Gook scans of 330 are finally out:
Who allowed Alibaba to look this cute?
So, Sinbad wants to kill everyone?
bring them to a higher plane of existence or some shit
There's no new chapter this week, by the way.
>Yunan is affected as well
Knew it. Not even the Magi are exempt from this shit. I wonder what Ohtaka will manage to pull out of her ass to justify Hakuryuu, Judar and Mor somehow avoiding Sinbad's influence.
Aladdin I can understand, since he was born in another world. And Alibaba got disconnected from the world by Belial, which is a stretch but it does at least make sense and is already established. I can't think of a reason for any other character to be exempt.
Fuck thats lame. Anybody know what jafar said this chapter, i was thinking he was going to break free of the control because of the time he died
So is Mor just gonna snap out of it? It seems that's what this cliffhanger is implying. How?
maybe aladdin after all this time studied belials magic and will be able to work with hakuryuu to disconnect some peoples ruhk while simultaneously holding it within their body
so sinbad went completely insane
eeeh not really he just got really fucken greedy. Having everybody praise one king seems like a pretty good idea but i wonder what his goal actually is. Something to do with bringing everyone up through the hierarchy of gods or some shit
But the problem is that there wasn't any prior evidence of something like that occurring. Sure, it could make sense, but I don't see a way around pulling it off without making it seem like an asspull.
Judar was running on Black Rukh, which is basically defiance of the current system. Even Ugo couldn't change it's nature, just get rid of it.
Morgianna is a lion furry, who've been shown to be incredibly resistant to the world-altering stuff.
Hakuryuu, I dunno. Maybe Zagan will help him out. I don't thik he's drunk enough black rukh cool-aid to stop shit.
yeah i agree, but right now i have no clue how they could stop sinbad or get people on their side, hes literally god. Got no clue how they beat him
>Judar was running on Black Rukh, which is basically defiance of the current system. Even Ugo couldn't change it's nature, just get rid of it.
Yeah, but since David, who controls Ill Ilah, is now Sinbad's Magi, wouldn't that mean he has power of both Black and White Rukh now?
>Morgianna is a lion furry, who've been shown to be incredibly resistant to the world-altering stuff.
True, but we've already seen Muu get affected by Sinbad's manipulation.
>Hakuryuu, I dunno. Maybe Zagan will help him out. I don't thik he's drunk enough black rukh cool-aid to stop shit.
And there's the fact that he's converted back to White Rukh. The only way I see Hakuryuu being an exception is if Judar resists it and protects him.
Well, Sinbad did say Aladdin could go to the SP himself and undo what he did.
yeah he could do that if sinbad would actually let him. I wonder what ugo and arba are doing now
> Fish got mind controlled by Sinbad again.
So, what happened to all the dungeons that weren't cleared? I assume they will come into play soon. Whole series and we have only seen anyone clear 3, and Hakuryuu was the third person ever to clear more than one.
I hope they don't asspull and some broken ass Djinn is inside one of the last cleared dungeons, like Belial was.
dropped this shit when fishbaba didn't happen
>Yeah, but since David, who controls Ill Ilah, is now Sinbad's Magi, wouldn't that mean he has power of both Black and White Rukh now?
You're giving the "will" that drives the rukh too much credit. By your logic, Il-Ilah's will should have prevented Judar from opposing Al-Tharmen using Il-Ilah's black rukh, but this was not the case. The Rukh is influenced by the will behind it, but not rigidly.
>And there's the fact that he's converted back to White Rukh.
You don't "convert" to white or black rukh, people simply naturally gravitate towards one or the other. Magnotstadt's magicians used the black rukh while still being oriented to the white rukh, and Judar used the black rukh while being diametrically opposed to Il-Illah's goals and Al-Tharmen.
Good. We don't want you here, fuck off back to Tumblr.
Good riddance. That pairing was shit.
Morgiana is the love of my life.
>Everyone else isolate the main characters
I really hate this cliche.
>one of them is pretending cliche
moneys on jafar pretending
>ou're giving the "will" that drives the rukh too much credit. By your logic, Il-Ilah's will should have prevented Judar from opposing Al-Tharmen using Il-Ilah's black rukh, but this was not the case. The Rukh is influenced by the will behind it, but not rigidly.
I suppose you're right, but considering how comprehensively Sinbad can control people's will with White rukh, I just wonder if David now has that kind of control over Black rukh,
>You don't "convert" to white or black rukh, people simply naturally gravitate towards one or the other. Magnotstadt's magicians used the black rukh while still being oriented to the white rukh, and Judar used the black rukh while being diametrically opposed to Il-Illah's goals and Al-Tharmen.
I used "convert" for want of a better phrase. My point was since Hakuryuu's rukh has shifted back to being White, it's very possible that Sinbad can control him like he can everyone else, which ties back to my previous point of how little resistance, outside of Aladdin and Alibaba, Sinbad has met regarding how he freely he manipulates people's minds now.
How so? What will make him exempt?
perhaps that time he killed himself or maybe the time when he was taken to that weird white room in valefors dungeon
Not long now until he BTFO's the false god.
I'm not too familiar with SnB, did he actually die when he killed himself, or was he just close to death?
>false god
but ugo was already defeated
lets see for the time he stopped his heart i really doubt that did anything to his ruhk, but the time where he was getting fucked in valefors dungeon seemed like it could have taken a bigger effect
What a silly reason to drop out of the ride.
Daily reminder none of this shit would have happened if they just had left things for cute jellyfish to take care of.
I'm a little suspicious that he's not included in the celebratory panels but I don't have a reason for him to be immune
>Hahaha! We're all going to fucking die! I'm so happy!
I need Aladdin to motorboat Yamuraiha tits right now.
I think Kouen has a chance to be unaffected, what with him switching limbs with Hakuryuu before his rukh changed.
>sinfags when its a sin chapter
There's some really fucking hilarious about the idea of everyone celebrating in such a silly manner, and other downright crying after hearing they're all going to die so Sinbad can create a new world on top of their corpses.
dam someone tell me what jafar is saying
He won't.
Sorry, user.
>all these short sighted scrubs who don't realise that we should trust in Sinbad for the sake of a peace of 100000 years
Damn, it's a shame to see Baba's household like this. They're shitters who never amounted to anything in the first place, but I had high hopes for them once upon a time.
kek, they were such nobodies
He might as well not even have a fucking household, they're that useless.
Guess Ohtaka wanted him to have a household just for the sake of it. That, and Toto and Olba more or less made Alimor happen by telling Alibaba about Mor's feelings.
Jesus Christ, what an ugly fucking baby.
a future elizabeth for baba
Sorry, he's taken.
He's so fucking cute, I want to do things to this man.
not so fast missy, he ordered me first
What things?
>implying he'd share that dick with anyone
Arba its a miracle of God!
>B T F O
becoming god and working on taking over even higher up gods somehow btfo us? I mean when he was turned to ash we were pretty btfo but now im not so sure
b-b-but god
I'll break that nose.
ill get my beautiful and elegant cousin onto you, you violent animal
Sweet things.
I love him.
I want to make Morgiana a mother.
Fuck you!
King of the world when?
go to bedroom
see this
what do
Only the Djinns could possibly save their masters now. Waiting for them to do something.
Free her, of course.
Most trollish case of this had the be the mass memory wipe before the final arc of Ushio to Tora
>Everyone forgets your existence and those who didn't turned themselves to stone to prevent their memory wipe.
>Literally have 0 allies apart from Tora
>Hundreds of chapters of friendships being forged thrown into the fire
>Driven to the point of desperation and accidentally break the beast spear in the first round against Hakumen
>That glorious as fuck comeback in the end
Free her, cause i'm into vanilla.
Ah, yes, I remember those things. Too bad Sinbad is the only character who gets to use them now.
It's pretty annoying how nonexistent they were as characters for a long time yet were brought back into relevance only to explain how Sinbad survived.
Exactly. It was such a convenient plot device that was horribly executed.
>Fuck you Ugo we're usurping you and making Sinbad the Super Ultra Mega Turbo Hyper God Mk II EX Edition even though we showed no prior displays of wanting to overthrow your system
I love Magi, but damn, Ohtaka can be such a hack at times.
I really don't like the trope of all the side characters being swept to the side and the cast of relevant characters being slowly whittled down until only the MC's matter. It's happened so many times before and it gets annoying
If all Sinbad did was insert the belief that "Sinbad's the rightful king of the world and the only one who can guarantee peace forever etc etc", then I guess it's still theoretically possible for characters to purposefully choose to support Alibaba or Aladdin; they'll just be doing so while thinking they've made a bad choice. Like if you thought someone was heading down the wrong path but you still follow them because you care about them more than you care about the outcome.
It seems like he's just redefined "falling into depravity" more strictly. Where before it meant "giving up hope," now it means "giving up Sinbad's specific idea of hope." Falling into the new depravity (ie disagreeing with Sinbad) should still be possible, unless I've missed something.
>Sinbad will never invite you and your best buddy along for wacky adventures as the only free-willed beings in his newly created universe
I for one have faith in our god king Sinbad leading the world on the right path.