What with Anime and Nazi's?

What with Anime and Nazi's?

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Because anime was influenced heavily by Walt Disney and he was pro-Hitler.

They're hot

They're depressing

>They're stylish/ have an iconic dress code
>They pulled most of their horrible shit in Europe, far away from Japan so their horrors are distant enough to be "cool"

Just like how in Europe the Holocaust is considered so severe in most countries Holocaust denial can land you in prison, yet nobody gives a fuck about Mao's Great Leap Forward even though that killed many more people. I imagine the Nips are a bit more disgusted by that than the #YOLOcaust.

wasnt Walt Disney a jew himself?

>disgusted at chinese killing other chinese

yeah probably disgusted at the inefficiency

I prefer imperial Japanese honestly

West usually has shit uniforms, Warsaw Pact had nice uniforms

Because Nazis are cool. And Japanese media isn't controlled by [REDACTED]

>tfw the last time non-fascist westerners had good uniforms was before WW1

Ever Star Trek knows it, Nazi's are motherfucking cool.

Because you haven't looked at Hugo Boss' 1934 collection you pleb.

>it's a sci-fi show about space exploration and fantastic imagery from the imagination!
>episode about nazis
I hate Hollywood so fucking much.

Jewnime was a mistake.
-Adolf Hitler

Cause Hitler did nothing wrong

If the Nazis won we wouldn't need to create ideal women in cartoons because real women would be worth spending time with.

Cause Nazi's are cute as fuck.

greatest ally.

Friend of mine cosplayed as him and had to make the swastika backwards for con rules. And even then some fuck told him to take it off.

Is there a compilation of nazi references in anime somewhere? I once saw a scene but I couldn't find the anime for the life of me and I searched everywhere.

Honorary Aryans

there's a difference between accidential mass deaths resulting from failed economic policies and forced modernization, and deliberate, industrial-scale culling of an entire race.

I know, deaths are deaths, but all law codes around the world make distinction between murder (deliberate) and manslaughter (accidential) for a reason.

>non-soviet female combatants

The Communist manufactured famines are considered genocides, at least the Soviet ones are.

Just because they used natural methods of extermination doesn't mean it isn't intentional

The bottom chart is unironically the best

There's a massive leap in logic when it comes to your comparison between government-sponsored genocide and deaths as a result of federalization of the agricultural industry. It's one of the reasons the Stalinist purges aren't as intensely scrutinized besides the fact that Stalin was "an ally"

Maybe in the territories that they want to subjugate.

In China's case, Mao wanted to industrialize the country within 10 years to reach the level of industrial output of the USA. So he sent all peasants into steel-production, which then resulted in noone tending the fields anymore. The outcome is natural here.

Genocide in scale, but not in intention. Since he didnt want to just kill people for the keks, but actually do good for his country.

Essentially it's the sentiment that distinguishes things like the Holocaust from other comparable mass killings

They're axis, and Japan isnt a witness to what the Germans did in a general sense. The Japs are also the perpetrators of a handful of well known mass killings and rapes, so i guess they get along because they're "misunderstood" edgelords

It's also who you kill.

The Turks killed a bunch of Brown People no one cared about, but the Nazis killed the wealthiest group of people on the planet

>Genocide in scale, but not in intention. Since he didnt want to just kill people for the keks, but actually do good for his country.

>commie apologists

Well satan, Japan and Germany were pretty good friends in the 40's since they both seemed to have a pretty wicked itch in the pants for conquering the entire world and even though the Allies ended up pushing their shit in so hard one turned into the beer-swilling scat porn capital of the world and the other locked themselves up in their island drawing sexy cartoons all day, one likes to imagine they still think eachother are kinda cool despite whatever may have happened and where they might be at in life these days.

you say that, but it's a half truth
many of the Jews killed were impoverished soviets and many Jews even helped perpetrate the genocide one way or another

It's the same way the Africans helped perpetuate the enslavement of their own people

How old were you when you realized the Holocaust never happened? Me, 21.

>No Onesama Pinochet

This sure is a fun anime-related thread. I'm sure glad I came to Sup Forums and not for these discussions.

anime + nazi = moegap, that's why

/thread now can Sup Forums fuck off?

Because it's sexy

My grandfather witnessed what went on at Natzweiler since he was part of the liberation force, so i'm inclined to believe otherwise.

Then again, Sup Forums memes dont really deserve a response do they

Do you think Richard Spencer watches anime?

>I'll have anyone who thinks Karen is not best girl executed by a firing squad.

like jesus

All prominent Jews in history are self hating

>Liking ARIA
based Trump

It happened.

There were lots of poor Jews that could be sacrificed

Because there have been too many stupid shits in Nazi related cosplay doing stupid shit outside the cons with there badges on that could ruin the con. There here some Nazi Hellsing cosplayers at Anime Boston that went miles out of their way to a holocaust memorial for a photo shoot once. If the news channels found out about that and made a hot piece about the con, what do you think would have happened?

Childhood is when you think Nazis are cool.

Adulthood is when you realize that Americans are cooler.

My grandpa never told me about nazis.
Then again, all they did was making his life shit.

When I was a kid and natsoc dad taught me real history.

>Thinking Nazis are cool as a child
In what fucking household

Russians and Nazis were cool.

Nazi women**

Japs are just perverts who write masturbatory fap fiction about blonde big tittied gaijin women falling in love with their yamato damashi because they're just so nice

if you even expended a tiny bit of effort into researching the Third """""Reich""""", you wouldn't hold them up to such a high pedestal.
Playing iL-2: 1946 and reading wikipedia entries doesn't count.

Only cool as corpses.

Imperial Germany > Nazi Germany

Only people with true tastes and pride for Germany know this.

>Adulthood is when you realize that Americans are cooler.
>sit on an island and bomb women and kids for a few years then swoop in and the end and claim you did it all by yourself
>talk about how you saved the world from communism when you're the sole reason it survived and killed the only people who actually had the balls to fight them face to face

My wehraboo readings are off the charts.

>An island

Name one thing that Nazis did wrong.


Hail Final Victory, Onii-chan~

Also, no
The arms race and brinksmanship America started is the reason the USSR collapsed and the reason Russia defaulted on it's debt

Whether you like that last part isnt really my problem

Are you retarded? Do you not know what the UK is, or do you think America made flights all the way across the atlantic?


So they went to work? What a brave sacrifice

>Produce overpriced tanks
>Used synthetic oil
>Didnt but the Panzer V into service earlier
>Attacked Russia

What they did do right was give the British navy a run for it's money by exposing it for the ancient antique-filled pile of shit it was

>nazi's do all the cool shit
>Allies legitimately dumbfounded by what they were working on
>they drink so much of the nazi kool-aid themselves they literally go looking for secret Antarctic Nazi Doom bases
Nah even the Allies thought the Nazi's were cooler.

Attack Russia while England was still not theirs.
Making good uniforms and aesthetics go to waste after they lost.

nobody said anything about bravery or sacrifices

USN actions in the Pacific speak for themselves, and i always knew the Russians did most of the work defeating Germany, with the help of American and British lend-lease

Without lend-lease the Soviet Union stood no chance

>attacking Russia was a mistake meme
Stalin was going to attack Germany. You need to stop confusing Strategy and Tactics. Attacking the Soviet Union was the correct Strategy.

Not actually gassing the Jews.

Waging war on the Soviet Union before having France and Britain under lockdown was a mistake, then again they never really stood a chance so hindsight is 20/20

The Nazis could have won if they reached the Ural's, which would effectively cut off Stalin's strategy of spinning up industry behind the lines. It becomes tactically unfeasible once you're backed up to the mountains.

The only lost cause in WWII was Japan. It's actually inconceivable that they win a naval war with the US. It's like the eastern front only this time the stand in for the Soviets (USA) not only outproduces you 5:1 but is also wholly technologically superior.

Its literally the exact fucking opposite because all throughout your life you are told the Nazis are evil and you aren't supposed to like ANYTHING about them including their uniforms and tanks.

and then you visit Sup Forums

Uniforms look cool as shit


That sounds fabulous.

Because, unlike Germany, Japan's shit didn't get fucked up, so they are allowed to love Japan.

Axis powers got to stick together

How Japan avoided commission of war crimes.

You're fucking scum

Nanjing is literally Chinese muh Holocaust.


Says the guy who uses a picture depicting a fight that basically never happend irl.
That is like the people hyping the IS-3 in a fight against a Tiger despite the IS-3 being more of a post WWII tank than an actual WWII tank.

Go back to WoT which gimps non Russian and US tanks on purpose.

>80% of Sup Forums still believes there were human soap factories and human gas chambers in German concentration camps.

The concentration camps in the USA didn't have that shit and neither did Germany. It's all lies.

Don't forget the lampshades. My great grandfather was turned into one when he was only 6.

>WoT which gimps non Russian and US tanks on purpose

[citation needed]

I'd wager we didn't have either the basic sense or the decency to save that figurehead.

Dies Irae, I hope the memes of it being kamige are true.

The uniform is cool.

23. Found David Cole's documentary on youtube by accident.

>Putin is a normalfag
>Hitler is a moefag

All's right in the world.

>Found David Cole's documentary on youtube by accident.

I don't get it.

>eyewitness testimony

What did your grandfather see? Was he a tanner in the lampshade factory?

Fun fact, Hugo Boss designed them

This isn't your conspiracy board Sup Forums

This user here, I had the clip in my webm folder apparently, but it has sound so I uploaded it


Any ideas?

>Thread about Nazis in anime turns into a circle jerk of Sup Forumstard holocaust deniers stroking eachother's cocks
