Pastor Anderson BTFOs Japan
This is the sermon that every Sup Forumsack manchild/NEET who still watches anime, plays video games and is obsessed with Japanese culture needs to hear. Japan is a wicked nation and should not idolized.
Pastor Anderson BTFOs Japan
This is the sermon that every Sup Forumsack manchild/NEET who still watches anime, plays video games and is obsessed with Japanese culture needs to hear. Japan is a wicked nation and should not idolized.
he's just jealous to be honest
Fuck off reprobate.
fuck up nip. go fuck your couch pillow or something.
I bet he's like that anti-LGBT senator that was found out to be having gay sex with men and probably even has a waifu. It's always the insecure ones.
Fuck you redneck cracker
We are doing great. Try coming over here and getting your ass pushed in. the yaks would throw you in a room of pervs and they would tear your tight twink ass a new one.
If I'm going to abandon anime you better replace it something better. And no Jesus is not a legitimate answer.
>meanwhile western nations women are literal prostitutes and western men are soyboy faggots with no identity
Your country is dying. Japan will be around and prosperous long after your shithole becomes a third world brown nation.