Even CNN is starting to get sick of niggers
Even CNN is starting to get sick of niggers
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I've never watched Chris until now but I couldn't take more than 20 seconds of this horrible writing and his poor delivery.
Jews are Scared of Reaching the Zone Of Tantalus To Ensure That Whites Don't Genocide Them
The Zone of Tantalus is the amount a person will endure before they lash out.
For scam artists, the Zone of Tantalus is usually defined by how much effort or money is needed to attack them back. So if you are scammed 5k, but it will cost you 10k to sue and recover that money, you won't sue.
It's the same with the Jews, there is an amount of anti-White activity, such as mass immigration and anti-White policies like "Affirmative Action", that Whites will tolerate before they arm themselves and genocide the tribe responsible.
Jews gauge goy reactions to see what they can get away with at any given time and when the goy react strongly they shut down or scale back their operations since they know they are on the verge of exceeding the zone of Tantalus.
We must shrink the zone of Tantalus at the same time a major anti-White operation is taking place to wake up the White race.
The NSA's primary purpose is to guage the zone of Tantalus after 9/11 to avoid a mob burning down the CIA, Pentagon, Israeli and Saudi Embassy, the banks, and executing the Bush family.
>CNN defending Trump
Only a mulattotard could make this happen
Holy shit, I don't interact with black people often but this guy just made me a little more racist.
the most fucking public display of niggerism ive ever seen
what a nigger
holy shit what a dumbass
Tldr pls
delet this
It was amusing to watch the anchor try desperately to make sense of that rambling, incoherent tidal wave of babble.
its can only be described as bizarre
I think in like 50 million years some aliens are going to land on this planet and begin a mining operation, humans having long since become extinct. They are going to find a bunch of hard drives shrink wrapped in plastic in or vaccuum sealed and on the drives are going to be DVR recordings.
Shit like this will be sold as mass comedy, a sort of Monty Python on LSD. CNN will be a hit comedy sitcom across the galaxy.
only helping the right.
lol the confrontational nature of this nigger. Como is getting frustrated.
>Guy is ungreatful.
>Suddenly turns out the guy never paid his taxes and has old warrants.
I think the left has an undrainable tit specifically designed for the negro
cant make this shit up
fucking kek this is great. And kind of an apology to trump in a way by CNN. who is that anchor?
Skipping through it without sounds because I have no time to watch it
Just looking at the interviewer's facial expression makes me crack up, you can tell he's having an existential crisis.
>Can anyone really be this fucking retarded?
I think this man just got redpilled by the sheer niggerism
we already do that. BKS
Black people communicate through tone rather than meaning. Since his responses are nonsensical and avoidant, anyone of average intelligence will have trouble discerning his "message". But if you turn off your brain and translate his tone, the way he says things, and his general mannerisms he is saying "Nah we dinndoo nuffin, we jus doin what we do in China (nigging) n they too uptight (enforcing the law), n trump ain't playin this fool because my boi didn't get to ride in his plane, n he got plenny a room on dat plane (Air Force One) or get all tha fixins(free dinner) at the whyppl hizzouse (White House). So no I ain't thankin him ( leader of the free world for having my son released by speaking to the leader of the communist world)."
>Zone of Tantalus
They vastly underestimated how little bullshit 60% of americans take.
We shoot people who ask for our wallets, eurofags don't do that.
They didn't realize most of us work with black people and our boss is scraping by like the workers because of jewish usery fees already, Americans are so equal that marxism barely works as a weapon here.
Everyone has guns and no one will give them up, even the occasional straight democrat won't give it up. Hell my grandpa is one of the most cucked democrats but he has a .22 under his bed and carries a taser "in case of niggers".
never thought id sympathize with ohhh nooo that sucks, but goddamnit that shitty father is insufferable.
Holy fuck the frustration on comos face.
His facial expressions as he tries to take in and then work with what's being said are golden.
Its worth the 20 minutes m8. I've literally never been so bamboozled.
> moment you realise he isn't trolling
Why does Cuomo keep rolling his eyes? So disrespectful to his guest.
8:10 "He didn't do nothing."
WTF? I thought that was just a meme.
Where did you think the meme came from?
because the guest is a nigger and Cuomo is an unabated racist
>when you bix nood so hard you get CNN to take Trump's side
>i don't have no doubts about what he did, I have doubt about what he dindu, how's that?
check out the comments
all the niggers think ball "won"
>This made me like Lavar a whole lot more . He didn't fall for any of the traps and chased this stiff in circles. And I do agree with Lavar. Why would he thank somebody for something just because it was asked of him, even if it was the president
>My god this guy doesn't bow down to white supremacy. This is Muhammad Ali 2.0
>The realest n** in the game
>We are officially in the Twilight Zone. Trump aka The Son of Lies has brought us to a "Truthless" place where up is down and left is right. Can't believe Chris Cuomo was acting as CNN's unofficial legal counsel for Trump. Lavar didn't take the bait and instead shut this clown down and made him look like a wet loaf of wonderbread.
fuckin nogs man
The Civil rights act basically estaished black people as a democratic voting block. They will keep voting Democrat their entire lives and still be just as stupid and unaware that they are still enslaved.
That nigger was literally babbling incoherent non-sense. I could not even hear what he was trying to say.
Niggers are hilarious, especially the ones who think the white man is "THE DEVIL"
wtf I love Chris Cuomo now
>i don't have no doubts about what he did, I have doubt about what he dindu, how's that?
Was this nigger actually too smart for us to understand?
Are we the stupid ones?
it seems like he employed typical negro argumentation techniques.
avoid the question
change the subject
make meaningless accusations.
general gish gallop
Holy shit
Do you have a PhD in niggerology?
Lots of normies tuned in to CNN not expecting to be converted to Trump supporters in 30 minutes. But that's exactly what happened.
The ego on this nigger is incredible. Someone should slap him like the bitch he is.
oohhh no, that sucks
no, he's just so retarded and confident at the same time that it's making you question your own intelligence
Well if Jews get rid of black population I would be happy.
>dindu white = guilty
>dindu nog = innocent
Cuomo is low-key redpilled. Look at how obviously and cornily he did the "oh no", and how much he barely conceals his hatred for this nigger.
He literally can't understand the ebonics, fucking kek.
Wait I think this nigger is literally saying that Trump's suggestion didn't really mean anything, and if Trump really cared he would have physically brought them with him on his airplane.
He is saying that he doesn't owe Trump anything, and that his son's release may have been due to the fact that he is a famous basektball player
Chris just got his daily dose of niggerdom.
He'll be signing up for the KKK soon enough
liberals know blacks are a lesser form of life
They choose to ignore that though because they are evil
Anybody who spends any amount of time around niggers will get redpilled.
Those stupid white-washed black anchors at CNN and actors in Hollywood are absolutely nothing like the average negro
this, look at the reactions in Como's eyes. that says it all what he really thinks about him
he literally said he dindu nuffin 8; 10
>tfw you're such a nigger that chris cumwad ends up sticking up for trump
lmao, how in the world did that happen
I speak jive: “I do not have any doubts about his actions: he did nothing outside the bounds of expected behavior — let him without sin cast the first stone. I have doubts about what you claim he did, which in fact were things he did not do.”
So what you're saying is, Accelerationism really is the key to stopping it?
Absolutely this. Many people that defend blacks have never truly been around them that much or have had friendships with them.
Usually most are middle upper class and those that hardly interact with niggers at all. I spent a total of one year speaking to a nigger and realized how boring their lives are and how they see people as tools. They know they can take advantage of the sympathy of whites. Which is why us whites need to get rid of niggers all together.
This nigger is actually fucking retarded, holy shit.
21:54 - 21:58 (*21:57ish)
Go into 0.5 speed. Look at that expression. He wants to kill the man. Let me know if you find any others.
Go to 13:17 and take a listen. Lavar asks the interviewer, "Are you going to say thank you to me?" - meaning for the interview. He repeats this question over and over like a child until the interviewer tells him thank you. Then he insists asking Lavar to say thank you for having him on.
Also, overall: “By mentioning this at all, you’re shaming me. The focus is on how this makes me feel, and a small amount of focus is on how this makes my son feel. What’s important is not whether the actions were right or wrong, but whether or not my status makes me immune to punishment. I believe my status makes me immune to punishment, and anything else would aggravate my insecurities. Anyone who questions the situation is de facto questioning me and my identity, and is not my friend. Where this is not the case and I am overpowered, you are declaring war.”
That’s how these genes (at this level of intelligence) perceive the world.
Thanks for this. Was trying to think my way through a metaphor that would describe this process.
Visualized it as a sleeping bear being slowly murdered by a death of 1000 cuts. Each cut not being enough to wake it or kill it. But at some point, say 700 cuts into the process, either through (((their))) hubris and eagerness to reach the finish line or the bear's own primal warning systems telling it to pull out of hibernation (this Zone of Tantalus), the bear wakes up and rends it's attackers limb from limb.
And the attackers will cry "But it was just one little cut!!!".
ya it seems like a he doesnt want to concede anything to como , simply because he doesnt want to be seen as "losing" the arguement.
its stubbornness for the sake of being stubborn.
chris-mo the cuck
cuomo's face is priceless
this is why niggers must be exterminated they are just dumb animals
Never fall for the kike tricks when they back down. The end goal of the kike is never changed. Do not let your rage to subside.
Yep, run it hard til it breaks.
Same as the Boiling Frog metaphor. The slow boil kills the frog.
A sudden spike in heat and it jumps out of the pot.
That's how Gamergate caused so much trouble for them.
The "heat spike" of the coordinated "Gamers are Dead" articles
made the frog jump the fuck out of the pot.
trump 3d underwater cricket
Which is worse, Pidgin or Ebonics?
That mulatto nigger reminds me of a certain meme. The braindead meme is new though.
Lavar talks over Chris for the first half and is so unintelligible it's almost impossible to understand what he's saying. By the second half you can kind of understand what lavar is saying and it becomes one of the cringiest things I've seen on today.
>implying my hatred goes away with a single news thing
It may however be some evidence of changing times however.
The American way isn't the german way, we go after the kingpins not the worker bees because we believe in rights, our constitution was written to protect those who have fallen victim to jewish tricks and to actually fuck those who are responsible as hard as Europe fucked those who were simply idiots.
i enjoyed this, Como a liberal upper class elite has do deal with real hood blacks that the elite constant try and shove down our throats.
his frustration was wonderful. i wish he had to experience it everyday.
this. and all those twitter niggers supporting him - influencing many a lib, I'd hope.
What a good time for me to post this.
racism towards black is directly proprtional to the degree to which one is forced to interact with blacks.
does anyone have that image that shows the US black population and then the US white population that admits they hate blacks revealing the truth in the above statement?
>Commie Bully Chris Cuomo gets Inadvertently redpilled in the butt by Uppity Negro
What did the text say? Some (((wanker))) deleted it.
8:13 he said it!
Wow, this is interesting. CNN fabricating racial division just like they've always done, but with a twist. This is a fucking clown show. I'm sorry Sup Forums but no black person actually talks like that. This person is obviously acting and working with CNN. CNN has NEVER defended Trump. This is all a scheme intended to fan the flames of racial division and attract all the flies to shit because that's what makes money in the mainstream media. Look at the comments. How predictable. Every comment is the same sort of blatant Yahoo-tier racist copypasta.
Best thing really to do would be to ignore CNN altogether. But I guess they figured out the game. Expect more CNN anchors sticking up for Trump and bringing on retarded, bottom of the barrel liberals because they know where the money is. Most normies are getting bored of the incessant Trump hate, especially when it has become clear he's just a boring neocon.
Maybe you're right. I don't think so.
You're the type to call Spencer a deepstate plant, yeah?
a red suppository perhaps?
China hate's those motherfucking things.
Is there some forum or platform where American shitposters can make it very clear to the Chinese that we hate niggers and that we wanted them to die in commie prison?
This interview is hilarious.
>I'm sorry Sup Forums but no black person actually talks like that.
Bro yes they fucking do. I've met a fuckton of black people in my life and the ones in majority black areas all speak like that. You have a few run off ones but they're just hiding their hood ways. Another thing is that this isn't the first trump got screwed over by a black. He called the wife of that fallen solider in nigeria and she went on to lie about him. Hopefully from this experience he learns from it.
Also are you trying to say this whole robbery was made by CNN? Because that's retarded