wow, so this is what peak journalism looks like.
Wow, so this is what peak journalism looks like
Lincoln Russell
Adam Walker
who the fuck wants to be attracted to some numale faggot?
Luke Jackson
>not wanting to sexually dominate smooth soyboy boipussy
You must be new here.
James Long
Wait, what? Really? Oh my god stop the presses! The only interesting thing about this is that they somehow got women to admit it.
Elijah King
>Strength and success are not supposed to be attractive
Oh right, the state is supposed to care for your children so it's not important anymore.
Owen Allen
Awesome observation there Newsweek. I didn't know that until I read the article.
Juan Robinson
Are you suggesting I get in shape?
Joseph Walker
>Its manly to be a man sources say
Connor Nelson
You can only twist nature so much, it always wins in the end
Hudson Parker
So it's problematic to be fit and to have money ?