The Spinster Question

What will happen when a generation of men-hating women hit menopause, all without having a husband, children, or a family?

This is the Spinster (aka "cat-lady") question. Both Gen X and Millennials are going to have a huge, unprecedented number of them

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They'll do what their forbears in German and Sweden are, panic after they realize the the hollowness of their feminist ideals, and then try to import and snatch up a gross Dindu/Muzzie to be the Sugar Momma for. Until, like all wild animals kept as pets, she is killed by him.

They will fuck niggers like they are doing now.
>not human


They always end up in academia where they treat "oppressed" students as their children.

They’ll finally realize the only true achievement in life is having children.

they still get married and have kids
even the most vile, cunty, ugly, deformed and undesirable women still get married and have kids. The hugest cunt you've ever met is going to find a guy who will go to the jeweler and drop thousands of dollars to put a rock on her finger

the same thing that will happen to a generation of women-hating brainlets who refuse to act normal and attract normal women. they will continue to feed themselves the lie that all women crave nigger cock, and then they will die without a wife, children or a family.

Unironically these.
That is how awful women are

this time not all of them will end up as nuns or teachers. it is far too rampant

How is she a spinster? I'd breed mostly white babies with her

Unironically these.
That is how awful this generation is

why do you people believe that undesirable women go without partners? Modern western men will wife up a pig with lipstick

I know three four big feminists, and 2 are married with kids, 1 is married with a dog, and 1 is the insane lesbian type. I don’t get the meme that feminists don’t get married. The thirst is real and they can find soyboys to push around for pussy.

>what is menopause

they will settle for the NEETs

They will get replaced with artificial wombs

pic stirs my inner rage

is it possible to invest in bitterness?

i actually know a couple. the following is what i have seen so far:

1. they get fat
2. they pick up some kind of hobby, like fostering pets, and get really involved
3. they watch a lot of tv or are on social media all the time or both
4. get together with friends and colleagues once in a blue moon and seem to complain a lot about everything

all i gotta say is that i am REALLLLY glad i didn't up with at least one of them.

>mostly white

hormonal change that happens after 99.9% of women have already been wifed up and shat out 3 kids
men will gladly fuck and marry even menopausal women. For every woman who makes it to menopause without having kids there are 9999 women who get railed by chad and have his chadspawn

Who the every living fuck cares?

The hardest they push left, the more white men will push right, until they finally snap.

The day that happens, these old whores will get gassed down to the last bitch. And that's if the survive the endless rape and murder sprees brought by the millions of African and Middle-Eastern rapists they advocated for.

>riding dick non-stop
Either you're having some serious doublethink here, or you believe dicks grow on trees.

>What will happen when a generation of men-hating women hit menopause, all without having a husband, children, or a family?

I don't know.

Probably the same thing that will happen to this generation of women-hating men hitting midlife crisis, all kissless virgins living in their (dead) mom's basement.

invest in cat food companies.

>roastie detected

I work at PetSmart. have multiple co-workers that are exactly this.

what happens is they end up mothering an assortment of animals and spending way too much time on social media.

some of them have accepted their fate, these tend to be less bitter. the ones that haven't repeat things like "I never wanted children" and are really bitchy to women with kids. it's fascinating.

does anyone have the percentage of unmarried women per age group. Something like 40% of 35 year old women aren't married here in the Kwa

Prediction: There will be woman doing mass shooting of men soon.

May the digits be in my favor.

She's 55 years old but good luck anyway.

women just aren't hardwired for stuff like this. for the past couple hundred thousand years the solution to their problems has always been to scream, then blame the male. the only exception is when it comes to protecting their children, in which case women can do the unthinkable.

Why can't you guys just let women explore and find themselves? Why should all women have to get married at 24 and spit out 3 kids to fulfill your legacy?

because when they finally want to get married at 30s they are useless to anybody

I'm Irish and Swedish user. I know what I am

I'm going to take vacations, have a nice truck, ride motorcycles, bang sluts/whores, play videogames and die alone thankyouverymuch

lol at all the bitter bitches. Face facts cunts, the only 'men' you'll get are soyim, you'll never be really happy, and your lives will be empty.

Men can exist without you and it won't destroy them, you can't exist without men without it fucking you up in a major way.

>Something like 40% of 35 year old women aren't married here in the Kwa

Because no man with self respect wants to be the last one out of a coal mine and spend his remaining days sealing it off

They end up marrying guys their fathers age. Not even joking. My sister is 44. Complained all through her late 30s she wouldnt find the right man. She married the soy boy version of my father.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The women of every western country that engage in this protracted stupidity have different cultures in which they grew up in, and those different cultures will create different responses.

I will say that an obvious side effect will be loosening up on single person adoption rules. It only makes sense. So expect a gigantic wave of single women in their 40s and 50s adopting brown children for social media brownie points, the likes of which we've never seen before. It will probably rival the current "economic migrant" racial replacement that we see now and accelerate the process to breakneck speeds.


from a biological perspective
let people explore themselves and do all the drugs and have all the fun they want. How much do we want the best human specimens to stay intact and spread their good genes, though

There is literally nothing wrong about this picture.

3 well cared for children that aren't dressed like whores, enjoying technology with a sweet beverage treat.
Sure the mother isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and has no doubt got frumpy and a few extra pounds over the years of birthing, but she has a pleasant, nurturing face, and looks to be an equal match to her husband.
She's probably 36, she had her kids in her mid twenties.

Nothing wrong with this picture.

>Mom, dad, and daughter, all obese
>drinking branded diabetes juice
>obvious soulless brand whore mindset
Everything is wrong with this picture except for the son not being obese.

Okay, you're right.
If they weren't obese and were drinking regular coffee then there would be nothing wrong with that picture.

I agree they look like nice people. He probably works a tough job in STEM.

This sort of snobbery is one of the reasons gen x and y didn't breed much.

They will become quiet, insular and irrelevant, like those sort of women always have been.

Feminism is a state sponsored oppression program and will never end in our life times.

It already happened

So much this. Let evolution work out itself and you just worry about your own life being the best it can be.

You know they have different cultures, but the same spinster thing going on.
It is like it came from the media, because how else did it spread?

In about 10-20 years suicide rates will become a massive statistic amongst the over 50s, when we realise we have no kids of family to help us as elderly people .

Fasten your seat belts. Turbulence ahead. Ride is about to get rough.

Damn literally posted that like just ahead of me...

Still a good post though when idiots like keep saying that most of them will get married lmao.

They'll die off, painfully, miserable, alone. And then they'll be eaten by their cats and the world will be a little brighter.

People who don't breed have no future, it's as simple as that.

Well OP we are going to get completely fucked up. If you think Merkel is bad you haven't seen anything yet.

100 million climate change refugees into Europe by 2022 is the goal of the EU, roughly speaking. Except CO2 is plant food.

Gimme milky

You gonna be there when your parents get old? Help them out?
I'm 61, did not take care of my parents in their old age and for that matter, they were not around helping my grand parents. It's sure nice when it happens but it's no new thing to not be able to find time to deal with them.
You young boys here have all kinds of senile concepts--mywife and I have no children, never wanted the self centered, soul sucking little bastards. Some of you little turds that shitpost here have amply reinforced my attitudes.

Amazing and where do they plan to fit all these refugees?

You come across as pretty self centered for someone who hates self centered bastards.

This is a natural selection. Instead of pandering to the needs of any shitty crooked girl, I would rather spend more time studying and making money. After all, as soon as I get enough, I can order an egg from a pretty woman, fertilize it with my semen and grow a decent child in an artificial womb.

Where the current Europeans live, of course.

why the fuck would you want to raise a child

imagine gif related but for like the entire duration of the rest of their lives

I have not suppressed my instincts yet, and I understand all the depravity and misery of today's women. Marriage is a lose-lose situation

Invest in drug companies, wineries, and cat food.
These slags are going to crash hard.

what brand of cat food do cat-ladies purchase? i feel like now would be a good time to invest in stock

They can go fuck themselves right in the pussy. There’ll be nobody to take care of them over the next 40 years of their lives and it’s all their fault.

It's going to mean we have to finally have a serious debate on euthanasia or get swamped with the cost of care homes.

>sexbots finally become common place
>population of old roastie spinsters skyrockets
>more and more men checking out of society to fuck their sexbots and play videogames
>eventually women decide to work with the last remaining white knights to make sexbots illegal
>sexbots start getting seized by police
>the time has finally come
>betas all across the country start using the 2nd amendment for it's intended purpose
>to protect their robofus
>the spirits of the founding fathers guides these betas and turns them into true alphas as they restore the Republic to it's former glory
>among many other changes to the Constitution the right to a robofu is enshrined
>as Benjamin Franklin stares down from heaven, one single tear rolls down his eye

fancy feast.

>what brand of cat food do cat-ladies purchase?
Last time I saw a catlady at the store she was buying whiskas™ stuff.
I knew she was because of her cat piss stench.

As a side note, I think you understand who is responsible for all this decadence.

They are gonna be seeded by me, and my bastard spawns will grow inside of them.

Already happening.
And the ones with daughters or grand daughters teach them to whore themselves to migrants aswell.

Men handle middle and old age much better than women do because they're better prepared for it. Women spend their lives being worshipped for their reproductive value. Once that value is gone, the worship stops nearly instantly. They're suddenly thrust into a world of expectations that men have had a lifetime to adapt to. Traditionally this crash was cushioned by having family around but these women don't have that so they're left to figure out why things have changed on their own. Unable to accept responsibility for their actions, they fall for whatever narrative The View or other feminist talk shows serve up for them.


This. I'm Chad enough to fuck any girl I try hard at but finding waifu material is a different story. I wonder if women will stop being sluts rather than have the robowaifu beta uprising.

You noticed? Commendable, very commendable.

Lol fuck off roastie. We already went through this shit at like 18-20. We know we aren't shit in this world already.

Tinder fucked a lot of this shit up. But if you’re ugly you will find an easy ugly
girl to pair with. If you’re hot, you’ll find any girl easy to pair with. If you’re middle of the pack, ugly girls will think youre too good for them and hot girls won’t touch you. What you are left with is middle of the pack girls, and this is where tinder fucks you because they will think you’re not good enough for them. Although some externalities like humor, wealth, and physique will change your denominations, overall it stands

>What will happen when a generation of men-hating women hit menopause, all without having a husband, children, or a family?

His tears will be over your random use of the apostrophe.

invest in companies producing cat-food,wine and other such stuff I guess.

They'll find a way to blame it on men of course.

This. Modern women are cancer, but so are the men. MGTOW is the male equivalent of fucking niggers. There is plenty of blame to go around.

why can't you just let other people make their own decision about which kind of partners they want for their lives?
Sluts are free to slut - should no-one be obligated to wife them on your demand though.

This. The primary female method of problem solving is to find a man to do it, it's pretty pathetic when an adult can't even understand simple machinery or make a plan desu.

Because when women 'explore themselves' we get Angela Merkel.

It will mean a fat national account of their 401K's to raid to pay for niglets, all while they get sent early to cat dormatories where they suck off hispanic groundskeepers for spending change.

Lol this. Literally buying stocks in pet companies as we speak.


Hmm.. After we round up the undesirables they brought over and put them in camps before sending them backing it could be fun to throw some of these cretins into the horde for our entertainment


Lots of gen z chicks are gonna chase millennials who have money, Gen z boys will get upset, we'll send them to war. It's been happening this way for centuries

Rise in female suicide

This is old-school female shit that we men are guilty of encouraging. Let's face it, tons of older guys use money and privilege to get young pussy. Hell, it's what money and privilege are about. Women have literally been genetically bred to seek out older men who can be better providers than men their own age, who are still struggling to make a living. So you end up with 80 year old men married to 40 year old women who are cucking them with a 20 year old guy who's also fucking her daughter. It's a fucked up world we've made for ourselves, and it's not getting any better.

"The first time you marry for love, the second for money, and the third for companionship."

-Jackie Kennedy

I've literally heard women repeat variations on this quote, sometimes rearranging it to say "first time marry for money, second for love".

It's a very mercenary, cold and calculated way to treat relationships, but that's how people with ambition succeed. And nature encourages it.

>What will happen when a generation of men-hating women hit menopause,
That old cunt merkel. thats what happens.

Right, the women is a scarce resource. The demand is always high.
They’ll probably be happy.