What is Sup Forums's stance on intellectual property? Is it legitimate?
Intellectual Property
Fuck no.
Compete, or die.
>yfw largest bank in US owns all of basic mobile app technology and this went completely unreported in the media
>What Do You Guys Think?
I think you should read the rules.
You should be able to patent an implementation, not a concept. When Germany grants Apple a patent on any handheld rectangular device with a screen, they've gone too far.
The only reasonable justification for copyrights and patents is to improve the public domain of knowledge by providing incentive for new ideas and methods.
These laws are self defeating if everything is decades old when it is no longer protected.
What, if anything, would be done about piracy without protections? Or exact copies of other information you used time and resources to assemble?
Who does IP benefit?
One could argue that it's a detriment to even the holder. An entirely toxic concept, if you will.
>who does IP benefit?
People who make intellectual property.
To give an example, pharmaceutical companies can spend over $1 billion to bring a drug through development and onto market. It is perfectly reasonable, then, that they might want to see a return on their investment.
Those companies spend more on marketing the drugs than developing them. Getting rid of the protections would largely eliminate that cost and make drugs cheaper by large margins.
Better sell a lot of pills then, commies.
Even without marketing, it's hundreds of millions of dollars. New drug projects take 7-15 years and the researchers don't work for free.
>please invest a billion dollars and then attempt to compete with generics
My nigga came in clutch
Its not legitimate. ideas and ways of doing things don't suffer from any form of scarcity. Intellectual property just creates monopolies.
Copyright laws are a good idea but the current implementation needs to be thrown in a pit and burned. Just make it a fixed 20-30 year duration and stop extending it every time Disney's lobbyists pitch a fit because Mickey Mouse is about to become public domain.
Post a pic outside your window
You aren't required to give this information to other people.
"I deserve profit for doing things." Stupid crony. Your expectation of profit, however reasonable, does not grant a right to stop others from using the knowledge you discovered. You still have the advantage of being the first mover.
Science and math advanced just fine for hundreds of years without these modern laws.
>You still have the advantage of being the first mover.
So after you are legally required to disclose the contents of your medicine by the FDA, you have to magically make all your money back before any of the thousands of generics companies snaps up your process and produces the exact same medicine at lower cost because they didn't have to invest in it?
Financial suicide. Nobody would ever invest in the pharmaceutical industry again.
>Keeps the lawyers in business.
Has to be a good idea.
It's like communism. Sounds good, doesn't work. The copyright trolls (bolsheviks) sued (killed) millions.
The truth is every creative idea has classical roots. Copyright laws is a system of controls that determines who has access to those ideas and can actually profit from them.
I've come to the conclusion that it's mostly anti-free market. Things like patents are just a government program designed to encourage people to innovate. But it only gets abused and the patent time has been lengthened extensively since the start. The actual free market take on it would be let inventions and stuff enter the public domain and let the most competent person implement it instead of letting people obtain government enabled monopolies.
Man, fuck the FDA, the EPA, and the ATF.
Who do you think you're talking to?
it's up to you to protect your creations either by contract or by technology, not the government.
Patents have some value but has clearly been expanded to the point of madness.
Copyright was an interesting idea in the past but the internet has made it completely impossible to inforce so whats the fucking point. Its not exactly needed anymore anyway, enough people will happily pay for content if you actually make it worth their while.
Trademarks are the only intelectual property that should really be inforced these days.
Most of what i have is pirated,if something is really good then i consider buying it.You should pirate most of the vidya sincebis trash anyaways and most of the worth reading books have been written by long dead people,so i am not paying a publisher or some grand-grandson living in a rich mansion,fuck em.