All these scandals and war with NK almost happening while an """asteroid""" that looks like a spaceship enters our...

>all these scandals and war with NK almost happening while an """asteroid""" that looks like a spaceship enters our system
Pic related: its the """"rock""""

Other urls found in this thread:

how big is it and also source

Please, tell me more about this rock?

This is a distraction from pizzagate

That's just a fucking artist rendering.

Any more photos? You'd think we only ever took one photo of it after such a miracle!

Fucking 2001-tier cgi, how do normies still fall for this shit.

Why does it wear the mask.

It's worth noting that an unidentified item of similar size and shape is sitting on the Moon.


becasuse it's a drawing you nog and no one said otherwise except OP, who is funposting or trolling.

Doesn't look fucking anything like a spaceship. No radiators, no drive cone, no antennae for sending or receiving, no solar collectors, fucking nothing.

>artist renderings are completely imaginative a d not based on facts

This 'mystery object' (A/2017 U1) is a large Craft. They are friends from the star VEGA. Not an accident to be seen. Hint: they did not cloak, there are many other ships as well in orbit helping to positive forces to clear the cabal.

It's screenshot from EVE Online you dumbasses.

Whatever it is it better hit us

pic related.
its mars for the record





OP's all like;
how did my dildo get into space?

Relax. Our benevolent ET friends are here. All reptilians are dead.

God damn are you guys really this stupid? Literally google 'asteroid' it's like the first 20 results. OP's pic is obviously CG but derived from observations of the real object.

I for one welcome our new alien overlords
It's currently flying away from us at over 90,000mph. Guess the aliens decided to fuck off.
Go be a cultist somewhere else.

400 meters
1312 feet
.25 miles

one comment on some random ass news story I read had a creepy idea, that it's an alien ship where the entire crew is dead and got encrusted with space debris over the millenia. Science fiction tier as fuck but still fun to think about.

spoopy to watch it come so close to us. how long til one hits us and kills all life?

yea makes me think

maybe hitler is on there as well right?

Talkin' shit about mai shipfu

use a better source

anyways. It's made out of super strong metal. It's rotating on axis every 8 hours. Math nerds to the G factor on this.

It came into the solar system going 10 times faster than our fastest probe.

Archived it for you

Yeah I'd want to genocide those purple fucks pretty quickly

This one is, we didn't visually see it.

>visually see

That phrase always makes me laugh.

this one as well. you can see this things insane path

it came into the solar system incredibly fast, got close as fuck to the sun, used it to decelerate to 200 miles per second, went towards earth slowed down as it went, then used earth's gravity to decelerate further to 45 miles per second, got 3 times farther way than the moon then whipped it's self out..

It's in the news sites. Real not crazy news sites. Whatever this thing is made out of is, is incredibly durable, like military grade steel durable, it's rotating at an incredibly slow speed considering it's overall speed, it's the most elongated solar object ever seen, it's shape doesn't make any sense, it's flight path is one that used the suns gravity and path as a breaking mechanism, same with earth's gravity

I'm not a tin foil hate, but this thing.... it's probably alien made. the object and it's path doesn't make sense

>oh no, some ayys are using our sun for a gravity slingshot
>how tragic

Sadly it was noticed too late for us to plan any mission, would be neat to get a sample.


This. Ayys dont give a fuk about our shit

Currently leaving our solar system

Its going about 40 km/s in supercruise. The ayys are lmaoing.

i miss


>The spaceship has to have the same shape as the ones that you see in hollywood movies

You're fucking retarded lmao

Literally a huge piece of Nothing rock. It's not even in our solar system now.

its the Planet Killer

that's a big rock

I thought they flew that broken ship into the sun

So...we feed it a warp core jury rigged to reach critical mass and trigger an explosion?


Fuck, why did it have to be spider aliens.

o ffs it left our solar system all ready its from deep space and fast as fuck

Pretty sure humans are the only planet killer around these parts

We're alone in the universe, despite what black science man tells you.

>anyways. It's made out of super strong metal. It's rotating on axis every 8 hours
Which axis...??

>it needs to be made of high grade steel
>to withstand... Orbital slingshot maneuvers
If it was an Ayy lmao craft, they would have done some trajectory correction of some kind
>3x further out than the moon
Literally nothing

6 inches but I don't have any pics in hand

No, the Apollo 15 image.

Star imploder.

Because another intelligent species can't use technology separate from us?

>implying you want to stop it destroying Earth.

this is a hoax, but there are many interesting things to be seen on mars. lots of architectural features bearing signs of catastrophic destruction, similar to the vitrified stone remnants of the Mohenjendaro city in modern day Pakistan. seems like there might have been a nuclear war a long time ago

thats just another planet, you can tell because its flat

>As regards how 'Oumuamua became so elongated, Dr Meech explained: "There has been speculation among various team members about this. Sometimes very elongated objects are contact binaries... but even so, the pieces would be longer than most things in the Solar System, and our analysis shows that it is rotating fast enough that they should not stay together.

>"One of our team wondered if, during a planetary system formation, if there was a large collision between bodies that had molten cores, some material could get ejected out and then freeze in an elongated shape.
>"Another team member was wondering if there could be some process during the ejection - say if there was a nearby supernova explosion that could be responsible."

That's a pretty shitty looking spaceship desu

Well, yeah...I mean we haven't exactly worked out this whole colonizing other planets and star systems, so Earth is still the only home we've got right now, unless we can all hitch a ride with the Ayys in a hurry.

That's not even a real picture you monumental autist

Guys, it is going to take it more than 6 years to get past Pluto at its current speed. You'd think the ayys would be more efficient.

This is literally the best pic we have of it right now.

Fuck our tech is outdated


Why do you think they are leaving when they just put their recon group on ground?

Where is the source for it?
>If there's none, then fake and gay
>If there is, what's the density? And it's probably Yoda
Can somebody confirm?



When you realize Nasa and the astronomy community have only plotted %1 of space rocks. However, Nasa states "Don't worry people we have this impact issue under control".

That's not the source I'm talking about, I'm talking about were did OP got the info from

looks like a dookie


My ancestors

>yfw you realize there are so many fucking blind spots that there is no way to track these astral boulders

really, man? i wanna believe. shit. that is gayest shill shit ever tho

>So, back of the envelope, assuming it's spinning like a baton instead of a football:

volume = ( 400 * pi * 40^2 ) m^3 ~ 2,000,000 m^3
density of nickel ~ 10,000kg /m^3
total mass = vol * dens ~ 20,000,000,000

>estimate by uniform circular motion:
F' = 20billion kg * (4(pi^2) r ) / 28800 seconds)^2

>integrate (just set r to , multiply by two since we're rotating from the center and have two arms:

>I'm getting 380,771 newtons at the axis, spread across

40m ^ 2 * pi = 5000 m^2

> of cross-sectional area

~400,000 newtons / 5000 m^2 = 80 Pa

>Lol, A36 steel has a tensile strength of 500MPa.

Not an alien spaceship.

lots of testimony about things shaped like that landing on earth

Ok....I gotta ask ya then...What the fuck are you guys trying to prove to yourselves with all the anal probing?

Some principles are universal, like how if you generate heat it has to go somewhere. If you want power you need energy, to get energy you have to either gather it, store it away, or generate it yourself. All of these processes create heat, solar panels heat up when they collect, batteries heat up when they discharge, reactors generate heat specifically to produce power. In space you either dump the heat into a heat sink (which itself heats up), radiate the heat into space (which is easily detectable) or your ship eventually overheats because you weren't smart enough for space travel yet.

Just because ayyliens aren't humans doesn't mean that physics doesn't apply to them.

Fuck off space nigger we're full.

oh fuck, wait. cross sectional area is:

20^2 * pi = 1256

but even still, if you made it out of DU it'd still only be exerting ~ 700 Pa strain at the axis.

fuck off math dick

And here I am watching the x-files.
"The Host"

Flukeman ahoy!

Wasn't us. The ones you're thinking of are the Yakubites.

I want you to fuck my boi pussy user that was the hottest fucking thing I've ever read.
Take me I'm yours. I'm built to be a trap and I'd go hrt so you could be satisfied. You're fucking hot.

i kek'd

It is not alone. There are millions of them inbound. It and it's brothers came from a supernova, traveled a long while, then were organized by a star near us which basically aimed the somewhat random swarm towards our solar system. The level of danger we are in is moderate. My director is mostly concerned about our moon getting taken out in February. Some of these objects are hundreds of miles across. There is a low chance, the entire planet of Venus will be destroyed in mid January. If Venus gets hit, life on Earth is questionable soon after.




>rendevous with rama

This "rock" is also rotating.

Nah faggot just kidding YOU'RE A FUCKING NERD

Unfunny pleb