So I'm supposed to believe that they never had sex?
Why is actual incest not allowed in Anime other than Hentai?
So I'm supposed to believe that they never had sex?
Why is actual incest not allowed in Anime other than Hentai?
Other urls found in this thread:
user, sex is not the ultimate expression of love. To some people, it is just awkward and messy. Fun, but ultimately more stressful than it is worth.
If you can't feel their love from the way they treat each other and gaze upon each other, then the story has failed you. If you require an acrobatic performance to validate their relationship, then you have failed the story.
There are 2 highly suggestive scenes in the novels and it's commen sense they would start having sex at some point in their relationship.
To your second question, because the law has something against it. It's a huge risk for authors, that's why you get NBR or ambiguous endings.
dude they totally banged you just cant show it on TV
I'm glad this will never be finished.
It will. There are still progress updates coming.
Will look forward to it right after Otome Function
>Why is actual incest not allowed in Anime other than Hentai?
You need to lurk moar.
Pic related still not hentai, but may involve nipples
They did have sex and still do. Even if you don't believe the implications in LN, they sure as fuck have a sexual relationship in the after story and before that. It is also implied in the after story that Kyousuke wants to take Kirino somewhere after he gets his driver's licence.
YnS is a special case that got officially reviewd and approved.
>Implying anything after Ruri and Kyousuke start dating is canon
>If you can't feel their love from the way they treat each other and gaze upon each other, then the story has failed you.
But that's just sibling love.
I wanted to see them take it to the next level and by that I mean full on incest.
If I remember correctly in the novel it says they dated for a few weeks but they never go into detail about what happened in those weeks.
He still denies they had sex though
I think the PSP game goes more into it but I haven't played the second part yet since it's still being translated
>he still denies they had sex though
Yeah, in LN. In the after story Ruri literally calls Kirino a bitch for bragging about her sex life after which she panics and shouts to Kyousuke she hasn't been bragging about anything.
They married, how much more incest do you want. Go read some doujins if you only care about sex.
Ruri said love life and it really isn't clear what she means by that. It might have been Kirino saying something about a date or so on the phone. We don't know, as far as I'm concerned they have sex whenever they feel like it.
Oh , they definitely had sex at least once before the After Story, most likely many more times.
Neko calls Kirino a bitch for exalting in her sex life with Kyou
Hahaha, they can have sex though if they want a retarded kid like OP
Incest doesn't automatically produce kids with defects, it takes a few generations of inbreeding before that happens. If Kyou and Kiririn want to have a kid or two, they stand about as much risk for genetic deformities as a woman in her 40's does. As long as they keep their kids from emulating their parents, shit will be golden
I have a theory. Kirino and Kyousuke were "married" to each other way before the actual wedding scene. Their official wedding was just a hoax so that people would claim they married and divorced, got together and broke up. Gif related was their actual wedding and so their whole promise thing is nullified.
Nah, they actually tried to have a normal sibling relationship, but, surprise surprise, they were too deeply in love to simply give it up. They probably act like the period of time when they were broken up never happened
I don't think the period of time when they were broken up was much longer than a day or two. The time they were 'broken up' was probably spent behaving exactly as they did while they were dating with the loveyness toned down, and then Kyousuke just shattered it by kissing her.
The doujin cliche that they spent time upset about being apart before coming back together doesn't seem like something Kyousuke would bother waiting for.
Newfag here, which anime?
Have you tried WAIT?
I can't believe I fucked my sister right in the pussy
Use google, retard.
>deluded nekofag
Are you seriously invoking shitty machine translations?
They only kissed and then broke up when she turned 18. Shit ending.
>When she turned 18
She was 14/15 you retard, and her birthday had nothing to do with it
Man, any time a popular girl loses, the tears are always delicious
But this one is so fucking deluded that she wants a semi-incest end for Neko too. Good lord
You are stupid too, she was 14 at the beginning and the ending is 2 years later so she's at least 16.
That's still a far cry from her 18th birthday, or her birthday even being a plot point.
True. I'm still angry it never came up in the story and was revealed to make a few quick merch bucks.
Maybe they just tried to keep her age out of it until that cash grab. I wish we could have seen her birthday while they were together
Why are they so perfect together, Sup Forums?
Wtf I support inbreeding now.
Fuck off wcrossboarder.
Not that user but if there is someone who can translate that paragraph in the LN more accurately then sure.
You're so wrong right now.
What the hell got deleted?
Wrong about what? "wtf I ..." is a shitty meme from some other board.
>because the law has something against it.
No such thing. In Big Order you can see the MC fuck his sister. Same with Yosuga no Sora. The case with OreImo is either the result of a choice of the staff or a demand from the LN publisher.
>that pic
the kids knows about her parents being brothers?
>In Big Order you can see the MC fuck his sister.
Really? I need to go watch it now.
Because it's socially and morally abhorrent.
It's one scene, don't expect much.
Supposedly they start dating for real in the PSP game in one of those "secret" endings
Fuck, I can't wait for disc 2 to be fully translated.
It's obvious that they fucked. The author just left it ambiguous so he wouldn't have to deal with any controversy.
They aren't siblings in the psp game.
>implying I'm supposed to know from which board every single one of those memes came
>implying it's only used on one board and hasn't spread at all
See , it's in the Tokyo Bill.
I don't care where it's spread, it's fucking cancerous. Lurk more.
The PSP games are shit and don't matter.
came here to post exactly this. Also
>leg lock
>They aren't siblings in the psp game
They are
>The PSP games are shit and don't matter
They're actually pretty fun and more enjoyable than watching the Anime
Why did it get special permission?
>They are
They are cousins.
>They're actually pretty fun and more enjoyable than watching the Anime
Well the anime is shit too.
Because it doesn't portray incest in a positive light. The siblings' lives are basically ruined at the end. That's all the law requires.
Memes won't stay on their boards forever.
How about you look at the calendar and deal with it?
How about you lurk more or fuck off?
What? Isn't it the opposite, it's about "public decency" and they fear glorifying incest would be an issue. If I remember correctly it got reviewed because as an anime it would be on TV.
Fuck off.
Gas yourself.
Or the story has failed.
>it's about "public decency" and they fear glorifying incest would be an issue.
Which is what I was trying to say. The siblings' lives in YnS are ruined at the end of the series, they have to run away with almost nothing. This is not glorifying incest.
You could easily imagine a similar "anti-war law". It wouldn't say that you can't make war stories, it would just require you to adequately portray the hell that war is.
Nanodesu will never continue translating this and I still can't find their release for volume 6, fucking DMCA's
I'm sad that nano will never finish oreimo because of it.
We already had this conversation, they didn't had sex on the hotel night, the top they did was some kissing and cuddling, maybe some rubbing. They did have lots of steamy hardcore sex during the 3 months after that. And, of course, it stopped being "implicit" on the after story when it's confirmed that they are going at it like rabbits.
One tip, don't ever mention the PSP game in your comment if you want to be taken seriously in the slightest bit.
Same here, only volume I'm missing.
Nothing's confirmed, only alluded or "hinted", possibly, perhaps, by the author who chickened out with the end.
In the anime, at least. They made it clear that they aren't coming back, but then, the anime has a darker tone than the VN, where they are very adamant about the fact that they're only visiting some relatives in Scandanavia on invitation, and are bringing back shit for their friends.
>Implying the just being with Haru won't make Sora the happiest girl in the world, and Haru looks pretty fucking happy too
Where is this from?
>tsundere Miyuki
Never knew I wanted this
Is there anymore? Whats the sauce?
The one you linked to is the second one, then there's , and it ends with It's just a quick thing about their kids
A word of warning. This shit is cute enough to put you into a diabetic coma. Read at your own peril
I don't remember there being and update in months.
>This shit is cute enough to put you into a diabetic coma.
Not right now. I just went through 10 of the 2chan guy's stuff. I'm not ready for more.
Christmas came early.
It's not just 2chan user, there's TONS of shit in there
So why aren't people allowed to write and show whatever story they want?
I think it's because it's marketed at underage people. If it were only for 18+ they could do whatever they wanted.
Authors need to stop pussyfooting around. If you want to write a story about brother x sister incest, then don't be a bitch about it. We all went to see them get it on.
Not quite to the extreme of your picture, though. That's something we don't need
This. All that "implied maybe maybe not" shit in the end was unbearable.
>He doesn't want casual brother/sister sex and lewdness
Wow gay.
>Greatest love story ever told
>Greatest incest story ever told
>Greatest.... huh..... great...
It's not the casualness of it. It's the piece of work it belongs to that I abhor
>OWWW!!! FUGG!!!
Nobody likes the story in that doujinshi. The art in that image is hot, though.
It's not cute enough to justify reading that shit
tfw no hot brother x sister incest