Jewish Manlet Franken says he won't resign

How has he not resigned yet? This 5'6 Jewish Manlet cannot get away with this.

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The only crime he committed was being a manlet.

They don't want the special election. Putting a Senate seat up in play retards their plot to force Trump out of office.

He's also a hyperliberal entertainment industry connected Jew. Might be good at raising money for the Dems.

Being a manlet is punishment enough I suppose. But being Jewish on top of that? We should just let him grope all the shiksas he wants.

there is already a report out that the photographer who took the photo, says it was all a goof and the woman was in on it, NOT an unconscious victim.

There is a lot of raunchy humor on those USO shows, even in Bob Hope's time (Bob Hope in the early 1940s was viewed as a "raunchy" comedian. I kid you not).
Franken wants the ethics hearing to show that there is only her word against his, and that she and the news show she works for are clearly right/conservative advocates with an agenda.

Jews are ok with rape when it's their own. He already admitted wrongdoing #FrankenStepDown

yea too bad there is a second accuser, she was groped by franken during a photo op at a State Fair in Minnesota, this is while he is Senator. How can you have active Senators doing shit like this in the public eye, this is WHILE he is a Senator, not before or after.

At that height, just looking at a woman is considered sexual assault. Arrest his ass.

photographer tried to get Franken off the hook but he already admitted that the photo wasn't. Photographer tried to cover for him.

Franken is trying to deny he was continuously harassing her during the trip and forcibly french kissed her.