How do you reconcile your hatred of the Jews with the idea that your entire religion is based on the worship of a Jew that realized he could make it to God status by sacrificing himself to the hatred of Jews?
Serious Question
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You realize Jesus replaced the Jews' Old Covenant with the Christian New Covenant, right? Christians, essentially, are the new Jews. WE are now God's chosen people.
Hebrews of old =/= Ashkenazim of today
Jews today venerate the Talmud which was compiled 400 years after the death of Christ.
Judaism ceased to be relevant with the advent of Christ.
Those who turned their back on Christ, now worship the Anti-Christ as their messiah.
Jesus was a gnostic.
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU
The Jews killed a Jew who didn't agree with the Jew plan.
Jesus was a Trojan horse. Neo was the same role in the matrix movies
Im not a Jewush cultist.
>realized he could benefit from God status by sacrificing himself
>Serious Question
Sure. He rose again, idiot.
99% of Christians are so because of indoctrination, whennthey think rationally Christianity has no distinction from any faith.
So it's basically just that they're stuck in an ancient mindset and they refuse to adopt the new religion?
Why go with that religion at all? Why not a reformed version of some other religion?
I just see a lot of stuff about "different races create different cultures", and it seems like white people came up with paganism rather than the Christianity that so many people cherish. Christianity was given to white people by way of Judaism.
>serious question
>jesus and jews
Try again amerilard.
Jesus converted the Jews
Hitler tried to exterminate them
>whennthey think rationally
Ya let me know when you get there, bud. Start by googling "axiom faith." You shouldn't stupidly confuse your ignorance for intelligence.
Thanks for the info. Did not know the Talmud was created so long after. When you say they worship the Anti-Christ, can you elaborate on that?
>no upper lip
>that nose
>curly hair
You literally can't make this shit up
If Jews earnestly studied Isiah and the OT they would've become (and modern Jews would become) Christians. The OT points directly to Christ as the Messiah.
Also if you understand "Jew" to mean the chosen of God, then Christians are they archetypal "Jews," who are of Abraham's seed.
Galatians 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Start by giving distinction to Old Testament and Christianity, why is it true over my Gods?
Christ has always been Lord since the beginning. He sacrificed himself to be the savior of mankind. Christ taught to love one another so you should ask him to help you with any hatred you deal with. Ask him for forgiveness as well. Always keep in mind bitterness and hatred can keep people out of Gods kingdom
Yea, I'm not an SJW. I get what you're saying though, and I actually think that the PC police are hurting their own misguided cause when they try to control people.
>has a roman nose, not a Jewish hook nose
>Romans had curly hair
What's your point?
He was no pharisee you ignorant shit.
He hated jews too.
Christianity gas no distinction from anything nor from Islam, just because you recieved jihadi indoctrination making you believe apples are bannanas doean't mean its true.
Shifting of burden of proof. I have no intention of seeing that you're saved. Now get off my Sup Forums ya stupid butthurt kid. Ah fuck it..
The difference is that Jesus' ressurrection was witnessed by more than 500 people. The bible is 66 different narratives, letters, and writings written by 40 different people, five of whom witnessed Jesus after His resurrection, over about 1,500 years that are all theologically synchronous, with minimal, irrelevant "contradictions" that are expected of any such collection of historical documents and only add to its historicity. This is as opposed to having been written by one person like some guy in a cave who says he had a revelation.
Evidence of Jesus and of His resurrection:
But you will not comprehend any rational arguments for Christianity, and fallaciously infer there is thus no such thing, because your cognitive bias causes you to assume incorrectly that your "knowledge" is a priori and somehow negates knowledge not founded in the same principles. You have your hands over your ears and either don't know it, or won't admit it.
>1 off
Pretty accurate representation of my misrepresentation.
He hates the evil in them.
I understand that the hero story has been redone repeatedly, and I question Jesus's actual existence.
In that case, this isn't for you. A large portion of people here seem to be Christian, so that's who I'm addressing. Move onto that other thread about the retarded dad of the basketball thief or whatever.
Right, Christianity has nothing to do with sacrifice...
Isn't it interesting your kind has always been the center of wrong deeds and sin throughout history?
I've considered myself an atheist for a while, and there are definitely distinctions between faiths. Jesus wasn't a war monger that fucked his 9 year old wife, for example. The Bible doesn't tell it's followers to kill the non-believers.
What kind?
Has no distinction of truth from any faith.
Easy, I never hated jews in the first place
The one you don't want to say
I hate the Jews and I'm secular.
>If Jews earnestly studied Isiah and the OT they would've become (and modern Jews would become) Christians. The OT points directly to Christ as the Messiah.
>Also if you understand "Jew" to mean the chosen of God, then Christians are they archetypal "Jews," who are of Abraham's seed.
Oh man, my mind just made a parallel to BTC and BCC, haha. Sorry, that's sidetracking.
If Christianity was a Jewish plot then why have they been trying so hard to destroy and corrupt it?
Early Jewish intellectuals like Freud tried to undermine christian and family values with degenerate subversions like (((psychoanalysis))).
The (((Soviet Union))) was explicitly atheist and persecuted Christians and the clergy, desecrating churches while leaving the Synagogues perfectly unharmed. Unsurprisingly antisemitism was a capital offense in the Soviet Union, and (((Trotsky))) was the first ever person to use the term "racist".
In the 70s they started doing the same thing in America, by demonizing Christianity as being evil oppressors and "Religion is a tool to control the masses". Then they started legalizing all forms of degeneracy like miscegenation, homosexuality, abortion, and recently transgenderism.
Anons, don't fall for the Jewish lies about religion or Christianity. It's easy to hate because of the brainwashing you receive in media and education, but remember this. It's okay to be Christian.
It absolutely does. I'm gonna guess that you are either under 25 or you have a drug/drinking problem that has held back your development. I don't mean that as an insult.
It really is amazing how Orthodoxy managed to survive.
Oh, so now you're changing what you said. So now you're claiming that they're all false, and the falseness is all that matters?
Basic Jewish theology states there is ONE God. They even had an outer court for non-believers or non-lawful believers in the temple. Ancient synagogues are noted to have the back sections marked in stone for the gentiles too. 10% of the Roman empire was Jewish, and 'god-fearers' was all the rage. It took 40 years for the Christians to be kicked out of the synagogues systematically. Jesus is the snake on the stick in the wilderness, the only plausible story if God came down to walk with us. They rejected him just like their own books say they would. Outside all of that, the promises to the Jewish race stand in Christian theology. There was a big fight 100+Years ago on this topic. Its called 'replacement theology', and it was batted down as Paul is quite clear on the subject. The subject of kingship is talked about alot in the OT.
>It's okay to be Christian.
I agree, but I didn't always. I can see it's usefulness while not believing in a supernatural being.
> If Christianity was a Jewish plot then why have they been trying so hard to destroy and corrupt it?
I see it in a similar way that SJW's see "institutionalized white supremacy". I don't think that there is the sort of organization that outsiders believe there is.
"jews" are a khazarian invention. there were no "jews" in the times of jesus, idiot.
the people (((op))) tries to shill off here, are judahites. jesus himself was a judahite, not a fucking kike.
so all you satanist lying kikes go to the oven, as explained by GOD. period
All of it is trash, the Jews never spoke to God.
Wow, I'm surprised I've never heard this before but this actually makes a lot of sense. I've always wondered why there was so many links between the Jewish elite and Satanism/Demonic imagery. I
always knew they hated Jesus and Christianity because he was a "heretic" and their feud with European gentiles. but I didn't know they literally worshiped the anti-Christ and the Talmud was created after the bible.
they are awaiting the messiah. They are awaiting a messiah that will subjugate all nations to them and grant them full power over the world. This will almost happen at the end of the world, and this is why jews are always going to the top. They want to be ready so that when the Messiah comes they will take over the world
By not being a fucking Christian. All abrahamic religions should die out
>Jesus is the snake on the stick in the wilderness
I know I can probably look this up, but I want to pay attention to this thread, so could you explain what you mean by this?
Finally somebody posts this. All the anti-semetic hate on here needs to be qualified with this statement that these modern "jews" are not the true jews of the bible
Dude, we get it. You're an atheist. There's more to it than just the fact that there is no sky daddy though. Religion is a means of document human nature and the consequences of actions and how one should behave for whatever reasons. It was created through massive amounts of bloodshed and hardship, so I'm kind of interested in what is being said so as not to have to suffer the same fates again.
If you knew the basic gestalt of the three religions you would know that Jews tend to think that Islam more resembles Judism than Christianity. The central focus on the Law. Islam is 99% Lawish, Judism 80%, and Christianity goes off the deep end with an almost negative number. Its the destruction of the 'Law'.
That's interesting. Is this in the Talmud? Where can I read more about this?
A testament to the weakness of the Jews. Even after 75 years of Soviet Control they could never destroy Orthodoxy. Soon we will see a resurgence of Christianity in the west as well.
And be replaced with what?
I understand the inclination to suggest that we don't need religion, but that is completely ignoring all of the people that do.
You can say "if you need religion to not kill people, you're a piece of shit", and I can agree with you, but that doesn't stop those people from existing.
haven't studied talmud well enough to give quotes, but I believe that that is how they interpret the old testament prophesies about the messiah. You see if you take it literally, you will end up at their view point. But Jesus literally pointed out many times that he is not here to conquer the whole world for the jews, which is partially why they rejected him.
Jesus is not jewish. He is the son of God. Christianity is a counter revolution to the corruption of the Talmud that was a revolution against the original jewish script, the Torah.
Who wanted Jesus dead?
Who has spent all this time sneaking around and corrupting the Christian faith and the Church?
>the modern (((pharisees)))
Who always cries out against Christianity as they themselves try very hard to corrupt it and its followers?
>again, sneaky talmudic jews
It's all so tiresome.
When Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church, he meant it.
Its a story in the time of Moses. Everyone was getting sick and dying. Moses had a snake impaled on a stick on the desert and told them to look at it and be healed. As the story goes they were. Jesus is seen as sin impaled on a stick. He took the curse on himself to heal, ect. In general Christians call this typology. A Jewish rabbi is right to say the New Testament is just retelling older stories.
It's already happening, and a few prominent leafs are doing a good job of changing people's perceptions.
>Christianity is a counter revolution to the corruption of the Talmud
But the Talmud was written 400 years after Jesus's death...
What is the Covenant with God?
Start by reading the Bible first
Or a bronze snake. Either way I'm drunk.
It's interesting that it pops up in Greek mythology as well. Why a snake though? That's universally seen as a bad thing, probably due to them killing primates for millions of years.
The corruption that led to the Talmud. It's all connected, up to today with the (((globalists))), aka the synagogue of satan and their kabbalah heresy.
I've read the bible, although that was over a decade ago when I was a teenager, and it was a big part of me becoming an atheist.
Its certainly an intersting theory about gene 'knowledge' transferred down through the ages.
Plus trees are significant in almost every ancient myth.
>A Jewish rabbi is right to say the New Testament is just retelling older stories.
Wrong. The story of Jesus is unique. Never before or after in the Bible is anyone called the son of God but Jesus Christ. That is the difference. All others were prophets, but Jesus was God in flesh and blood.
Your point istrue, but it is almost a retold story at times, and in a good way. Its a foretelling. The old stories prepare you for the real one.
The story of Jesus is new and unique. The old stories prophesy the coming of Jesus Christ.
We agree.
How do you feel about kikes?
The Jews turned their back on God by rejecting His Son and the land of Israel and all those who rejected Christ became the synagogue of Satan. Jesus died for the sins of all, and it was the gentiles who showed the greatest faith and accepted him.
"I say to you that many will come from east and west, and recline at the table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 8:11-12
I'm Jewish and I don't hate Christians or Christianity.
I just find Judaism to make much more sense.
Lmao. God's business. I'll take some kike insurance if you want to know, and wait till they cry over Jesus just as like their firstborn son just died. Its their honor to be almost right yet so wrong. Priests to the nations was their role, and they fullfiled it although unintentionally.
>How do you reconcile your hatred of the Jews with the idea that your entire religion is based on the worship of a Jew
Because he wasnt a Jew, he was god in human form.
I wonder what happens to kikes in Hell.
>I agree, but I didn't always. I can see it's usefulness while not believing in a supernatural being.
I had the same transformation, I was a typical leftist fedora for most of my youth. Then I started to appreciate the social effect of Christianity in reinforcing community, family values, and gender roles. Recently I took a leap of faith and joined a church and started reading the bible. It takes a lot of effort to undo the brainwashing you receive through media and education, but to me that was just taking the ultimate red pill.
Maybe they'll meet Him.
Right, trees are a good way to escape predators. OP here, btw. Internet crapped out so I have to use my phone
Jews reject God so God rejects them.
I love being Jewish.
Suck it goys
The form of a human jew
inbred detected
>religion is based on the worship of a Jew that realized he could make it to God status by sacrificing himself to the hatred of Jews?
Put own the pot pipe. Seriously.
Nah bruh, you probably live in a trailer
the jews have always worshipped remphan. when moses came down from the mount with the commandments, he caught them sacrificing children to their remphan, the golden calf, so he smashed the tablets and went back up the mountain.
the bible is full of stories where the prophets have to plead and negotiate with God to not wipe the jews of the face of the earth. Gods covenant with Abraham is not unconditional; it requires give and take, and the terms of the contract are constantly being renegotiated.
when jesus came down, the jews had long ago forgotten the way. the pharisees taught false dogma, they had returned to idol worship, and the preisthood had become corrupt.
jesus takes on the pharisees, exposes their lies and corruption to the people, and fulfils the prophecies, which the political establishment (the pharisees) reject.
and in rejecting jesus, the jews reject all the prophets, and even the abraham's blessing upon isaac.
so they are anti-christ, as in: they are against/reject jesus christ.
the talmud was at the core of their corruption; and similar to how many stories in the old testament werent transcribed for a long time after the practices started, the talmud had been practiced for a long time before it was transcribed.
>and it seems like white people came up with paganism rather than the Christianity that so many people cherish. Christianity was given to white people by way of Judaism.
American education.
You know Jesus came from Galilee, right? How about you read some books, fatty?
Explain what? Its just my honest hope people get to know Him.
>I see it in a similar way that SJW's see "institutionalized white supremacy". I don't think that there is the sort of organization that outsiders believe there is.
So basically, you deny the Jewish world conspiracy, instead accepting a Christian world conspiracy without any proof or evidence.
Yup, you're a Jew.
Found the kikes.
Yep, the fag posting Christian music and arguing that the OT is proof of His life story is Jewish. Makes sense. Lol