You have 1 month to get your act together Poland and Hungary

>Around the world, authoritarian governments put pressure on citizens' associations, squeezing the space in which they operate.

>Intimidation and imprisonment, legal and funding restrictions, public discrediting and smear campaigns are key elements in their toolbox.

>When leaders in Egypt, Russia or Venezuela do this, no one is surprised, but similar developments inside the European Union are shocking. The union prides itself on being a beacon of democratic values and the rule of law where capital, people and ideas move freely in competitive markets.

>Already a convenient bogeyman, Soros has been personally vilified and subjected to an expensive media campaign which combines anti-Muslim bigotry with deep antisemitic hatred. The ruling class is now able to deflect attention from Hungary's real issues like health care and education and dodge questions about the results of eight years of Orban governance.

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Poland and Hungary had one fucking month since June. EU isn't gonna do shit

Seems already together to me, what's the problem?


1 month, huh? Like, this time for real, huh? Like, last 8 times when we had "1 month left" were jokes? Well, those threats we never taken seriously, but now it is becoming really boring. Get your shit together ((EU)) and think about something more creative.

Every month is 1 month


No, EU, keep your terrorists in your borders, you are killing yourselves, leave us out of it.

In 2050 they will still be saying they have a month and Poland will still be giving 0 fucks

EU is a joke.