Harvard being investigated for discriminating against Asians and Whites



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Anyone got the Jewish and African American acceptance rate of this overrated commie factory over the last decade?

Shit yeah

Most of Harvard's "Whites" are kikes. In a 60% White goyish country like 20% of Harvard is White goyim. Not fair

>Discriminating against against whites
>In a 75% white country
>Where whites historically discriminated against every other race and still do

Even if they are found guilty I'll still say this is justice

Where does it say white? All I saw was a complaint about discriminating against asians.

It doesn't matter if we were 98% white tae'shawn, discrimination is discrimination.

Don't you have a tumblr to attend to?

nice bait

>Could we be witnessing the beginning of whites standing up for themselves??

>"The posting sought volunteers to investigate one administrative complaint filed by a coalition of 64 Asian-American associations in May 2015 that the prior administration left unresolved," Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said in a statement at the time.

>"The complaint alleges racial discrimination against Asian-Americans in a university's admissions policy and practices. This Department of Justice has not received or issued any directive, memorandum, initiative, or policy related to university admissions in general. The Department of Justice is committed to protecting all Americans from all forms of illegal race-based discrimination," she had said.

Just asians, It's still not okay to be white apparently.


Discrimination based on race is antithetical to the civil rights movement, you faggot nigger.

The end result is the end of affirmative action for all you dumb nigger

I'm certain this is bait. But bait aside, this really is a good example of the pot calling the kettle nigger. After all, most of what everyone does, no matter how grand, is for a basic and selfish desire, from hubris to greed to even a demand for personal satisfaction.


Welcome back archivebro, you were missed

In the video they mention whites.

ayy not seen you around for a while, keep up the good work


I'm tired of the racial bean counting and constant strive to correct inequality. Just make everyone equal under the law and admissions!

Fpbp bror

Make everyone equal with fire or plague.

nooooope, cuz then who will deal with all the whining cunts?!?!??


I feel bad for the asian kid who got rejected with full point because they had to take some dindu

funny how you niggers hate asians. in manhatten there have been dozens of cases of black men slashing asian girls faces the last few years. asians had nothing to do with slavery so what the justification for the monkey business?

What a grand philosophy, Schl- user.

Negative action will never end.....not until either whites or shit skins are gone.

They enslaving us in Africa right now n shieeet

what no

That's bullshit. Don't glorify the civil rights movement in an attempt to appear moderate. The civil rights movement was always about special privileges for non-whites in perpetuity and the destruction of private property rights. It was never about legal racial equality.

>In a white country

Glad you understand

Fuck you, I WISH I was a jew, I could get eveything including pity sex from white chicks.


lol if it werent for asians there would be no merchants in africa. where would niggers buy thier rap music cds? not fun driving around killing and raping without a good soundtrack.

Then Harvard will be majority Asian students and soon white people will stop applying to go there and a few years after, nobody will want to go there


As college should be



Are you aware that you're now a meme on that Chan Cup thingy?

Fuck you niggerbot and fuck your praisebots replying to you. Shitty assbot can't even archive ffs. Get out of here with your shit site. What's it called again? niggerchive.is?

is that screenshot real? "Trump seeks to sue colleges ..." when the article explicitly says this is something that started under Obama in 2015?

Bout damn time

kys tardo

>It's discrimination when it affects them not us
Must be fun being this retarded



theyll just point to all the jews they have as (((proof))) they dont discriminate against whites