What have these kurwas done to you?
Why does this board hate women?
Other urls found in this thread:
Only progressive women
no you israelite
I give up, why does this board hate women?
Considering that nobody can even tell I'm a woman unless I straight up say it, it really doesn't make much sense.
I could tell by the flag
I'm completely indifferent to them. I live my life and I do only what I want. Even when I know they want me I feel nothing for them. And I'm quite good looking so no it's not hate or perma virgin,I simply transcended to a higher level and have different goals and interests than the pleb
I still have sex. At least once a month to keep the brain sharp since I'm still and animal with sexual urges at my core
Because most women are just fucking terrible people irl. Its more culture than some inherent trait but still.
Tits or gtfo
i'm still a virgin, but im voluntarily keeping it in the wake of whats been in the news recently
i dont see any tits.
ergo, there are no women on the internet
We don't. We just respect them for what they are instead of what feminist pretend they should be. Some may say we are the true feminist.
elizabeth turner
It isn't hate. It's experience and cold hard observation
>Considering that nobody can even tell I'm a woman
your attitude says it all
your soul is uglier than your body
i don't hate women. i just hate pic related and as it happens a lot of women are pic related.
This board hates everybody equally. No one is special.
What about niggers?
niggers hate niggers. everyone hates niggers.
Everywhere else women are treated like gods just because they happen to have a wet hole between their legs. Here on pol everyone is equal until proven otherwise, that's why niggers and sandniggers are seen as subhumans and shitty women get shat on.
Lurk moar.
Stop. Ruining. Marriage
Understanding that women are overgrown children who shouldn't be allowed political rights =/= hating women.
Hate women? What? That's like asking a rancher if he hates cattle, an equestrian if he hates horses, or a normie if he hates dogs.
Who is this semen demon?
beta virgin
what else?
Nobody wants to pay money to have a nigger professor.
is Sup Forums pro or contra THOTs?
which is we hate them xd
Kate Upton, no?
Early today I was talking to two women and idk how but the American Civil War came up and both of them were like "yeah I don't know how they convinced all those men to go fight a war for slavery how dumb is that lol"
Women are hopeless creatures.
Can't really disagree there. Being surrounded by thirsty betas that will do anything for us doesn't encourage many women to do anything for themselves, not even think. I'm lucky I had an even bigger attention whore of a brother that drove me to be competitive, even when the whole rest of the world was telling me I didn't need to work so hard.
Kill all women.
Call me a virgin then not fuck me. Try teasing a dog like that, see if he bites you.
-> enjoi
this board hates everything, pol isn't one person, if it exists, there's hate for it, including women
i hate this board so much, it's garbage, but it's so fucking addictive, you think you're gunna spend a couple of minutes browsing, and somehow all of a sudden you've wasted hours-days-weeks-years just jacking off to shit posts
you think you just "frequent"4chin-pol, but somehow it turns out it's your most visited website
how to stop coming here
We aren't all mgtow, senpai.
>you could have shown bobs
>you could have opened vegene
>you could have chosen to live
Women won't have sex with them, so they turn the desperation into hate. They won't admit that they are desperate, so it causes internal strife and shame every time they think about it.