White Kid Sexually Assaults Asian Teacher

What the fuck is wrong with white people?


Other urls found in this thread:


What a nigger...


Whaitu boiu racka disiprine!

That is why I like asian people, and white people thin they are civilized.

Where was the sexual assault? I just saw normal roidrage.


What a fucking wigger, disrespecting the man who teaches him. the man who wants him to succeed in life.
Typical white kids nowadays. brainwashed cunts who want to hate the "system"

LOL... 2 minutes

White boi lucky the teacher was unarmed.

turn down the beat and stop sucking off your mic pajeet

Public flogging.
Hard labour.
Public flogging again upon release.

Nice try user
That bait isn't fooling anyone here

Why is the soy rage tho?

He right. Sage dat shit.

> torture
> slavery
Typical anglo solutions for white people.


just goes to show there are niggers of all races


>Not deformed nig-tier subhumans

thanks for helping out blind people like me



Why is that chad talking like a nigger? Why would anyone want to be a teacher in 2017?

God, I love this guy. Second time I see him and I can't wait for another slide thread to see him posting another of this things again.

Fuck Sup Forums celebs this guy is the best.

>Why is that chad talking like a nigger?
That's Murica for ya

>Sergei, your new recruits have arrived.
>Unzips dick



>Why is that chad talking like a nigger
Welcome to every highschool in US and canada.

People who act like niggers should be treated like niggers.

And then you rapped. Fucking brilliant. Subscribed!

>changing IDs and dissing yourself

Easily the worst post in history


>Why is that chad talking like a nigger? Why would anyone want to be a teacher in 2017?
have you ever seen murican tv and music
all their music is nigger worshipping
all their tv is nigger worshiping


just a chad nigger, hang him

>have you ever seen murican tv and music
I'm still stuck watching Malcolm in the Middle over and over but you're right. I see Spanish kids dabbing and singing nigger music too, to be honest. Still, that level of ebonics kind of caught me off guard, I thought it was mockery for a minute.


fucking autist


I thought that was Hillary Clinton in OP's pic

Kek keep it up


fucking pathetic

i hate seeing white men act like this. it's rare though. also his brain has clearly been jewed by modern nigger culture

well the trips don't lie. OP is a fag

what's with negro music senpai>

There's hope for us afterall...
100% correct in preventing his breeding to shoot him on the spot.


So you hate the Asian people wlitheboy
Blick don't hit back

I'd sexually assault that little wigger's boi pucci while he screams insults at me if you know what I mean.

Why they stop treating mentally ill? I heard of abuses in mental institutions, but at least schools were relatively calm.
This is fucking lunacy, what the fuck these liberals done to themselves?

I think we have had enough

imagine if it were a black teacher

white people are the ultimate pussies.
only pick on people who are weaker but when confronted by someone who will put them in their place they wont do shit.

and this faggot yelling nigga lol.
i would have broke his fucking neck.
all you white faggots are pussies.

Looks like Chad sperged out.

this fucking kid, you're a fucking legend m8

You would have done literally nothing mr badass

>mr badass
another corny white faggot

I've been waiting to use this.

>Sexual assault

still a nigger though :(


Has science gone too far?



*chimp noises

*vaginal odor

>sit down

epic comeback kid

>no comeback


American culture turns every race into a consumerist nigger, it's cancerous as fuck.

>this reply
lol u mad pussy? don't (you) me anymore, my girl.

>b-but i'll call you a nigger again!

Good example of amerimutt releasing his inner nigger.

how do I upvote you?

Holy shit if I was Dr. Ma I'd slam his ass so hard against the board
>still says Dr.
He just ended up looking silly and hormonal

dr.shoe shoulda roundhoused his ass tbqhwyf


In the options field, you type in the id# of the post you want to upvote and add plus one.
>options: +1

Why is MaximilianMus doing Sup Forums commentary now? Too much free time since he got banned from Overwatch. Fuck the shut up.

>le reddit
kek, talk about a pathetic comeback

literal son of a cuckold

tell daddy what happened user

by daddy I mean me

don't you have some rap beats or something to go make, why are sperging out on Sup Forums?

Why are you so hellbent on destroying Sup Forums? fuck i hate you newfags

ahahahaha holy shit just stop you cringey faggot

why are you being so fragile?

>coming from a pale virgin

>6 months old video
just end your life already
keep giving shit thread free bumps dude well done stupid attention whore

>lel kek lmao lol hahahahahahaaha
this is you the entire thread

>she's upset

Where's the sexual assault? I came here for the sexual assault evidence but found none. Why do you lie OP?

OP's video is deleted. How do I watch this???

Funny how you have to keep reminding yourself that you joined 4ch last year to feed your fragile ego.

id rather be a legless, homeless 'pale virgin' with down syndrome than being for kind of mongrel mutt

I was reading about DHA and aggression. Low level of DHA is linked to aggression. This young guy couldn't contain his emotions. He should eat a can of sardines everyday.

some kind of*


thanks for the laugh, baby girl

>When you eat too many onions

eww you even talking like a nigger. disgusting i almost threw up

Chimping out

So glad I saw this.

are you a literal 13 year old girl?

which is basically the same as a grown adult canadian anyway.

instinctive disgust is hard to hide it just came naturally