What happened to the mall of america?

What happened to the mall of america?

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For the millionth time


what the fuck is Minnesota doing?

Never bring third world savages in your country. No matter how smart they pretend to be.

could be in Eritrea or something.


Diversity is your strength you biggot

Ive been black pilled for some months now. Our movement is the last resistance to our eradication of our people. It seems we have past the point of no return a long time ago. I just wish this wasn't true.

damn I went once when I was a teen in the late 90s. didn't even see one hijab

Zoomalis everywhere, holy shit.

Remember that movie Black Hawk Down? Minnesota saw that movie and thought importing those niggers was a good idea.

lol good luck

Good luck britbong


the wests collapse cannot come soon enough, and then panslavic union will rise!

What happened is MinneSomalia made some mistakes.

well who is going to work at the turkey slaughter house? white people dont want to

I'd love to warff tome flammen

Can you take us too in your union? If yes, we promise to kill the gypsies.

huh looks like Tower Hamlets
You need to stop this America seriously

I have nothing against these other cultures, but lets all be honest here, multiculturalism is where you set aside some of the country for another country to occupy.

Yeah the W Bush years were our last chance. We blew it.

White Reagan utopia America is over.

WI Here: That only happens when the people of North Compton or Murderapolis come crawling out for certain events.... However most of them have been canceled ever since a couple of years ago when Al-Shibab targeted the MOA

Looks like a borough in Berlin (Neukölln). Man, we're all infested with diversity and cultural enrichment.

I live in Warsaw and in my entire life, almost 25 years, I’ve seen maybe 10 non-white kids in Poland (well, except for Asians, and I don’t mean British „Asians”, but they are the best of the worst).
Honestly, Poland was going the exact same path like Britain used to in the 1960s, but we woke the fuck up - while Americans seem to have symptoms of waking up while they are 52% white. Pathetic.

>panslavic union
thanks for the early laugh.

Just read some news. It seems to be common ocurrence kebabs stabbing or touching people there.
Why they flock so much to the mall?

>white people don't want to work there

Is not the same thing as

>white people don't want to work there for minimum wage

Instead of employers raising wages to attract labor, we let them import cheap niggers, social cohesion be damned.

lol it doesn't happen that often but when it does...shit hits the fan hard

Minnesomalia's white ancestry is mostly Swedes, yeah you guess it right.

nigger we will build a wall


lol the people just east of them are overwhelming ly German so thankfully that shit doesn't happen here! accept Milwaukee and the peoples republic of Madison, fuck those places

>The Mall of America is why we need the Wall of America


How many mudslimes live in the USA? Where do they live? and is the problem comparable with Europe?

but you do realize majority of those are Somalis brought over here in the 90s and never learned to be in the western world?

>triggered by the sight of people in hijabs
You're even worse than the SJWs you're moaning about, you know that, right?

That's not America, that's France.

C-can we join?

Yes I can see that, but I wanted to jump on the Mall/Wall thing because I'm sad and alone :^)

bong you'd be mistaken for murderapolis in MN

>includes austria but leaves germany.
well played.

omg...none of them speak proper English either...you cant actually have a conversation with these people I have tried...they just stare at you like zombies till u help them...

Maybe even poetry...

well at least Killabrews seat is still there for you to sit on

Does that look diverse? You kraut cocksucker.

If it's any consolation all the somalis live in the same area of Minneapolis

ah yes, the infamous crackstacks!

What's their statistics re unemployment, welfare, and crime?

Holy fuck, why do burgers make so much fun of Europe when this shit goes on in their own country.

So that is not a dail occurrence?

well being as though there have been a ton of meth labs found in the hallways id say its beyond saving

Surrounding it with 500 men, put explosives around the buildings, detonate it and problem solved

Fuck you.

Was your childhood nice? This was ours.

When you gather x ethnicity in large quantities you get that country. Who'd a thunk. Here we see Somalia.

Hell no!? Trust me in that if this was a daily or weekly thing then the MOA would crack infested dump within a couples of weeks

Then why did your youth turn out like this?

lol The FBI has a huge as office in the twin cities so have fun getting terrorism charges

Didn't the last panslavic union attempt spark WWI?

I've never seen it that bad... must be some event.Somali niggers are fuckin everywhere in Minneapolis though. They're pretty much the entire sex trade perpetrators too. Funnily enough, MOA parking ramps used to be a place they'd work out of until they cracked down.

Some day im going to walk into this place with pounds of bombs and shout ALLAH ACK BAR.
Being nigger lovers.

/HTG/ has taught me the a shit ton of trafficking goes on there too

we are an extension of canada. minneapolis and st paul are literally 56% white.

media propaganda plus some liberal teachers?

Holy fuck, I had no idea it was that bad up there in Minnesota.
Dearbornistan BTFO

ID work at a slaughter house if rent alone wasnt a month pay.

This, but without Romania and Bulgaria. Why would you want that gypsy scum in your union?

Its called a market and thats where they used to be when hanging out.

Well leaf, they have targeted the MOA int the past with stabbings and attacks but thankfully its the only mall I know where the Mall cops have pistols and assault rifles at the ready

This. 3rd world immigration is a program to reduce labor costs

Make sure it is food bombs and change to "Allah SNACK BAR"

*Cough* Ahem *Cough*


wonder what that place smells like

If you make it Two Seas Initiative you keep the name (TSI) and remove the bulgarian-romanian gypsie filth

Why in the fuck did we let women vote.
Native americans are more american then muslims.
Fuck this women I hope she gets murdered.

>durka durka ...durka.durkadurka... durk durka durk.
God i can hear them from hear.

>Sjws want to flood White countries with foreigners
>Poltards just want to be left alone in the countries their ancestors built

I don't see the comparison

Thank god the mall cops are armed and the FBI are close by to stop anything from happening

GenZ is nothing but a meme

Every generation is contrarian in some way to the one above it and millennials are some of the biggest faggots ever so it takes literally nothing to outdo them. Talk to me when GenZ picks trades over colleges, marry their high school sweatheart and have young families

If Bush wasn’t an idiot

worst pic ever. The painting is nice, tho.

plastic explosives.


I cannot really relate to that statement.There's nothing Canadian the twin cities, and depending on what neighborhoods you're in, it's typically all natives, all mexicans, all niggers, all terrorists or all whites/asians. Seems to me that most people you come across out and about (spending money) are whites and asians. Luckily, I don't have to deal with a ton of nig noggery.

wow they sure are "whiter than you mohammed"

How am I supposed to demonstrate that they'll be responsible adults if they're still in High-School?

You deliberately asked for information you knew I wouldn't be able to find studies or opinion polls on.

why put your trust in children raised on social media in the first place?

>it's typically all natives, all mexicans, all niggers, all terrorists or all whites/asians.
sounds canadian to me.

Aside from Hockey, there's nothing Canadian about the twin cities that cannot be applied to another place to serve a purpose. I don't feel it. Calling it an extension of Canada is way too much of a stretch.


Cam't belive they still blame us

Because of the data that is available, it suggests that they are conservative.

Also, I believe it is more accurate to say that they've been raised on the 'internet', and for good reason. Race realism, demographic winter, effects of diversity on social cohesion - these are topics that mainstream education and media shun, but are easily accessible via the internet.

I personally believe that they'll be somewhat fucked in the head due to ease of access to pornography at a young age, but as far as politics go, nothing that I've seen suggests that they lean left.

Additionally, White conservatives have been breeding at higher rates than lefty Whites for some time now. Given the high heritability of political beliefs (the stereotype of a rebellious teenager is just that - a stereotype), they are also more genetically conservative*.

*Laugh till you drop, this is a field of neuroscience. pol.ed.ac.uk/neuropoliticsresearch

Misleading photo. They are actually using the museum app and learning about the painting though

We have suburbs that tend to be over built. So we forget what happens in our cities.

>it suggests that they are conservative
Conservative in the eyes of people where everything is literally Hitler

Christ. This is horrific. Just this last weekend I was at the mall in Cerritos, LA County. There were a few Islamic tables around the mall, handing out brochures and places to convert and study Islam.

What the fuck is happening? Silent invasion by mudshits?

I hate this futureless nigger nation.


Future Ghost mall in the making.

I had to cover my nose to watch that webm

I saw ONE non-mudshit somali in that entire webm.