Fuck old people

Is there a single reason why old fucks shouldn't be euthanized?

Practically every person over age 70 is a welfare leech who expects everyone else to pay for them to sit around and be useless for another 10-20 years. And if they're not bleeding taxpayers dry they expect their children to take care of them like big wrinkled toddlers.

I swear I'm dumping my parents in a home the first chance I get.

But old people are the greatest, they're full of wisdom and experience.

I agree we need to euthanize Joe Biden, George Soros, and Hillary Clinton ASAP. You should have the honors OP.

>roastie in the corner smirking while taking the photo thinking she is slick
>her post probably makes fun of the guy

most of those old fucks retired with a substantial 401k + paid into social security to cover their retirement, while you have ?????

This, they have done more good in their life than OP's cheeto finger ass

>is there a single reason?
Well gee, I don't know. Maybe you wouldn't like it if it were you.
Try working all of your life only to get tossed aside by your ungrateful bitch NEET son at your most vulnerable and final years.
Kys fucking faggot

>not taking care of your family
degenerate shit

Too bad the progressives didn't get to your parents so they could've aborted you, right?

No, user. That was true when Gen X were kids. That's bullshit now. The current crop of old people should be buried alive in a mass ditch-grave.

literally every old fuck i have had the misfortune of speaking to is a boring faggot with zero personality.

My grandparents were literally the most uninteresting people I have ever met.
Why would I want to decay into a drooling retard old geezer who selfishly expects everyone to dedicate themselves to taking care of me? Human beings older than 70 are worthless.
>muh family

Funny how Sup Forums complains about black welfare leeches all day but rushes to defend useless old fucks who waste just as many resources (probably more)

Grow up. These "welfare leeches" are the old tax payers who are getting small cut back from their paid taxes. The real leeches are the rich elite and the unemployed with zero motivation.

looks like a spic as well

le 56%

Old people only real old as bad diets and bad lifestyles conspire to make the body wear along with reduced uptake of various minerals (Zinc, Boron) and increased uptake of iron (host bacteria and viruses use host iron for metabolic and reproductive processes). Then they eat these shitty diets that increase anabolic resistance so by the time they're "old", their muscle is replaced with fat.

My dad was working into his 90s and always kept active.

Karma is a bitch op. Also, who cares. Old people have made it this far, leave them alone. They wouldn’t be welfare leaches if social security was an actual lockbox and not a scam. Faggot.

>Practically every person over age 70 is a welfare leech

>President Trump is over 70

holy fuck you are on to something OP we should have euthanized Trump months ago

Is this one of them slide threads?

sounds like you had loser parents and a loser family.

12 year old detected
slide tread detected
>No mods again today?

Here's a better idea. Let's kill ungrateful ((nigger)) fucks like Op.

>replying to obvious b8

you should be euthanized