Apparantelly the pc crowd is getting pissed that Finn isn't the main hero in this SW trilogy.
Are these guys that fucking dumb ?
The dude was never the lead, there are 2 leads in this trilogy (3 maybe) and none of them are black kek
You think they mad cause the coprotags are a white male and a white female with a high chance of starting a romance (going by the info we are getting from TLJ) or that the black man isn't a Jedi ?
Alexander Perez
The only thing I'm disappointed about is that Finn isn't taking more of a leading role simply because he is way more interesting as a character than Rey, the fucking Mary Sue to end all Mary Sue's.
Daniel Bennett
Who cares? Star Wars has become an SJW franchise, where the writers and directors have openly stated that they changed the race and gender of several characters solely for the sake of pushing "diversity". However, you can never please an SJW, so of course they're going to complain. SJWs have no end goal.
Levi Gray
I lost all interest in that film when TR-8R didn't turn out to be the hero and reinstate a proper human supremacist Empire with pazaak and hookers.
Adam Clark
That's what they get for killing the Expanded Universe and replacing it with this filth. Even the Toy Story 3 guys Star Wars Ep 7 was better than this rehash crap. T. Butthurt Star Wars fan
Nicholas Johnson
>still watches Star Wars after Return of the Jedi Star Wars is dead
Ethan Martin
Here's what's going to happen >Rey joins to the Dark (White) Side with Kylo >Goes through 2 movies failing to check her privilege >At the end of the third movie she will realize that black lives matter, friendzone Kylo and come back to the Light (BLACKED) side and realize that Finn's BBC is the one thing that can bring balance to the Force Their mulatto lovechild will then be the star of a further string of properties.
Lucas Morris
Star Wars is fucking gay
Joshua Brooks
On the plus side, in that timeline Finn would never be seen again.
Lincoln Cook
Yeah. He may have been Affirmative Blacktion Trooper, but his character was at least well done. He was a dumb nigger with no father, a failure and a fuckup in the military, and an actual janitor. He was bumbling, retarded, and completely infatuated with white women.
Mary Jew was terrible. Finn was at least an entertaining minstrel.