Why isn't there more female on male rape depicted in anime?
You would think it would be a more common theme in settings where females are immensely more powerful than males due to magic/technology
Why isn't there more female on male rape depicted in anime?
You would think it would be a more common theme in settings where females are immensely more powerful than males due to magic/technology
that's my fetish
Huh? I'd say it's pretty common, far more common than male on female rape since it doesn't carry as much stigma and is more of a fetish for the mostly male target audience.
No cause no one would ever hurt a shota
I don't think a lot of people, especially in Japan, realize the power relation involved in rape. I'm not gonna go full tumblr here, but the idea that it's even possible for a woman to rape man, under any circumstance, is really not taken seriously in our society.
*to rape a man
we're talking about cliche settings where females can only be witches/robots/mutants/whatever with tons of power and males are just meat dildos
SS rape counts?
more like sexual assault than rape
needs intercourse
Poor Julio.
He was raped by nippleless DRAGON.
Why would they need to?
It's like a millionaire stealing candy from the store
Well you have to first consider who the target audience is. Men or women?
Female on male rape is less realistic since men are more likely to give consent, and there are fewer men that fantasize about being raped. They're more likely to fantasize about consensual sex, or about being the rapist
Women are more likely to fantasize about rape than men mostly due to social conditioning. Women want to be desired by men, but society shames women who act "slutty" or seduce men to do so. Granted, they could get fucked by nearly any man they choose, but a bunch of social baggage and judgement is going to come with it.
So the fantasy is to get ravaged by a man through no fault of their own. If the guy can't help himself, it spares the woman from negative judgement and speaks to her desirability.
Of course this only applies to fantasy scenarios, no one wants to get raped IRL any more than teenage boys want to fight in actual wars.
>no one wants to get raped IRL any more than teenage females want to fight in actual wars.
I was raped by a women, the two people I told laughed at me.
They were both women.
Volume 9 had the best special chapter.
Did this happen recently?
If it's a normal rape, sure.
But if she's a psychotic one who raped me with a knife on my neck, shit's fucked yo.
Fuck I didn't even like that show, why am I still mad?
rape is the purest form of love
the person wants you so bad that they give into their heart and force their love onto you while knowing the legal repercussions they might face.
I hoped you married that woman
But in those settings it's either a mostly-female cast or the guys got superpowers too.
That said, superpowered girls exploiting their power advantage could work.
It pretty common actually.
not common enough
Oh why don't you just plunge the knife deeper, and go rub salt in his wounds while you're at it?
>kills the father of her children
> You must be 18 or older to view this site
Grown men can't be raped by women. They can be drugged, assaulted, stabbed, blackmailed and falsely accused by the cavernous gender. But never rape.
But if it was SS with a crazy old hag, we understand your pain.
what about grown manlets?
I couldn't find it. What anime is that?
War on Geminar
>the major and a shota rape didn't happen
>rape is about power dynamics
>that means females cannot rape
I would argue that the fact that rape is about power dynamics rather than purely physical reasons makes it more likely that rape can happen to males. Most people discount rape towards males precisely because they think all males are more physically capable than females, which is often not the full extent of why rape happens. Females can have power over males that extends beyond physical boundaries, especially socially.
Because it was brutal and he was a shots. She killed him once, then he got revived, then she stalks him and rapes him in front of his brother before killing him and getting pregnant as a result.