Does Sup Forums really hate Russia and blame every little thing on them, or is it just the hardcore shilling lately?
Does Sup Forums really hate Russia and blame every little thing on them, or is it just the hardcore shilling lately?
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Hardcore shilling.
I like Russia and I don't like Putin.
Russia wants to expand west and they're ready to do everything to achieve this.
Fuck em.
Query ''Aleksander Dugin''
BTW pol isn't one person
Shills. I don't hate Russia nor do I believe in conspiracy theories.
I don't know why we (the US) doesn't want to be on better terms with Russia. We could be great trading partners as well as a great team to stop i-slamic terrorism and NK etc. The democrats just want to find a white scapegoat to blame their election loss on, because they can't accept that people don't want their vile degeneracy.
I guarantee they will never find a black or muslim country to blame ANYTHING on.
They want to be friends for free so they are ok
Putin is a monster. Russia is not our friend, still though Russia is being used by western nations to paint enemies as traitors. The leaders of the world are fucking corrupt. We are in the midst of a propaganda war. Don't trust what you read. Verify what you can. Read everything. Don't fall for the tricks of the neolibs or the Chinese or Russians.
Bonjour, excuse moi, Salam malekum!
No they don't. They have their own lands heavily underpopulated, and europe doesn't even have resources, just people who don't want to be russians
Nobody blames russia, butthurt shills are still pushing their fail narrative a full fucking year later
I like Russia, funny but stubborn tough people, good music, beautiful women, patriotic!
Are russians insecure beta faggots who seek validation on this site?
Definitely I like Russia.
I think it's the same people that start "You are not white threads" because in non-slide threads people usually have a positive opinion about Spain although we are being constantly shilled on the catalog.
They are subhuman bydlo and deserve the worst. Some of their women are god tier tho
Hello there fellow FSB agent
I like Russia, I like some Russians, Putin is not one of then. So the answer is no, we don't blame all shit on your frozen hell country
I still want them to apologize for mh17 though
Well I hate them because they poisoned Bulgarian politics back in 1918 or near this year and started pushing the utopian shit called socialism (good thing it didn't get to communism) , later in 1940 something (sorry can't remember exact years ) they got us into socialism , robbed my country so they can fuel their stupid ideology and they are still pushing their shitty agenda and sponsors a cockroach political party and a nationalistic cuck to russia party .
Also a problem that needs mentioning around 50% of the youth would support us going towards socialism and cucking to Russia and flipping EU off .
They seek validation everywhere, its also the reason of all their "muh russia superpowa can repeat 1945" larping. Country is absolute trash tier, its only purpose is milking money out of it for elites, while feeding bullshit propaganda to population while they become poorer and poorer. Every westerner who thinks russia is a threat to them needs to ask themselves, where are the money and kids of the elites are, they are not your enemys, they are basically your citizens, and all the external politics of russia is just a big theatre to distract its population and the world from its corruption.
I personally have nothing against russians. I'd like to learn their language but so far haven't made much progress. And they got nice food too
No one here even gives near enough of a shit about Russia to blame them for anything. You just think otherwise because you're a Russophile faggot and any criticism of your shitty idol country enrages you.
Russians are fine. Russia however is not.
>we r in mist of popuhgawnda wurr!
>Putin is mawnstuh!! Oh noes!
Shut your fucking Jew mouth.
why do russians sometimes look western? the girl with dark hair looks like a lot of irish-american girls in my state
I hate EU, China, USA, Russia and basicly anyone powerful that doesn't make my country better so almost everyone.
Putin's daughter is married to a jew faggot.
Fuck their women, they are insane
Never should've sent John Rambo over to Afghanistan. We could've let a few dominoes fall and the middle east could be free of islam by now.
Thread must be closed
This. It's basically a centuries-old problem going as far to the times of Peter the Great. Russia always wanted to be in cool kids club yet always sucked bad to be in it. And that's from where all these conflicting, obsessive emotions stem. They love West, wants to be part of it, yet deeply offended and hate when they point out all bad things about Russia.
Western world fucked up Rhodesia to replace the leader with Mugabe and rename it Zimbabwe.
>A once productive country with black people free to pursue roles in government
>Turned into a commie shithole after Mugabe drove out all the white farmers
>Many were killed
>Fast forward and nogs can't farm for shit so half the country starves
>Mugabe gets to eat cake, the people eat rats or starve and the western governments continue to pretend this wasn't the worst diversity hire in the history of the planet
>Hundreds of millions of shekels is being thrown at the country to keep it on life support I guess so we can all pretend it's somehow a real country still and not simply a commie shithole
t. never talked to a woman
pol is not lefties in the US who cry russia
did South Africa do anything to help save Rhodesia?
Hardcore shilling
>we like Russia
>we fucking love Putin
Only nufags and boomers don't love Putin due to low IQ and lack of being redpilled
>muh evil Putin
Go back to plebbit faggot
i know thats why im surprised that they are giving the money to that stupid baboon mugabe.
yes they did everything they could during the war they were the only country that sent them weapons,ammo,money since they were sanctioned by whole world (also portugal funded rhodesia but they stopped when they had to deal with their own shit). Rhodesia didnt lose the war, the baboon mugabe came to power because of elections that were pressured by West to happen...
Most of those women are not good looking by slavic standards.
Go to Kiev some time, you'd be amazed how many downright stunning women you'll find there.
I only just recently started learning about the whole fiasco and don't know anything of South Africa's involvement
I've got some sick beats for you to listen to while you look it up though
>Russia wants to expand west and they're ready to do everything to achieve this.
>Fuck em.
>Query ''Aleksander Dugin''
But Russians are OK. Just your religion, and last 100yrs of history is fucking kiked
yeah i've heard that song before and a bunch of others from rhodesia. they had some great military music.
someone who claimed to be a white zimbabwean once told me this song was used to break up fights between black and white ppl. apparently the tradition was to offer a banana and then the whites would sing in english and the blacks would sing back in the shona language.
That seems like a mistranslation although my Russian isn't perfect. The context in that piece is that he is mocking the west for creating human civilisation then destroying it. Saying what is the point of an incredible white ethnostate if its full of fags, sodomy, trannies etc. The guy also hates blacks. When he is talking about non whites positively it seems he means mongol influenced Siberians and Slavs?
reminds me of this other guy that has a daughter married to a jew... hmmmm
Put your family on a chink plane that doesn't divert from warzones what do you expect? Your guys got what they deserve.
I would murder babies if Russia gave me the order
I hate them for being the worst neighbours a Finn could possibly have.
Russia is the current all-purpose boogeyman, scapegoat, and racism target (they're white so it's OK) for the left. Inasmuch as it's completely stopping them from seriously looking at why they got fucked in 2016, and also because it's pretty hilarious, I encourage it strongly.
Personally I have zero problems with Russia or Russians and would rather have them running the world than the usual shitbags we've let push us around for the last few decades. Hopefully by the end of the Trump presidency he and Putin will form a great alliance and bring the world under the rule of the great Amerussian Empire.
They don't need to do much.
You will surrender anyway.
I love Russians, but they don't like me...
What the fuck are you trying to start?
Sup Forums has been called Russian hackers for over a year.
Becuase people are retarded fucking apes and only the threat of a greater power ever inspires them to push forward beyond their cocks and cunts.
On all levels this is nigger-tier.
Russia has 13% taxes and doesn't afriad of anything, eh's a pretty cool guy
100 years is nothing. Russia's geopolitical interests have not changed from since Ivan the terrible. They will push Europe's shit in at some point. Of course Americans aren't facing any immediate threat.
Drunken,Dirty, uncircumcised dill and mayonnaise gobblers? They're not white anyway
Its shilling Serbman
Americans are facing the most threat becuase our education system has been completely taken by Marxists and our children are going through dyed red fucking indoctrination programs.
Anyone who doesn't see this coming is one of the useful fucking retards they plan to kill once they consolidate power.
Got no problem with Russia or Putin. We should normalize relations.
After having an absolutely god-awful date from online dating I decided to go over to a Russian chan and contact some girls on their soc board.
My God are these women just so much better than to talk to, many of them are very intelligent, kind, sweet, curious and it feels like they are eager to have an actual conversation.
When talking to American girls on dating sites or otherwise it often feels like you're pulling teeth to try to have just a bare minimum decent conversation with them.
Shit even there nerds are more nerdy and better, I've never had a conversation with an American girl that seen Babylon 5, read Blame! or even knew what texhnolyze was.
It's not just a meme on average these Russian girls have been way more attractive and way better in the personality department.
>being uncircumcised is bad
Hello, Amerimutt.
Girls are a set of holes that should be chained up and used accordingly, women are a precious resource that the west has all but destroyed by empowering to make their own fucked up choices.
We should form a temporary US-Russia alliance to completely annihilate Jews and Muslims forever.
Hey if she's going to spend all that time change up in your basement at least this way you can have a good chat now and then
I see Russia as any other country. A nation with a kike problem.
Not as bad as Ukraine, though.
>Implying I've ever had a conversation with a set of holes that I cared about
third from left looks like a kike
>annihilate Muslims
>h-hey Russia remember that one problem we nourished to fight you
>well now it is biting us in the ass so mind helping us with it?
>...*to advisor,* what does 'idi nahui pindos' mean?
nupol 'the reddit cancer' may probably blame russia for everything.
/oldpol - the only /realpol doesn't.
>implying slavs are white
>both live in a frozen shithole
>both drink a lot
Also, did you really just call us worse than Swedes?
this i live 30 minutes from the german border and im a fucking nigger
Go on...
you forgot the kikes too, weren't "allies" supporting the reds?
The kikes created the SU.
I know they did, I'm asking didn't the "US" help them out or something.
The Jews did both communism and Islamic invasion. The only solution is space weapons to turn Israel into molten glass before they can use the Samson Option.
no i want to have mongrel babies with the girls
>The Jews did both communism and Islamic invasion.
I know they did.
I don't think so, I saw a translated video of a rabbi screeching about how Jews created the SU, caused WW2, and fucked the white race for 100+ years.
I know they did all that as well, I'm just wondering who helped the reds that's all.
aside from the obvious, kikes
The Jews did use the financial power of their Jew York base (and others) to help install Communism into Russia. But that's the thing is you can't blame the average Russian for being the kind of brutal savage who went along with Soviet occupation any more than you can blame the average retarded American for having his dick chopped up while the Trotsky occupation imports Islam.
I don't think they needed anything more than a bunch of high ranking kikes willing to murder millions of dissidents.
Honestly I can't blame anyone for anything in WW2. It seems far more simple to us becuase we've had international connection with the world for years after our birth.
Do you worship Dear Leader Putin?
Haven't seen through his role in the Jew World Order yet have we?
>le maymay flag kike trying to stress people out about Russia
>Honestly I can't blame anyone for anything in WW2.
Well except the kikes, but that goes without saying.
The kikes were behind every major war and the planet will never advance beyond this stage of evolution until we slaughter them all.
Damn kikes. The US had no substantial interest in another stupid European war.
How the fuck are those evil bastards so good at infiltrating the things they wan't to destroy.
They are literally living trojan horses.
I fled to Russia to escape the terrible degradation of American society-well, just to see how the life is here while studying.
People get lost in the shilling, which is mostly CTR shit. Saying Russia is America's ally is hard to say, but what should be indisputable is that the older generations in Russia are seeing how the West has culturally sunk, and are doing everything they can to prevent it.
Perhap's not the ethnostate that Sup Forums LARPers want it to be, but the Russian government is fervently trying to preserve its culture. Is it working? Not entirely. Particularly in SPB, the youth gravitates toward Western culture. Even qt3.14 Orthodox Christian girls share their American pop music with me.
BUT, and this is essential-classic Russian culture still resides in many of them. For every slut who wants to suck her way to a one-way trip to NYC, there is a girl facing cognitive dissonance over the culture clash, and one who is fervently trying to preserve her religion and people.
There is a lot of criticism of the government, maybe some of it valid-I don't know. But next to China and MAYBE certain Eastern European states, Sup Forums should be focusing more on what is culturally done by those in power here.
Jewish nepotism.
They preach equality to destroy racial integrity and then the moment they have power they never give a dime store fart to a non-kike.
We love Russia.
If they weren't commie rapist nation wreckers then perhaps they would be more sympathetic.
People in "central" Europe do really hate Russians.
Same for USA, but they are more larping to go on the same train as Europe.
Most people I know here who legitimately have a hangup about Russia are either still reliving WWII or watching too much Talmudvision. As with the 9/11 lie, the answer lies in the younger generations who can take a fresh view of the world.
What's truly bizarre are all the people who escaped to the US to avoid Soviet expansion who now support Communism in the US.
Sup Forums and westerners in general don't understand ether Russia or Russians. So it doesn't matter if you love us or you hate us, you still most likely have no clue what you're talking about.
That's why its so easy to exploit us as a bogyman in your internal politics, which is nothing new and something west has done for hundreds of years.
If you want to form educated opinion read Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Solzhenitsyn, not media.