

You realize beer has 1000x more feminizing effects than soy because of the hops most of them use right?

"soyboy" is a cow farm shill operation


>got pissed off because of all these soy threads
>went to the supermarket to the oil aisle
>shoved all the soybean oil bottles to the floor
>one of them broke and I slipped on it
>oil all over my clothes and now my back hurts
don't try to fight back against soy it doesn't work

I know and it's retarded because there's literally no scientific evidence for it. There have been plenty of comparisons done and Beer, actual cow milk, and even chicken, beat out soy in terms of lowering testosterone by a fucking mile.

Lol nobody will actuall respond to this with an actual source though.


Hahaha! Fuck soy, amirite? Now go ahead and buy some whole milk with actual animal oestrogen, go-, I mean, guy!

Does anyone in this thread have a response to the 'what about Asian people and their soy consumption?' line?
Can they have it because of genetics?

>storing food in bpa plastic containers