People on the right you know are shills

People on the right you know are shills

Other urls found in this thread:

shapiro does shill for israel but it would be a stretch to say that hes knowingly decieving americans into supporting israel, I think that he genuinely believes in the idea of muh democracy

No, he's a disingenuous shill

He is Israel first
He got super butthurt over a native American joke on his site where he quote "couldnt sleep"
He is a never trumper and a fucking neocon
He gets aid from kikes
Wears a fucking jew hat everywhere he goes
Acts like a victim of racism at every fucking talk when he doesnt and deserves it for being a long nosed kike
Goes on CNN despite complaining about the msm


Agreed, never even heard of this fuck till 2016. CIA agent

His nose isn't hooked tho

For kike's eyes only

There's definitely a strong ethnic loyalty component to his support for Israel but I agree that he probably isn't trying to deceive people.

pulling a bag of drugs out of him?

See my post you fucking kike

No its kikes eating the goyim

shill detected
we all know shapiro is a dirty jew
we dont need character assassination and d&c threads to prove it

HAHAHAHHAHA goodness you the donald users are really sensitice to point out the kikes in ur group

as if this isnt a thread to bring up richard spencer lauren southern and god knows who else
go back to 8pol or wherever you crawled out of

Richard is a cia kike
Ben is a kike
Laura is a kike
Southern is a PUSSY
BLAIR is a kike tranny degenerate liar
Gavin is a kike
Ezra is king kike
Milo is a hypocrite who married a nigger

I can go on

moarpheus detected
you also listed multiple people noone here talks about


this. Fuck Shapiro

you need to stop this

Nah no thanks

you are just mad at the world and will end up suicide.

you have to be paid to do this

awful text color choice

Some random white middle class fags who sit around on their ass decide one day to be proud white nationalists and praise the enemy because they give them money and say nice slogans that represents their beliefs. They get paid to spout propaganda and it requires no physical work or research, all they have to do is say what is told.

Probably desu

jews arent people

Ill give you $2 to look the other way



just stop



keep your nose out of it rat



At least we got some good khazar milkers out of him

what a waste of money
ill give you endless (You)'s just to drain daddys bank account
delet this picture its making me scared

Haha thanks man, need some cash for my girls birthday peasant. Peasant!


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post the spencer where he has bitchtits and has makeup on

Shapiro is a new age conservative god. Anyone who can't see this is a mid 30s- late 40s "anyone with jew blood is bad muh 5th Reich" teir trash. Stop being a sadboi learn to recognize who furthers our nationalist cause. Clean your room manbabby.
You fucked up this country so bad in your "I live in California but I hate it" attitude that you gave birth to sjws. Pol is basically sjws wearing different colors.


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Pic related is the redpill on pol

Just because Ben Shapiro operates with a logical and moral prowess that is too keen for most of you, doesn't make him a shill. He is the future of bringing young people into the conservative movement through his social media presence and engaging takes.



He doesn't have a hook nose though. Its a bit wide, but its not hooked. He's actually a cute jew.



>hes a shill


>b-b-but i didnt know about him

>arguments found: 0


dude you're trying so hard to shill for spencer and you don't even have a US flag. WHose the shill, you or me? Fucking kike.

Read the first volume of Mein Kampf and you will understand

>reddit spacing

Richard "Cone Head" Spencer
Lauren "Donate to my Patreon" Southern
Mike "I'm Not a Kike" Enoch
James "le 56% face" Allsup
Literally every other e-celeb ever



It is a direct manifestation of anti-semitism to refer to a Jew that supports Israel as being an Israel-firster. You know this, yet will continue to spread falsehoods.

yeah, I dunno why Richard Spencer being a phony is so controversial when everyone has been saying it since day one

All these stupid places like AmRen and Taki and Occidental Observer are Langley opposition, right? Or else they'd be here shitposting with you faggots here and not worried about what the ADL or the SPLC says, nor would they be on Fox News like Gavin McInnes or hired by the Bush family like Spencer..

how am i shilling for spencer you literal neanderthal
you seem to be certainly trying to shill against him though

The Jew has no argument. It always screams muh 6 gorillion. And so... The Jew is revealed.


I'm not going anywhere near that piece of trash book. If Hitler and Japan didn't go full retard, the USA, UK, France, Germany, and Japan could have enjoyed a progressive and prosperous 20th century. Not to mention less bloodshed and spread of Communism.

on this note,
i watch gad saad sometimes and thought he would be able to take a joke
but recently he made a video about the anti semetic comments he receives
they just cant take it kek

fuck you and fuck israel bitch.

Jews are the real neanderthals bitch

Trump said the good guys lost WW2.

Hi, (((Ben))).


he was the first person who got mainstream support of the right and within that week disavowed trump at a very crucial point.

shit looked planted as fuck.
not to mention he came to the aid of the never trumpers on the old repub guard.

he doesnt represent us as middleclass or individuals or even whites.

the proud boys are all hand holding faggots who advocate for gays and minorities.

fuck all of you reddit tier faggots who fangirl over spencer.
none of you caught any flack for supporting the the cause.
you all jumped on after the primaries were over.


So how do we go about without a leader? Do we need one?

Not sure what point you're trying to make. Hitler slaughtered Eastern Europeans and ordered Jews to be killed. Japan killed many Chinese. They were not a "power of good"

Shut the fuck up Jew.

fucking kys

You mad, fucking mongoloid Jew.

What the heck is wrong with you? You just insulted instead of even trying to simply say why Hitler and Japan weren't in the wrong. Hint: They were, they were the bad guys.

Hitler was right.

You're right, but that doesn't mean that jewish financiers ended up taking control of the world, the whole Hitler project was just to blackwash any movement against the banking elite, at the expense of Germany and the 20th century. Most Germans didn't care for the extremism and ended up dead, all the good europeans were killed. Very jewish.

im not a jew retard
what led you to believe that
if you are gonna start being a fuckhead im just going to spam every thread you make
its not hard

Funny, I dated an ashkenazi broad 5 years ago when I was apolitical and what not, and she had the exact same lips--a big full lower lip with a thin Ann Coulteresque upper lip. I've seen no less than 100 doppelgangers over the years on various dating apps. There's very little phenotypic diversity, and there are definite strains of Jews. I had a college instructor who was a deadringer for Howard Stern -- pale skin, long thin nose, blue eyes, long frizzy brown hair. Another type looks like John Stewart/John Goodman.

BTW, I am pretty attracted to Jews when they actually come out well, but take a gander at JSwipe and it's just a fucking dogshow.

Sorry, should have said "that doesn't change that jewish financiers ~"*

>yeah, I dunno why Richard Spencer being a phony is so controversial when everyone has been saying it since day one
Ugh, knock this shit off you faggots. He is not controlled opposition. The world is not that fucking elaborate and interesting. He's out there every fucking day getting hissed at, shit thrown at him, kicked out of gyms and restaurants, giving lengthy speeches at college auditoriums trying to bargain with 20 year olds to STFU for just 5 minutes so he can say his piece. I watched one of those in its entirety recently; there were only like 200 people there and it wasn't full. This guy is earnest.

CIA assets are FIGUREHEADS. They get tons of press while doing very little. They're fucking govt employees after all, dipshits. Spencer says all the right things, down to every detail. He has the aesthetics. There's just no way.

People ask "then why isn't he ever arrested?" It's called "he has tons of money and he never breaks the law." He hardly raises his voice for fuck's sake.

Call him a daddy's boy, an opportunist, or whatever else, criticize his policies, but please quit being such credulous conspiratards about every fucking thing. This is just not how it works.

Would it really be that hard to quell problems with the Jewish elites without massacring innocents? Maybe, pushing negative aspects of these elites out through non-violent actions that don't butcher those doing nothing wrong and simply lessening the power of the elites naturally over time? Hitler fucked up what could have been a strong, prosperous, and unified Germany that could have held down Western Europe and lessened the shitshow many parts of it have become today.

That's because he's getting a paycheck to do it. You're right that he's putting in a lot of work, but that's probably because they're setting this kid up for life with a long-term project. Or you're right and it's not that interesting and it's just a coincidence he got famous. I just don't buy it, normal people don't get these types of opportunities, especially not with his views.

Obviously things could change if people stopped buying into the games and the hoaxes and products and services and whatever. Boycotts could change a lot, people do have power, they just don't organize, doubly so when the media assuages their concerns and they're kept entertained with bread and circuses. I mean, tens of millions of men are going to go out to see Star Wars when it comes out, and those same tens of millions of men would probably not go out to build a fire more often than they see these stupid jewish movies. So I dunno what it'll take for people to get unsettled, but whatever happens, there'll be a plan B for jews to hide behind. Richard Spencer-types concern me for that reason.

When modern humans came about they genocided the Neanderthals; this is why the jews seek to enslave us goy.

Haven't you considered that he's free because he doesn't trash the jews? That's why Cantwell is in jail. It's not because he's racist; you can trash niggers all day and they'll put up with you and give you msm coverage if you're dashing and articulate, but there's the J line you can't cross and if you do it's over, they'll string you up on something, even if it has to be parking tickets.

now theres a CIA plant

I'm not saying he should be in jail, I'm just saying he's hanging out with all the spooks getting speaking events at the top jewish schools and working for zionist tools like Bush, so... he's not exactly coming across authentic.

So the CIAs secret plot to destroy white nationalism involves creating a charismatic leader who converts thousands to white nationalism and makes it a strong political force?


if it involves then blackwashing that group of people, errr, well that's cointelpro bullet point number 1, yes?

all the ones who show their face and/or monetize from it. Real rightwingers must hide from political prosecution and the law, not for what they believe but for what they actually do.

Really? Nothing on Infowars, Jones or PJW?
