There is a woman on CSPAN right now talking about online radicalization through websites such as "the_donald" and the...

There is a woman on CSPAN right now talking about online radicalization through websites such as "the_donald" and the "hacker known as Sup Forums".

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100% of the real radicalization is a result of the media's lies. Journalists are the biggest enemy of the West.

remember when Sup Forums was just innocent memes and not a propaganda powerhouse?

nno shit...

>watch tv, be bombarded with stuff like: it's good to be fucked in the ass by the same gender
>here's what we want you to know of today's events
>here's how you should accept the rapefugee crisis we made

It was an entertaining segment: MSM journalist doing full damage control. Apparently she "studies the rise of online hate", while never once mentioning ISIS or BLM or Antifa. Oddly enough all of her "unbiased" research was about Sup Forums and t_d.

Pic unrelated.

yeah, how many people has ISIS convinced to kill people via internet?
Sup Forums?


O vey

The jew loving boomers are getting mad.

Gas the kikes, timmy. You know you want to. You can be like Cho if you want to. Buy a gun!

You can be famous if you get the high score!

Links since OP is a faggot double nigger

>reddit with Sup Forums
cunt don't group me in with those normies, although some cool ppl have tried to take over plebbit

Remember, it's all about fitting the narrative. It's in the MSM's interest to group the two together in the minds of normies. Sup Forums is (largely) white nationalist. T_d openly supports Trump. By grouping the two together, this woman can go on national news and insinuate that Trump is supported by neo-nazis, which anyone who had spent time on here can tell you is not necessarily the case.

>mfw when /pol is ALWAYS right and it's ALWAYS a jew (or jewess in this case).


What if we archive it

This, if only.

sup norbot haven't seen you around as much lately

Maybe we are the horde.

Oyvey that first caller

msm is a vile cancer. they are in their death throes and we are breaking the conditioning.
Keep up the good fight anons.
God bless us all.

How do we know you're not the real Sup Forums???????????
Perfect way to get your name out there.
-All the best, Norma

Who is Sup Forums? And is he our guy?

hold on.. you can call in?

Newsflash leaf, the reason this place changed was because the mainstream Fourier it into the spotlight because stuff goes on here daily that’s completely against the mainstream narrative and they hate it with all their being.

they got three separate numbers depending if your lib, rep, or ind.

Sup Forums is “satire“

More than you’d think. For fucks sales, ISIS got the Swedish ambassador for the Middle East to join ISIS.

Just so you know I've reported this post to CNN. Enjoy the consequences.

LOL You have to give the commies credit for one thing. (Well, maybe two) NOBODY is better at irony and exaggeration/ melodrama than they are.
Where oh where is the right's version of antifa? BLM? The naked females (Or are they really males? They might flip at any moment.) screaming on the streets, right out in front of God & everybody?
Can we even come close?

CNN is here all the time

Exactly, I would never think dare even say that niggers and jews are bad news if it wasn't satire no sir!

>asked questions in regards to antifa and the congressional baseball game shooting
>dodges the question and proceeds to talk about the tiki torch march as if it was the worst thing ever

fucking hate the dishonest media

C-SPAN takes calls from the public, yes. This program is already over though.

If it's C-Span you were probably the only one watching.


Yeah but for a while they had abandoned the online nazis and gone with the Russian bots story.

Hello what is dis 4chang?is it some alt rite?

They still remember us from time to time.

>there is a woman on CSPAN
Stopped right there. Opinion discarded.


the media got to much power.

If you listen to her, she does manage to mention the "muh Russians" narrative as well, saying that the influence of the Russians on these internet sites is definitely a topic worth continued investigation.

That's a really dumb cunt. She was struggling with basic questions that were slightly outside her carefully prepared material. Stupid bitch should get married and have babies instead of pretending to be a journalist.

Isn't it sad?
I trust you fuckspergs more than the media since years. I can't handle this fake media trash shit today. I wan't to throw my fecals like a monkey on the screen if I see such liers, ruling the companies and goverments these days.