Stella no Mahou fansubbing & discussion

TL here, script finished soon.

In the meantime, please discuss the latest developments and who the best girl is (it's Kayo).

Other urls found in this thread:

Best girl is Aoi Yuuki.

mah boy


Tama is also best.

Shii is best btw.



Keep on saving fansubbing Sup Forums.

Do not lewd the Stellas, they said.

Any OLD MEN this episode?

I want to literally FUCK shiina

Get in line.

All the girls except Ayame and the Iris fangirl are best.


Red best girl.


She's going to be taking nudes any minute now.

>Tama on the left
Boner why

TL here again, shore be sorry I's late, rough script finished.

As usual, notes to editor are exactly that, and lines with a "*" are the ones I think need the most work (poor wording but also poor translation).

I'll be around for a while (some three more hours perhaps) to help out with editing if any editors show up.

Me in the middle.

Why is she so sexy?

Thank you for the hard work good user.

So, anyone timing this ?

Which release is better?

I love Shii. Shii is best girl.

here, I'll time then.

Proofreading now. Lot's of dialogue this time, I miss the long montages.

There are lyrics for the OP and ED out, so maybe we can do karaoke this week if you're are up for it:

Love you.


The fuck did I just read?

>nip fast as fuck song
Oh fuck. I dont know user, let me finish the main script first.

Is right supposed to be college Tama?
Because that's pretty hot.

Actually I think it's supposed to be Tama Mama, since Tama mentioned her earlier.

I'd make Tama a mama.

It's taking way longer than I thought, so I'll ask some questions on the first half now in case I don't finish before you leave.

Here's the first half of the script done. If you could look it over and respond to the questions in there it'd be great.


Some of the huh and ah would not need typeset I think. I'm doing the timing for the last 50-60 line or so right now.



I say don't bother with actual karaoke, just put a translation of the lyrics on screen without flashy effects or per-syllable timing.

The manga's artstyle is so good.

Yeah I love it. Scans literally where?

The per-syllable timing isn't really that important, but I'd like to have the romanji on there as well as the translation. It helps with people who want to sing along.

Lots of things to answer, I'll post this while I read through the rest.

>(changed to "Would", does she clearly stop talking in hypothetical?)
The way this works is there's one conditional at the beginning, and the rest is worded like any normal sentence. I think your wording is fine.

>(clarify last clause)
Upon remembering how good Minaha was, Tama "became unable to draw". Afterwards, she had that nightmare.

>(kind of makes it sound like Honda is challenging her, maybe "Are you going to challenge me to another contest?")
Nice catch, your wording is closer to Tama's character and intent.

>(It sounds like she's saying Haa-san to me.)
So it does to me, actually.

>(Minaha is clearly talking in the background, could you not make out what she was saying?)
I wish.

>Then'll you'll out of this slump in no time.
I guess I have brain problems.

>(is she backpedaling on the statement that she's Iris, or on her speech?)
Statement. "Maybe" is probably the least awful part of that line.

>(I rephrased it to sound more natural with the same meaning, but the line sounds like "What character are you trying to be?" to my EOP ears)
Her tone is what made me try that route, but your suggestion is fine too. Actually, I think I like it better.

>(Is she specifically saying that Minaha doesn't have the authority to join the club? It sounds like a case of "What are you doing deciding that all of a sudden" to me)
It is such a case indeed. I tried to avoid unnecessary weeb wordings, but it seems I made some lines more confusing. In weeb lingo, it's "what are you deciding on your own!?".

>(Is it coloring specifically? Seems like it'd make more sense if it was art in general)
It is.

Sing along to this:

Fuck, I didn't realise there was only one question left.

>I'm assuming the first line is supposed to be along the lines of "and that's the story of how we joined the summer fair" [...]
You might be overthinking this one. I think Tama's little monologues are like things she'd write in her diary, not necessarily styled as a story.

For those who cant wait for more timing QC.
Timed to leopard-raws.


>Tama "became unable to draw"
How about "and then I couldn't draw anymore." then? I think that gets across the point that it's a cause and effect thing and not just low self-confidence.

>I tried to avoid unnecessary weeb wordings
How dedicated to that are you? I tend to lean more towards the weeb phrasing and the Yamato Nadeshiko part would be a lot easier to make work if we go full weeb.

>You might be overthinking this one
Probably. I changed it to "will take part" to sound more like a diary.

Also, at 8:45 is she saying -san or -sama? I thought it was -sama at first and that seemed to fit her speech, but upon second listen it sounds more like -san.

Second part is a lot more straightforward. I should be done soon.

Fuck.Got my screenshot too.


>How about "and then I couldn't draw anymore." then?
I think that sounds good.

>Also, at 8:45 is she saying -san or -sama?
I hear "Honda-san mo".

I don't have a policy against weeb wording; rather, I used to like it when I watched subs. If anything, my problem is that after a while watching anime raw, I have lost track of how much Japanese it's normal for the average Sup Forumsnon to know, so probably I'm more conservative in my use of loanwords and weeabooese than I need to be.

I did in fact consider a more literal approach to the yamato nadeshiko part, and rejected the idea on those grounds. Feel free to switch to a weebier style if you think you can get away with it.

My eyes are getting worse or her hair is lime coloured?

That makes sense. I think it's a reasonable expectation so I'll switch it around. If anyone thinks it's too much we could just throw a t/n saying Yamako Nadeshiko is a phrase used to describe an ideal Japanese lady.

>*We can't be like this. You need to get better quickly.
Would "This isn't good enough." work for the first part here? It's a bit awkward as is.

>*But you know, just from looking at others, I can sometimes spot mistakes in sketches.
Is she saying that just by looking at other people's sketches she can spot mistakes in those sketches or that just by looking at lots of art she's become able to spot mistakes in other people's art? What's the most literal translation of this you can give?

Comes off as a little insulting. I don't remember them saying what she's half of, so I think "half-foreign" would be best. "One of your parents is foreign" could also work.

Those are the only really problems in the second half. Once those are cleared up I'll post the (hopefully) final version.

Missed another line, "doushite"

Feel free to complain about missing lines or whatever needing aegissub, for others like typo or random * in subs you can just delete it from the ass file.

Yes, she's a baka hafu who sprayed lemonade all over her hair.

Abundant of hilarious faces in this episode

Superior hairstyle.

Are you doing the timing?

Here's the full proofread script. Unless the translator comes back and corrects something, it should be good to go for a final release.

As usual, all changed lines are marked with parentheses and a label of what was changed. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether the minor edits are better or worse.

Do not bully the hafu. She is a cute and elegant lady.

>Would "This isn't good enough." work for the first part here? It's a bit awkward as is.
I think it works, yes. Oh god yes it was awkward, but sometimes I just have to slap an asterisk on it and move on, or else it'd take me weeks to translate one episode.

Minaha doesn't explicitly say who isn't good enough, but in her second line, addressed at Tama, she does say "you too", so I chose to interpret her first line as applying to both of them (thus "we"). That's just my opinion, but I think it's best not to make her sound like she's only criticising Tama.

As for the bit about Iino's advice, it ties in to a previous part where she notices a mistake in Tama's sketch, the explains that she has some second-hand knowledge from her imouto. It's something like this:

>Ah, these make my notes easier to read.
(I don't really draw, I just doodle a bit for that reason)
>But you know, just from looking at others, I can sometimes spot mistakes in sketches.
(I don't draw myself,) I just look from the sidelines (at my sister drawing, as explained earlier), and all I can do is sort of spot mistakes in sketches (as in, that is the limit of what I know about drawing).

It's complicated because she's explaining that she has that skill, but she's doing so in a humble way only to illustrate the fact that she only has second-hand knowledge.

>Comes off as a little insulting.
Is "half" better? Is that word used like that at all? Whatever, I'll trust your call on this.

Just for information, while a good structured, easy to understand sentence is nice to have but since it needed to be timed to how long the voice on for the scene, a long sentence and a short air time would make the sub bad for readability/understanding.

Also this line should be "why" right?
>What are you deciding on your own!? Also, I'm the one in charge of drawing.

How about "I just watch my sister draw, but I can sort of spot mistakes in sketches from that."?

I did notice a few lines that were too long for the speech while I was watching it. I'll try to keep a closer eye on that in the future.

No, that line is correct. She's not asking why she's making the decision (that's clearly stated in the previous line) she's making an exclamation about a sudden, willful decision being made without consulting the rest of the group. I just used the translator's suggestion from here . If that's confusing you could use "What are you doing deciding that all of a sudden."

Oh, and if you notice any lines that do need to be shortened you can mark them in a pastebin or post them in the thread and I'll try to come up with a better version if you don't want to do it yourself.

Nah, I think I'm done for now. Here is the latest from

"Half" on its own isn't really used here, but half-French and the like are and are pretty neutral. I don't know, mixed just brings to mind things like race-mixing or mixed company that are generally used in a negative context.

Anyone muxing them? If no then I'll put them up.

If you do, please change the "know" in the first line to "knew". I guess that got missed.

Too late.

>Can you hear it now?
>A dancing heart: a dream you had last night.
>Amid drifting waves,
>A pattern-less night continues on.

>Is it reaching you now?
>Dreams and disappointment: An imitation beat.
>Our ship is thrown about,
>Swimming the sea of the cosmos.

>Even so,
>We dream.
>By dreams.

What in the ever loving fuck did they mean by this?

It's a metaphor for game development.

I wonder how long they'll keep up this misunderstanding.

Hafu fang.

>wears long hair because she thinks it's what her dad is into

Tama-chan is such a slut.

Thanks, just watched it. I shat on them for making VNs, but now I'm very excited to see Iris's masterpiece immortalized.

She never stops grossing me out every episode.

I think you mean turning you on.

That's the opposite of how I feel, actually.

>[Daikirai] Stella no Mahou - 09 (ATX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv

Thanks anons. I was around yesterday but have been busy as I'll be traveling soon so couldn't help out with the timing.

Go away Haa-chan


What did she mean by this?


Every time.

>high schoolers look like elementary schoolers
>adults look like high schoolers

Is this the ideal world?

And here I thought it was Kayo who was the biggest slut in the show.

Yes. This and Flip Flappers.


Without a doubt.

But which world in Flip Flappers?

Doesn't matter, everyone is flat every time in FF.

For the first half of this episode I was convinced the show was about to go full yuri.

What about the second half?

Just Yumine things.

We won't be that lucky.

I want to live in that world.

why is Iris so sexy?


Seeing how smooth this week's ED was in relation to last week's one felt really strange.
And Tama-chan still the cutest, despite how she's slowly going down a dark path. Oh no.

Temporary suspension of all unnecessary organs

She's actually a vampire.

Literal Electra complex confirmed.

I think this translation is wrong.
The mother in this context is Shiina's, guessing from the manga.