they only had a 6 month extension for their protections, then dhs took it away.
Do we feel bad for the haitians Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Exterminate all niggers
I pity them. Their ancestors thought that their experience picking cotton meant that they could rule a country just as well as fucking Napoleon. The misery that Haitians have been living in for centuries is on their retarded hands.
they came here because of the 2010 earthquake, not because of the economy.
Yes. They have helped our economy out so much doing the jobs that not even niggers want to do.
THAY got. 4 year free ride
I never got any free rides my whole life
Where is mine!
Haitians raped and murdered thousands of whites in the most brutal manner possible.
They have completely deforested their side of the island.
They do not show any gratitude to the help we have given them.
They are ugly, smelly, vile nigger-animals.
no, but the hysterical overreaction to this will further redpill normies that any of these temporary refugee arrangements are always just a foot in the door for permanent migration
are you a jobless fucking nigger? if not, then you don't get shit
It's called the temporary residency program
It says right in the fucking title that they need to go back at some point
there's another thread you inbred fucker
>an earthquake lasts for 7 years
Damn, I learn so much from Sup Forums
Haitians are more niggerish than niggers - less european admixture of their African genetics.
They share an island with the Dominican Republic, but the level of economic and social development is miles apart.
The only thing they have in common is child sacrifices being traded by the Clintons, but that is a small part of the economy.
>implying the haitian bootyquake ever ends
This pic defines Israel.
Race mixing and open borders for thee, but not for me.
Dr William L. Pierce - The Lesson of Haiti
Not America's country, not America's problem. Sorry to the Haitians for their issues, but why should American taxpayer money go towards helping people outside of America? Makes zero sense.
So trump has said Fuck off we are full, you have to go back.
Honorary Australian citizenship is in the mail.
>7 Years and they can't sort their shit out
Just fucking end their species already
Haitians are just island Somalis. Send them back.
they are in america with jobs and have been here since 2010
>feel bad for kicking out a bunch of sub-human niggers
>niggers that happen to be descendants of a bunch of niggers that massacred white people in unspeakable ways
Enjoy your mud cakes you filthy animals
>leaf posting something sensible
what is the world coming to
They’ve been here since 2010. It was temporary and now it’s over. Get the fuck over it.
you are a descendant of slave owning segregation supporting whites who slaughtered what was left of the native americans. see why thats a shitty argument? because your arent accountable for any of that. these haitians havent done anything to us and they have an 80% employment rate of the haitian refugees that are living in america rn.
No fuck those niggers
did someone say physically remove?
He'll no, Haiti literally committed complete white genocide in the 1800s. Why the fuck would I want any of them to be here?
4% of Americans ever owned slaves. My ancestors came from Germany in the 1920's. Not a single slave owner in my lineage. Not single injun killer either. But even if I were to entertain your idiotic premise; 4% ever owned slaves, Indians declared war on the USA they were enemy combatants. They had British backing, with modern weapons and equipment.
See this image? These sub-human's animal ancestors tortured women and children to death, mainly after raping them. Behavior is heritable which means that potential is inside them.
Source on employment rate?
these haitians have nothing to do with that, stop being lazy and come up with a real argument.
Leave now.
"According to a recent study by the Center for Migration Studies, Haitians on TPS have been living in the United States on average for 13 years, and have 27,000 U.S.-citizen children among them. More than 80 percent are employed, while 6,200 have mortgages."
okay, I don't want disgusting niggers living near me.
Haitians should be purged from the world. They are terrible nuisance to the civilized world. Worst of all new world negroes
call me crazy but i have a hunch haiti six months from now is going to look an awful lot like haiti
looks today so why wait?
they ALL have to go back
>they have an 80% employment rate
0 of my ancestors owned slaves, and the natives were savages who killed indiscriminately and routinely violated agreements and treaties that they made with whites. The noble savage native was a myth, they were violent and barbaric
ok then go do it. Stop being pussies and cut their throats and kill them.
Behavior being heritable is an argument and is established science fact. You're not anti-science are you?
That's not a source. It makes a claim and links to a source with no sources for the claim. Find the data so we can actually see what they're basing their claims on.
Haitians need to be mass deportated back to their island fuck them
Come up with an arguement as to why they should be allowed to stay first.
They ruined their own lands, luckily they won't get to stay and ruin mine.
The Americans systematically wiped out their natives until everyone overseas wagged their finger about it. The Australians wiped out almost all of the natives in their country and they're pussies. You think modern Sup Forums, with all its knowledge, wouldn't wipe them out if it was legal?
cant you at least gas them instead of just kicking them out? they'll all go north
If only their women were a little attractive, they're literally the worst in every categories
fair enough.
It's winter. Maybe we'll get to see more pictures of them after they've frozen to death trying to get to the land of the leaf.
because the center for migration studies was the source you fucking idiot
Why should we feel bad?
We could have also just not helped them at all.
Not at all.
I barely recognize half of this country anymore. I can't be bothered to care about 60,000 random assholes who are just making shit worse.
20% unemployment rate is not something to be proud of, sweetie
they came here because of the earthquake and their protection ended 3 months before any other countries tps because the department of homeland security decided to only give them an extra 6 months to become citizens. they arent ruining the land btw because they have high employment rates here. they should be allowed to stay until january until the program terminates for every other country.
The length is irrelevant and you know it. Temporary asylum is not permanent. Obama was hoping to forget about these people, like I'm sure most of us did. These Hatians gained wealth and experience. Maybe they can go back to Haiti and improve their situation.
But they probably won't. I'm sure there will be a protest to keep the Hatians here
for non english speaking refugees thats a pretty good record in just 7 years.
When will they learn? The link to the "source" is just the exact same text used in the article. They do not show how they arrived at those figures or from where they draw their data. It is the source of the claim, but they do not reveal the source of their data which means we are unable to verify their claim. So produce the data used for the claim, or it can be dismissed out of hand. CMS is suspect as source anyway
>The organization is devoted to public policies that safeguard the dignity and rights of migrants worldwide.
This screams pro-migrant bias. So give data, or kindly fuck off you brainlet scum.
Those niggers are being punished by God. After slaughtering all the white people on Haiti that country is forever cursed.
Just like Africans and Aboriginals who did dark magic practices and worshiped other God's they're too getting punished.
there cant be protests to keep them here, they are illegals now. and the length is relevant because the protection was garuenteed for every other country in the deal to terminate in january next year but the haitians got terminated earlier and their country is still a mess.
Then link to it, you tard.
Well I bashed Hillary for fucking over Haitians, so I guess so should be consistent and disagree with trump.
Its time for them to take their much needed skills and fuck off back to their half of the island.
"center for migration studies"
They call illegal immigrants "unauthorized". This is the Jewish equivalent of citing Infowars.
>i dont like your source so its fake news
heres another one then you cry baby.
fuck them
they were given refugee status and protection from deportation. they also can legally start their own american business and own a home. they werent considered illegals until dhs terminated their protections.
haiti is still a shithole and they should have been granted 9 months instead of 6 before their termination.
Their country is a mess because they're low IQ niggers. If they hadn't slaughter the innocent French rulers their country would still be the Jewel of the Caribbean.
That doe not say what percentage of working age individuals are employed. And yes, the implicit bias of an organization calls into question the veracity of their claims.
>ever giving them enough time for anchor babies.
No. Just no.
>Ooga booga white people bad
>me rape and torture women and children to death
>oops my country is a shithole now
They should of been able to fix their own fucking country.
first, the crisis was caused by an earthquake not by the government.
"Among Haitian immigrants ages 16 and older, 71 percent participated in the civilian labor force, compared to 66 percent of the overall foreign-born population and 62 percent of the U.S.-born population. Haitian immigrant women were also more likely to be in the labor force than the overall female immigrant population (66 percent compared to 55 percent)."
you are a god damn retard, just leave the thread already.
I wish you Ameri-mutts voted for Hillary instead. Now we're gonna have 60,000 Haitians running for our border.
gg no re
they shouldnt have genocided all white people
I wish you snow fucks had voted for... have you had any reasonable politician in the past ten years?
thats not a good reason to kick them out before their protection was supposed to be terminated
if only jeb won none of this would have to happen.
guac 2020
Constant reminder: behavior is heritable and these pictures are what these monsters did to the poor Frog people of the island. Their own behavior led the island to disaster and made it a shithole. The USA has tried 3 times to prop them up by giving them first world infrastructure and it failed to help each time. IQ and behavior are both heritable, any attempt to help them ends in disaster because of them.
Wow so it gives a different statistic, very interesting how I said the place with an implicit bias would put it higher. However this place too seems to have an implicit bias, via their mission statement:
>Given the opportunity, immigrants become net contributors and create new social and economic assets.
So they have a forgone conclusion rather than relying on data. Very interesting! But since they list the sources of their data, and I haven't had time to sift through them yet, I won't say their conclusions are biased or not yet.
send the Democrat fuckboys back to their hovel
>giving them the chance to become citizens
Why must America continue to be the battered womens shelter of the world?
They tried that, it didn't work very well for them. They eat mud cakes and the government has barely fixed anything since the Earthquake. Incompetency is a result of low IQ.
Did the Haitians feel pity for all the whites they murdered during their revolution?
>Haiti is still a shithole so we have to take care of them
Why? They aren't our slaves or citizens. What legitimate argument do you have for us taking care of Haitians instead of Americans?
the intention of the extended protections was that they would be granted citizenship until haiti was more suitable to send them back to. for people who have become business owners and family men, how could haiti ever be suitable to them again? 7 years spent here, they should be able to become citizens if their roots are deep enough.
>not a good reason
Why not? It's our country we make the rules do we not?
says it right there in black and white TEMPORARY.
because we have 10 countries a promise that we would protect their refugees from deportation called the tps program. it ends in january but dhs fucked the haitians over because they think haiti is ready to receive their migrants back. we either extend it till haiti isnt shit or kick them out when the protection actually expires.
because it makes our laws and promises aribitrary and fickle if we just terminate them when we feel like it.
Pretty sure 90% of the Haitian workforce in America is cab driver (probably with an expired learner's permit) for males and cleaning lady for females.
>seven years in our country is enough for them to instill roots
Nonsense. And again I understand the intention, lowering the value of American citizenship even further, but again my question is why must we worry about Haitians when we haven't colonized their country and rule over it? Our government has no justification in Haiti therefore we have no obligation to worry about them when our own citizens are starving now
every other country in the deal had until january till their migrants would have their deportation protection expire. why shouldnt haiti get the same timeframe.
The pedo elite got sick of fucking their children so they sent them home early.
Have you even dealt with Haitians? They don't exactly integrate. 7 years is fucking nothing anyway.
>because it makes our laws and promises aribitrary and fickle if we just terminate them when we feel like it.
Hahaha you have no idea about international politics do you? Or any sort of politics.
Because they're low IQ niggers doing unskilled jobs. They lower the value of low skill work and hurt our blue collar citizens.
They're only going to the US for gibs. They'd exterminate whites all the same if they were allowed to.
>the children grew up.
>Because our government made promises to protect others instead of it's own citizens
Why are you using this as an argument? They never should've been brought here in the first place
>make our laws arbitrary
Our laws exist to benefit us. So long as a law does not benefit our society it should be terminated. This never helped our society and should've been terminated before all of this SJW bloody tears nonsense