Seriously why do a bunch of morons support net neutrality. These people really think they are going to be charged 25 usd everytime they load any website.
Why do man children advocate for Net Neutrality?
The fact that Facebook, Google, and Netflix support it tells you all you need to know.
Anybody have the original?
>Seriously why do a bunch of morons support net neutrality
Because the media platforms told them to.
>The masses use and love a website
>Website owner tells them X
>they obey website owner
People don't think beyond this.
redpill me on net neutraility.
wasnt it just protection to keep ISP's from jewing you based on what websites you go to?
>that'll be 5 bucks extra for Amazon, goy!
>Sup Forums? that'll be the "adult package" for 25 dollars extra filthy goy!
>and you pay a premium for "out of network" websites not on your package!
>wasnt it just protection to keep ISP's from jewing you based on what websites you go to?
Thats what the Jews who run the FCC have said. Basically it will put more power into the FCCs hands to regulate all internet traffic and to a lesser extend what websites are allowed.
Shane Killian gives the best redpill on net neutrality.
that's all kind of a moot point considering we gave up the DNS control to Icann.
I'd rather not get jewed with cable tier internet packages than getting jewed by the kind of shit that already goes on regardless of net neutrality or not.
The government already does shady shit on the internet, they dont need net neutrality for it, when most of silicone valley is in Democrat pockets already
>Seriously why do a bunch of morons support net neutrality.
I don't know why THEY do it, but anyone who thinks rationally should knows that if you buy a service, you should get that full service, not just the part your ISP wants you to have.
>that'll be 5 bucks extra for Amazon, goy!
>Sup Forums? that'll be the "adult package" for 25 dollars extra filthy goy!
This is what you naturally fear. The website owners KNOW you fear this.
Hence they pushed this narrative onto you.
The truth is the websites will die if you don't visit them.
Amazon will die if you can't access them.
So it's actually the other way around.
Amazon is forced to pay millions to have people like you keep visiting them.
That's why Amazon and others convinced you to fight on their behalf.
You have been lied to.
>implying amazon and others won't pass the costs on to consumers
They will. I won't aid they wouldn't.
Some websites can't pass the cost on you you though.
But that's a separate topic.
Fuck off shill there are several anti NN Threads right now.
well that's the thing isn't it? it would be way easier for ISP's to filter out undesirable websites that are economically irrelevant, (Sup Forums, for instance) behind a paywall. Amazon and the like would obviously be part of basic packages.
someone post the image. it would be marketed just like TV packages are marketed, and it would work, because people will pay. Most of these places are supported by ad revenue anyway, and if they are of any financial consequence, they would be on the more basic packages. Not to mention if they are of that much financial stature, they can more than swallow the hit of a few thousand people not paying for their access, in a country of how many billions?
all because all of Sup Forums collectively decides not to pay the jew, doesn't mean amazon or google would bat an eyelid.
No, it does not. its an ISP Level block that prevents them from slowing websites down and by extension cutting them off, a sort of Shadowban.
So as long as it with in what consumers are willing to pay, they still will survive.
The FCC can slow down "unimportant"/"hateful" sites down to unusable levels.
>The FCC can slow down "unimportant"/"hateful" sites down to unusable levels.
it doesn't work that way. These net neutrality rules have been in effect for quite a while now, and you can still access stormfront no problem.
otherwise the fcc would be violating it's own throttling rules.
>inbf hurr they make the rules they can break them
And then salty ISP's would sue them for being hypocrites and targeting them in the first place.
imagine paying 50$ a month just to watch 240,360, 0r 480pp porn.
>wasnt it just protection to keep ISP's from jewing you based on what websites you go to?
No that's just some faggy inforgraphic some shill made based on nothing that everybody pushes around because people are fucking braindead retards.
Depends on the elasticity of demand. Regardless they wont be able to pass it all onto the consumer.
Daily reminder that all pro NN arguments are a bunch of unresearched leftcuck tier horse shit.
NN is a bullshit debate.
We have NN in Canada. We still get jewed straight up the dick by ISPs here because NN is not for the little guy. If the existing consumer protections don't get enforced to the benefit of the end consumer then why the fuck would adding more shit make a difference?
You fucking mentally retarded fucking retards.
net neutrality prevents throttling by service providers to specific web sites. its illegal
>t. fag who supports micro transactions in vidya
That screencap means nothing when youre just redistributing the jewery from ISPs to content-providers. Giving the government more power to regulate when they cant even do healthcare right is asinine.
Like all democrat problems, what do they do hen their government is corrupt to the core? Trust them with more mandates and give them more control of our lives.
What if I simply don't give a shit, and the less the people on the Internet, the better?
>It happened on Obama's watch so it must be bad
>comparing an entertainment/convenience commodity to something that has actual life and death impact, with way more complicated workings
did you seriously just compare the internet to healthcare
you might as well have made a food analogy for how retarded that is
I don't. Net neutrality is arguably what keeps most of the normalfags using it. The fact it would be detrimental to internet megacorps is icing on the cake.
>Net neutrality is arguably what keeps most of the normalfags using it
Normalfags have money. NEETS and autists dont.
You gotta be pants on head retarded if you cant see why giving a corrupt government more overreach is bad. Also we didnt need NN to take care of half of these things:
Again, NN is redundant and only empowers content providers.
reminder that the FTC are our guys and the FCC is irredeemably cucked
>trusting corporations to have your best interests at heart
even worse when you consider these same corporations don't even provide good service, america's net infrastructure is third world tier compared to pretty much every other industrialized nation
they're content to squeeze you poor fucks for every last dime they can get while maintaining standards that were passable at best over a decade ago everywhere else because they know they can get away with it
I don't know or care what net neutrality is. I just choose to blindly support the opposite of what redditors support.
Even if it eventually results in my death, it will be worth it because the redditors will die too.
Most of the anti-neutrality stuff has been geared towards providers. It would put Twitter (for example) into a headlock. If Sup Forums went down over it, a peer-to-peer service would probably show up.
>The fact that Facebook, Google, and Netflix support it tells you all you need to know.
You're being retarded. They support it because they don't want to have to pay every single ISP a bribe not to get their shit traffic shaped.
Yeah we should just listen to Comcast, Time Warner, AT&T, and Verizon, who are totally not going to exploit this at all for profit.
In a countries where (mostly) everyone pays their taxes, having Gigabit is an easy luxury. Keep letting in welfare queens and tell me where that gets you in another 40 years.
I'd rather private businesses do fuck all with it then ever let the government be in control and ''dole out'' the control to whoever paid them more.
When they make up most of peoples browsing then yes they do need to play ball with ISPs.
You run a service you play ball with the people who distribute it. ISPs are shipping their freight for free basically.
So you'd trade Google bribing people over Comcast who wants to violate state rights? If we broke the big ones up it'd be fine but enjoy having Sup Forums blocked and being redirrected to plebbit because it is where you should be goy.
Company would just pass cost onto consumer
KIKES are upset they cant Jew us harder by restricting bandwidith & selling fast lanes, and cutting off flow to sites like Sup Forums dailystormer etc
ALLOW NO ONE to prioritise internet data.
Because i don't want to pay my ISP extra just to shitpost on Sup Forums. If you do away with net neutrality the Jews will just invest in the large ISPs and shut down places like this by putting it behind an expensive paywall just to have decent speeds and full access.
t. comcast shill
>muh freeze peach
Kill yourself.
>Pol hates Reddit so much they will support Jews jewing both us and other Jews out of more money than they do now
Jesus fuck
Pol is always right.
Forums like these dont just appear overnight user.
And this is from the fags who still post there. Trump was a jewish puppet and they infiltrated Sup Forums en masse.
And you call your self a liberal. Fucking kys.
>with the same level of popularity that is
The local government works with private companies.
Anime brainlets leave.
>tfw there are probably idiots here these days who actually believe OP
Why do retarded shills think NN is a law?
Can someone tell me what's bad about NN besides >muh big gubment?
hi goy
nice integers
Fuck you.
Very broad rules that basically let FCC do whatever they want. The rules should be very clear, and very narrow.
Sure, but you never know if a better forum would organically grow out of something like that.
> implying you're correct
Verizon would simply ban Skype and would give them the option of banning Sup Forums the nn laws don't give the government the option of cherry picking sites, it prevents service provider
s from cherry picking
Do you like posting on Sup Forums? Then you should support net neutrality. Once the ISP's figure out that they can gain political capital by virtue signaling against the "ebul white nationalists," you can kiss this site goodbye.
>the nn laws don't give the government the option of cherry picking sites
yes it does. the nn law says they can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they believe it's in the best interest of the consumer.
The prime shitposter is correct yet again
Nice troll thread.
I just want to be edgy and contrarian
That's not the pic I meant to post.
I trust the U.S. government to secure our free speech more than Facebook and Google and Verizon
ISPs already have throughput quotas. $5 gets you an additional 50GiB.
This. Especially because 5g or 6g or 7g could put jewcast and all those ISP's out of business tomorrow.
Hey I paid $350 a month for the Ultra Delux low speed browsing package! Even at 360p That should still include all of youtube!
Title II is part of the Communications Act of 1934 which is signed into law, retard. No its not 20 years old. Yes Title II was revised in 2014 to accommodate NN.
Also the Netflix myth again. Discredited.
Now make this without the kikes, pepes and wojac so people can actually think of posting this on social media.
the internet would likely die if that were to happen
people got this much hooked due to its convenience
The FCC is run in the pocket of these companies now due to your based pajeet.
fuck u
All NN is, is treating all internet traffic the same...
without it, sites can be blocked, throttled, ect at the whim of the ISP.
Yes this DOES mean either the service/content provider or end user could be forced to pay more.
So many fucking idiots who think NN is new, have zero clue how the internet works, net neutrality has been around for a long time, it works, its a good thing.
Netflix obviously wants to keep NN because its a high bandwidth streaming service that eats up the ISP's bandwidth and still pays the same as joe blow who eats up bandwidth...
You want to keep NN because you REALLY do not want your streaming services to have to pay more, because it mean you pay more, and because its going to lead to out right censorship.
NN is the way the internet has worked for a long time, dont mess with a good thing...
I see so much shilling to remove NN like its a bad thing, or like it is some "new" thing.
They already do that, e.g the Daily Stormer.
im pretty sure you dont know what you're talking about
>Now make this without the kikes, pepes and wojak so people can actually think of posting this on social media.
Fuck off plebbitor
Iam with jim on this one all boils down to which gun you want to shove in your mouth
do you really believe a dirty dog will save you from the magic of the Talmud?
But then streaming service x which hasn't yet built up near as much money is expected to pay up and dies and so on until the isp is now saying that video calls take up too much band with etc
Not sure about leaf land, but right now I can still access it.
If my ISP blocks it, that's game over.
exactly. i dont give a shit. censor everything censor the porn that is being pumped into our sons heads
Because you didn't need NN, because Internet was new, and merely providing it was a good enough revenue stream.
But now, 30 years later, that isn't enough, and your corporate overlords, shill, figure they can make more money by selling internet fast lanes and cutting up and dividing the internet however they want for you to pay extra over depending on the content.
They saw the cable model of TV and said "hey, why can't we do that?"
Thats different, thats ISP's refusing to host a website, that is something that has been around for a while too, you are not forced to host anything you dont want.
Stormer could in theory make its own company, with its own servers, and host its own shit, and with NN its content would still be accessed.
You guys are fucking retarded.
when "netflix" has to pay more, they are going to pass the bill onto the costumer.
people will leave netflix anyway. just because of a price increase.
>make netflix pay extra for bandwidth
>suddenly netflix monthly subscription doubles in cost
>all videos are suddenly at lower bitrates
>same happens to every video service on the internet
>youtube goes required subscription to view any videos
>suddenly you are paying 50 dollars more per month for your internet usage
Go ahead and get rid of NN, I'll be laughing at you with my 100/100 connection with no data caps for the same price as your current internet plan
OMG you fucking retards, net neutrality is not a new thing, its around for a long time... anyone in the industry knows this..
The change is REMOVING NN
>he pays for jewflix
user, it's 2017, why are you paying for anything when it's all available for free?
And then people go back to pirating.
>Multi-billion dollar corporations want to pass their bandwidth cost off onto consumers via refusing to pay for their usage with ISPs
>lol they really care about free internet!
he is a goy, paying is the purpose of his life
All of those companies openly advocate for "net neutrality".