It's out

It's out.

And the Goblins have won.

Any rape?

so? wont be translated till next week

Yep the goblins that is.

How many years did GS have to save up for that armor, or did he steal it

Is there a non shit version out though? Only found one version that wasn't from YenPress and it's terrible

t. Yenpress

Nope, today.

Are they sexy ones?


>implying rape isn't what we're here for

You belong in the minority, avatarfag.

Yes, very sexy indeed.

>giving (You)s at all
Then again, you're probably samefagging.

Dorf has arrived.

>implying more people aren't for rape than any other reason
Tell me you don't want to see some bodies.

Go play Rance avatarfag and stop bumping the thread with your shitposts.

Reminder to always report the avatarfag.


I'm here for the Dwarf myself.
Fuck off Manling. Your shitty race blew up the setting.

> >150325118




Manga chapter by YewPress

>he doesn't know about the latest in anti (You) counter measures
wew lad.

The last in shitposting more like it. It's more cancerous than avatarfagging.

>the last in shitposting
It does end shitposting if that's what you mean.

Rapeman here. All it does is make us giggle. The Rapeman decided that the tasteless don't deserve Rapeman's (You)s nor attention. Can't speak for the dwarf though.

Well look. It didn't stop. faggot


How much does a guild girl earn?

Not enough so they have to do "side" work, if you catch my drift.

can't seem to find it user, please help a nigga out

>mfw there be goblins around here

This. This is shit.

try last week

Dammit jewpress


I mistakenly read that as Anchor first and thought "She's the tank" then I realized that the translation is just fucked up

Give her a break, man.
She's stressing out. Don't you know elf can easily mispronounce if on stress?


Did they fight the oni in this chapter?

Where's the goblin at?

No, they only met him. Next chapter they will fight him.

Better than Jew Press desu. You can edit those typos desu.

its awful

It's Goblins.

Has Yen Press been ripped yet?

Should be today

LOL I used the scripts user posted on a thread a few days ago to create that shitty translation.

Font type is shit
Typo fucking everywhere

Fucking shit mate
You butchered koreanbro translation.

Is copy pasting that hard, user.

It is. I had to clean and shit. Some Korean bro translation typos are still there. And I had to change some cuz I don't even get what he meant

HD rip download when?

I don't follow, are you telling me she works at the docks or a tavern? Poor girl! She's on her feet all day, can't she have a moment to just lay down?

I'll give you some HD.
*upscales user's translation release x3*

well, where the fuck is the rips?


So, where is it?

>that feel when Yen Press keeps getting all the good series.

The elf would be a decent generic character if it wasn't for the fact that she claims to be 2000 years old. If it is true, what the hell was she doing to be so ignorant of the goblin epidemic? Or was the goblin epidemic just recent?

What a pointless thread. Sasuga yenpress