
France giving up Paris to foreign invaders again, why should we even care at this point?
What are you going to do with black slaves user?
So westerners can just casually stroll into "slave markets" in Libya.
Yeah seems real legit aye. I believe CNN 100%
>It seems quite natural that every one, even the most thoughtless barbarian, would feel at least some slight emotion on being exiled from his native country, and enslaved. But so far is this from being the case, that Africans, generally speaking, betray the most perfect indifference on losing their liberty, and being deprived of their relatives; while love of country is seemingly as great a stranger to their breasts as social tenderness and domestic affection." — Lander's Travels in Africa, Vol. II., page 208
There are slaves in France?