
No, soon

Trust me, since it's already finishing, the animators will start it and try to advertise the manga as well
HOWEVER, if the anime sold like shit, then no S2

I hope something will at least come up, first season was one of hte most hilarious things i've ever watched (and Urara a cute)

I will be disappointed if this doesn't end with a school shooting where Mokarin-sama murders everyone.


Guess what
The anime sounds like shit

Sabagebu is objectively one of the top 10 comedies released this millennium. Get some knowledge.

He isn't denying that, he just said the anime sold like shit, which is true.

He said sounds, not sold.

Great now Im sad there's no more GJbu ON TOP of no more Sabagebu. really ya gonna remind me we probably won't get any more Sansha Sanyo, Invaders of the Rokujouma or Etotama too?



Is this the end of her killstreak?

>Maya will never not suck

Wasn't the manga worse than the anime?

theres 3 Sansha Sanyou SPs (only 1 has subs) and S2 is pretty likely

To be fair, it had a good run. There are plenty of anime whose source material ended soon after the anime did (hello C3-bu).

Where to find manga? I found first two chapters of it but can't find anything else

>S2 never
Y-You don't know that


What would a date with best girl Miou be like?

There honestly isn't a piece of shit more lovable than Momoka.

I checked the manga but it isn't nearly as funny as the anime

It would be terrifying. But at the same time it would probably be pretty memorable I guess.


you mean episode 11 (or whichever ep that was)

It does sound like it'd be amazing, I think she'd be the most fun Sabegebu to date except maybe Kayo.

I really wish Vertical would publish this as I've put it down twice on their suggestion sheets. We managed to get Nichijou in English surprisingly so who knows.

Nice legs and pits. Now, if only she toned down her personality just a bit she'd actually get a boyfriend and avoid spending her days getting raped by Urara.




Yes, Momoka is less cunt.

More perfection


I wish the Christmas cake homeroom Ritsu teacher got more screentime, she was cute.

what do her armpits taste like

Salt peter and gunpowder.

>That butthurt mod
Holy shit I couldn't enjoy your asspain further. I'm still laughing

I wonder if the author will end it in a Momoka/Urara note


It's gonna be a gangbang



Stupid sexy Miou

It's weird I find her the hottest girl on the show even though I'm primarily a tits man and therefore should like Maya.

best girl


>Tfw you'll never shower with Maya

>ywn get physically abused by Momoka
why live