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This couldn't be unironic
At least I hope
How did we go from this....
To this....
To this....
To this.....
To this..
To this......
To this?!?
Look at your fucking hands and compare it to litteraly every other animal in the planet. We didnt came from monkeys. Twe cum for them
>Joseph Smith
He's a retard like you.
How did we go from that to this?
Looks like my cousin. Lol do you know him?
>rejecting the entire basis for eugenics
Pick 1
Jesus was a kike and Darwin was a white man
OP is a faggot
Damn dude you're right such undeniable evidence
Damn your bait stinks...
How can a nigger living in the jungle have nicer nails than a nigger in a city
The problem with evolution is that it's not readily apparent as to why so many ancestor forms of pre-human animal still exist.
Like given enough time would the fish in our oceans evolve to rats and dogs and apes and eventually humans?
that would imply some seriously retarded shit.
Through evolution idiot. Are you retarded???
I don't think you understand evolution.
Why didn't the ceolocanth ever evolve after 65,000,000 years?
kek just realized that nigger has heart problems and will prob die soon. Clubbed fingers lmao
>not readily apparent as to why so many ancestor forms of pre-human animal still exist.
Of course it is. An organism finds a niche. If it's a great fit, the best fit earth has to offer currently, there is little pressure for change.
Darwin was a Jew. He wanted the Goyim to believe they were descended from apes like dumb little niggers.
Simple. Fraud. Dinosaurs are a scam too.
Because the earth is only around 6250 years old
God says to kill a woman who lays with a beast and to kill the beast as well.
Since we stopped doing that he gave niggers the gay disease AIDS so humans catch it if they lay with them
God made all the animals and said hairy creation is good, if it evolved that means God lied it wasn't good.
Evolution is so obvious that me just explaining it to you should make you go "Oh yeah obviously that would happen." All you have to know is that you inherit traits from your parents but you don't look exactly like them. That alone explains evolution.
That guy sounds like a faggot.
nigger do you understand what DNA is?
Evolution is Victorian pseudo science
Do you smoke?
No. No it doesn't.
That's just normal genetics Mohammed
Whatever you want it to be.
The Victorians were the ones to find the detriments of smoking.
Damn, I wish I could draw like that.
There is hardly any harm in smoking, if it's just pure tobacco. Modern tobacco has chemicals added to it to make it addictive, then they jack up the price and you get hooked and will pay the $13 for a pack.
>The flat earth niggers are back again
Daily reminder evolution is why there are different human races and it's the basis of eugenics.
Yeah they also discovered that if women wore corsets they farted a lot.
No. No it's not.
There is no such thing as race retarded hippie liberal, There's different species. Don't you DARE Imply I'm related to a nigger or an oriental. They're animals that God gave me dominion over
Earth is a sphere you nigger
You probably could
I'm sure it only takes a bit of time each week
Think of different races of people as you would with different breeds of dogs.
Obvious Christian vs. atheist D&C raid.
Adam and Eve weren't niggers/Chinese/Arabs/Teutons/injuns they were HUMAN
Don't give it that much credit
except christfags the majority of which believe we are 'all children of god' take the catholic church for instance.
yes we are related to niggers
but the same way a pug and German Shepard are related but they are not the same.
(((Evolution))) is a Jewish trick taught to white Christians in order to separate them from the light of God the creator.
If you were people of science, you wouldn't regard the (((evolution))) theory so highly since after all, it's still just a theory. Unlike being a law or a principle that is concrete.
Catholics aren't Christian, they're roman pagans
We are NOT related to niggers, maybe you are but I'm a human being.
Modern supercomputers can make trillions of calculations per second. Let's say we had a program where random characters were added to the code, checked for validity, and then repeated. How long would it take for that process to develop artificial intelligence within the supercomputer?
According to evolutionists it would take a day at most. So if it is that easy why do we not have fully sentient AI overlords?
>'all children of god'
No, that's mormons. You are only God's child if you are saved(John 1:12)
>take the catholic church for instance
c*Tholics aren't Christian
It doesn't though
>c*Tholics aren't Christian
The papist church is a cult of satan. Introducing false man made doctrine into the church that goes against what Christ preached and breaks the commandments the Lord gave us.
Catholicism is roman paganism converted to Christianity, it was invented by Constantine to control the masses
hey not bad
I mean, I guess.
sources on your pic or fuck off bible thumper.
The bible.
God made man in his image, do you think God was a monkey?
read again dumbass. i want a sources on each of those refutations on your picture.
perhaps lack of natural pressure..some species can stagnate or have little to no change,
They don't follow Christ and instead follow man
The bible.
But we are so what? A chihuahua and german shepard came from a wolf but dogs are not like wolves nor is a chihuahua the same as a gshep.
So atheists believe the world back then was twice the temperature compared to today, so why did it have no pressure? In all that time when the environment was so radically changed, but today we are told even a one degree change will be catostrphic?
Because atheists are liars, the world is 6,000 years old, there is no evolution.
I knew it
are you one of those jesuit conspiracy theory cocksuckers?
Which bible cunt? there are differen editions the catholics have their own bible for instance.
Read R. L. Dabney's "The Sensualistic Philosophy". A fantastic critique of Darwinism from a solid Civil War era Southern Presbyterian.
The KJV which was given by inspiration of God, king James wanted to give the common man the Lords words, before this men had to ask the priest to teach them Gods word, James didn't like that he wanted anyone to be able to read the bible for themselves.
Because of James' gift to his people God gifted him with an empire like no other, and gave the Anglos intlelegence, integrity and industry.
Psalm 72:8
He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.
How the fuck is the world 6000 years old?
with all that is even written in the bible.
you are saying in LESS then 6000 years since the flood happened somewhere after that... that 2 pairs of very few species on a boat smaller then the titanic (the measurements in cubits are in there0
could diversify into all the species and biospheres we have today?
The ark is bigger inside than outside, it's just common sense. Even tumblrite doctor who fans can understand this concept
so you trust one imbred anglo king translating some kike text...
now kike text itself
you have the gospels..
then you have the writings by a kike named Paul (formely saul)
not only do you have to believe the gospels talk of mythical stuff..But you have to believe this kike paul who never met jesus ..some how saw him as an apparition.
This why cucklics laugh at you evangelical protestant kike kissing assholes...from you talk about "Sola scriptura"
>dog breeds all descended from domesticated wolves, and each breed was specifically selected for certain traits and led to widely different types of dogs
>evolution doesnt exist
Legit, if you dont believe in evolution, look at the progression of dog breeding from the Roman Republic to the modern day and explain to what this is
before going any further ask yourself this, do the jews believe in evolution? what year are they living in?
No, there wasn't very few species on the ark. Every species was on the ark
Genesis 7:2
Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
No they don't, they don't teach it in their schools.
Source is I live in an orthodox Jewish area.
The stupid goyim fall for the Talmudist tricks, started by the Talmudist Bolshevik regime, to get the goyim to walk contrary to God.
Evolution is a lie, it's a scam, you get scammed out of eternity in heaven believing these lies.
lol you got me.
this is bait or you are retarded.
to humor you more
because why not
so in that 3000 to 2000 years...evolution would have had to been super fast for these select species to diversify.
If evolution works that fast then we could create species out of thin air with just breeding.
>selective breeding is evolution
Fucking retard
>Reddit spacing
No evolution never happened. Whatever animals Noah brought into the ark is what exists today.
Some jews do the religious ones dont.
It is retard.
artificial selection is humans choosing breeding patterns where as natural selection is where it happens natural from pressure by trying to survive in the environment...Which changes overtime and if a species cannot survive that change by adapting it dies.
>Evolution believers want me to believe that a single bacteria evolved into a t rex
>They also want me to believe that at the same time a saber tooth tiger evolved into a cat
Are they just trolling or are they really this stupid?
They're retarded.
Romans 1:22
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
how they get there? howd emperor penguins from Antarctica make it ancient middle east...then all the way back.
and just one examp0le from millions of species
No, evolution is animals slowing changing over time by mutations not selective breeding. That would be like saying race mixing is evolution
>>quoting some kike named paul.
All the animals lived in the garden of Eden, and Adam named them all. Obviously they lived in one central location, after the flood during the building of the Tower of Babel, God spread the people to every corner of the globe, he probably spread the animals as well.
Evolution is nothing, because it doesn't exist.
Nice bait.