Really ? Nobody talking about this dumb NIGGER ?
Other urls found in this thread:
I just saw two threads on this
Other nig nogs are praising this as a nig nog victory..
Holy shit I am scared of what will become of the U.S.
i need a basic gestalt presented with haste
Niggers are dumb, and if a nigger is uppity towards positions of power or white people its always a victory. That's why niggers were dancing in the streets en mass when OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murdering two whites, even though they knew he killed them just like everyone else knew. They have a hive mind mentality of us vs them. Niggers will never be your friend, but leftists will never understand that
Lavar got them to place his BBB logo where the CNN logo is usually. They probably paid him for this interview I get it...I thought it said BBC.
post yfw Lavar Ball and Trump are colluding to get the Big Baller Brand some face time on tv
top kek
>epic clash of smack-talkers
Nigger parent says sons dindu nuffin, whines about Trump after he saves his sons from Chinese prison.
you really need to push through the cringe and watch the whole thing. holy shit. the audacity.
the FUCKING AUDACITY is insane at 19:50
It is distasteful to talk about such disgusting creatures.
He's bantering the CNN host more than Trump
This is normal black behavior (for those who don't live in the US)
Really? You don't know how to use the fucking catalog?
Why do you watch CNN, you cocksucking faggot
>Some buddy axed me a questin
iz iz iz be angry n sheeit, nigga
Very true, they are so fucking stupid they view this gibberish as some kind of epic humiliation being dished out. They are so arrogant in their stupidity that they walk away from shit like this as though they have won, and to some extent they are right because most Whites will not call them out as stupid niggers.
The apes stole from 3 stores
Two of the apes are 7 feet tall
>mfw Lavar is playing the longest, greatest troll the world has ever seen, all the way to the bank
If nobody ever talked about this retard, he would be a nobody. Now his family is worth millions without even being true NBA talent.
He's actually like Trump desu with his tactics
>mfw CNN thought they could buddy up with this ungrateful loser and he proceeds to treat the host like a cuck
Sup Forums doesn't get what Lavar is saying, that's why they're yiffing up and down like a bunch of retarded seals over this video. Twitter and YT is right, Lavar ran circles around this clown, broken ankles and all.
>all the way to the bank
yeah all that sick money from being am insane f-list celebrity
Lavar and Trump are competing for the title of biggest baller. We’re all but nanoballers compared to them
He is absolutely loaded and closer to b list. I'm sure he laughs himself to sleep every night
i don't care what some nigger or kike on CNN has to say.
>Trump trying to score some free ZO2s for doing literally nothing while LaVar was talking to someone else anyway
>BASED LaVar says 'stay in yo lane knicca'
Trump BTFO
niggers gonna nig, yawn
>doesn't know they would have been in prison for fifteen years for shoplifting
>says his boys would have gotten a slap on the wrist
>doesn't realize cultures are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT
>doesn't know how trump freed his kids by "talking to the president"
Holy fuck niggers are retarded, like what the fuck, this is a college educated person who's can't even follow logic, he's the dumbest nigger I've ever seen.
Cuomo News Network
Tfw your little brother is a fake news cuck but your only chance to be on zTV
Who is this stupid nigger and why isn't he in prison?
please hand this gentleman a basketball
the big ballers brand doesn't have much political sway, no one really cares.
Basketball-Americans, you got to love 'em.
he is soooo cool with him shoplifting too lol
That is the daily question every true American asks everyday of every year
If you consider nigger logic the father's comments makes sense.
Trump was in the country anyway, so nigger doesn't view it as Trump going out of his way to do anything, it's just him being in the neighborhood and doing what he'd do anyway. Plus the president didn't even bother visiting the son or father personally.
By nigger logic if you aren't doing something for them in their face and declaring directly to them that you're doing something for them, they will not appreciate that you're doing anything on their behalf. It's why they wouldn't appreciate social services or charities as doing something out of the good of the American people's hearts, instead viewing it as something they deserve because it's just the system in place doing what it's supposed to.
20 minutes of nigger-drivel
He wanted a photo op. ha HAAAAAAAAA
If I was running UCLA, I would have just kicked them off of the team for embarrassing the whole team. They did stupid shit, they do not deserve to play.
>thank you for listening to my 22 minute troll and spreading it on the internet, further contributing to the notoriety of the BBB and putting more dollars in my pocket
Unironically this.
Definition of Mongrel
Lavar Ball is basically nigger Trump the more you try to take him down the more powerful he becomes.
when will this faggot's term limitations hit?
he makes the rest of us look like the AIDStranny 56%ers from that gay little island down south when all we want to do is be left alone
I have to admit I loved watching the anchor guy struggle to maintain control. He can't say anything to shut him down or he'd make it out like he's the bad guy. Fucking priceless.
Dis nigga gets things done, like he turned big deals into little deals. Shit kid, i sent people to the hospital, no one got hurt. Shiieet, never did nothin wrong nigga
we can do better than this, fresh oc coming in hot
what an idiot
How do you reason with this?
I cannot believe people care about this. Bread and circuses.
hahahaaha holy shit this is way too funny hahahahah wtf do you thank the doctor for bringing you to this world?
he's almost as white as talcum x
It's fairly meaningful because of just how astoundingly ungrateful the nigger is to the point where he's even confusing a Trump hating news commentator about how he can be hating the president that spoke to the president of China on his son's behalf.
The slant cunt makes such concrete arguments. Well shit facts are facts am I right...???
>black man trolls national news network for 22minutes
This retarded nigger is not even making any sense
Pure gibberish
Talking about said nigger is promoting him you cheeky cunt
CNN seeing, for the first time, the rampant stupidity of niggers that we, in the south, have to deal with on a daily basis.
And they wonder why we're racist.
we've reached morris level dystopia
Why do retarded civic nationalist boomer retard Americans see a retarded nigger being retarded and say "wow! So trolled! Based black man!"?
I don't care about Fro-Zones opinion
This nigger should go back on reading rainbow
Encouraging white kids to read even though he can't without his visor
Because it went on for 22 fucking minutes LMAO
When you watch ANY professional sport other than GOLF or HOCKEY you are literally giving hundreds of millions of dollars directly to niggers.
NFL, NBA, MLB, they are all infested with NIGGERS, BEANERS, and other SUBHUMAN FILTH that make more in a year than most white men will ever make in their entire lifetimes.
>Multiple threads about it going on at once
Kys desu
Fuck off back to le Donald, boomer
make me bitch, kangaroo fucking motherfucker
Will? It's already happened and it's too late to change.
At 1:37 Chris knew this interview was going to go horribly bad
that makes two of us
What if Trump is behind all of this and has helped out Ball?
this guy is the reason whites have the 1 drop rule
this guy has European admixture but he's 100% nigger
You can tell Chris was trying to understand the negro, and slowly came to the realization that the nigger 100% mentally retarded about half-way through
"Chris-Mo? Oh, Chrome-Mo like Google!"
>Where's ma super suit
Oh my god, the last 5 minutes are the best
I guarantee Trump and Lavar Ball will have a redemption arc leading up to the 2020 election and Trump will gain the nog vote. You'll see
Black people are awesome, Sup Forums needs to chill. Bunch of white people with a stick up their ass.
>Tell me you thank me
>Not yet
>Tell me you thank me
>Not yet
>Tell me you thank me
>Okay thank you
>Give me a couple reasons why you just thanked me
Everything about this is fucking hilarious
I hope you're wrong, but I fear you're not. Buying up land like a motherfucker. Up to 360 acres, all farmable/grazable.
It gets better....
I came here to post this. I watched the interview and then went on twitter and clicked on the "Lavar Ball" trending term and saw nothing but Blacks and cucks posting how Lavar is a genius.
It created a great and tremendous depression within my soul and I don't know what to do.
Americans are such massive cucks they literally can't fathom the idea of criticising a negro.
If black acts retarded then they're actually a secret genius that was just pretending
This guy is fucking retarded.
>The nigger is especially stupid too
Lavar takes stupidity to a whole new level.
dude just worked this situation to get on TV again and pull some true WWE style antics and make a mockery of cnn and cuomo, i mean i fucking LOVE this, he just cut a Randy Savage level promo and got CNN to DEFEND Trump what fucking world am i living in where people DON'T love this shit
They did it. CNN finally found someone more retarded then Chris Cuomo.
Where's this at?
CNN got cucked
You're an idiot. The cucks who were posting were college football coaches and other soyboys.
Don't you for a second forget that Americans are the most based people on the planet.
While Europe cucks out we are electing Trump and alt-Right Republicans are receiving unprecedented donations. We'll save your ass. Just like last time. And... just like last time you'll still be ungrateful AND READY TO STAB US IN THE BACK AT THE SLIGHTEST CHANCE.
Fuck Australia. I lost all respect for you faggots the moment some fucktard Bogan told me how China would replace the United States as world leader despite the fact the China would treat Australia much worse than we have.
You can all go fucking die for all I care. You're worthless TWO-FACED allies.