Code geass

>code geass

Your days are number, Moeshitter.

The edge is back.

Pull the trigger I dare you.




>code geass

>Degeneracy!!! On ICE


>I don't know what moe is
Sasuga shit eater. Even after 10 years you people can't figure it out

Reminder that you like Geass because of bandwagoning

>flip floppers


>Paul tard

I like both Hibike and Code Geass!




>hibikek and geasshit

>cow tits

>boobies lmao


I like anime and manga!

>Likes Code Geass and Shits on Yuri on Ice

It's like you don't even know your roots
Have you forsaken Lulu/Suzu?

I don't like either you complete turbofaggot.

>watching non non bitches in heat

>tfw you liked Code Geass before even finding Sup Forums because CG is a legitimately good show

>Watching, uh, which movie is that again?

>sexualizing the biyoris
delete this post right now

Lelouch vi Britannia commands Kyoani fags to become an obsolete relic

> I don't know what everyone is greentexting about....

Ha, that's not going to work on me faggot! You Geassed me like 9 years ago so I'd say I didn't like Gurren Lagann.

What show is this?
I want to watch moe yugioh


>code gayass


>CG is a legitimately good show.
It's not.Neither is Boku no Pico.

No. I like Code Geass because I am an edgemaster.


Yeah, if you like showing your power level.

It's the literal opposite. So many bandwagoners hating CG these days, mindlessly parroting trash like "trainwreck" and "so bad it's good". Can't ever seem to get a good argument out of them on why CG is bad either. Bunch of shitposting meme kiddies.

Get out.