Explain this shit Sup Forums

Explain this shit Sup Forums.

>92% of the Senators who voted to re-elect Ajit Pai were Republicans.



Republicans 2 for, 234 against
Democrats 177 for, 6 against


Republicans: 0 for, 46 against
Democrats 52 for, 0 against


Why are you guys actively fighting against internet freedom? Don't you enjoy your porn, your video games, your Sup Forums, your freedom? I mean what the hell is wrong with you people?

Other urls found in this thread:


Do Democrats really think they're different than Republicans?
Do Democrats really think that they don't support corporations and the wealthy?
They aren't socialists, they're liberals, very similar to the neoliberal Republicans.

You guys are hypocrites. You claim to want freedom, but you fight against it.

Net Neutrality is the barrier to free consumer level internet. You will see free high speed internet services crop up once Net Neutrality is dead.

Because none of them have either running water or a college education

hahahahahaah yeah ok buddy. What you will see is you paying extra a month to visit your favorite site Sup Forums. That is what you will see. You will pay more to visit youtube. To visit twitch. To visit any of your favorite sites, including porn. What in the hell is wrong with you people? YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should be fighting tooth and nail for net neutrality. Instead, you are actively marching toward the end of a free internet.

Yea in 9 different packages splitting up everything we already have. Are you trying to sound retarded?

I think the Republican tax plan is stupid, but the GOP aren't explicitly anti-white like the Democrats, and my racial interests matter far more than economics or tax policy.

"Net neutrality" did nothing to protect my free speech or the free speech of other white nationalists. So what good is it?

Jews don't vote Republican

ISPs donate more money to Rs. Streaming services and content providers donate more money to Ds. They take sides accordingly.

There, it's explained to you.

Oh look it's this thread again. Anybody going to link the policy and have real debate or is it just shilling the same talking points over and over under the guise of freedom?

>Don't you enjoy your porn, your video games, your Sup Forums, your freedom?
Not really, they just pass the time


what exactly is hard to understand about this? Explain it to me.

Net neutrality is a bad thing though

You do know Sup Forums would be one of the first sites to go if net neutrality is gone? Right?

your mom is a bad thing

>Do Democrats really think that they don't support corporations and the wealthy?

They aren't. They're the same shit in different cups.

The Democrats under Bill Clinton did far more to harm average Americans than either of the two Bush presidents. Clinton's accomplishments:

passed NAFTA
passed GATT
telecommunications act of 1996
got rid of Glass-Steagal

America hasn't had a pro-worker party in at least 50 years.

you know what? I tried. I just dont give a flying fuck anymore. So many people of my generation and older are completely ignorant on this issue. I am so incredibly frustrated that in todays age of information, people are more ignorant than ever. Just dont come crying when you have to pay a fee to visit Sup Forums once net neutrality gets gutted, don't say we didn't fucking warn you!!

I know. I was saying that Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin.
America's two party system is broken, with the ruling parties being essentially the same on all the important issues.
They're essentially a dictatorship with the illusion of democracy, their "democracy" changes nothing.

That's a good thing

If we elected Bernie he would actually be draining the swamp and throwing right wingers in prison and sending the police to point guns at CEOS heads. Thats the america I dream of.

Bernie was a much better alternative to both Trump and Clinton though I think systems like congress and all of America's other bullshit would stop him from doing what he wanted.
If only he was a nationalist though, I agree on socialism but I'm a nationalist too.
I dream one day of socialism finally succeeding, it's only a matter of when at this point though not if.

Oh wait, you mean one internet provider will be able to sell their product as better than another internet provider??? Ending the local monopolies??? Slashtards are always wrong, it is why the slashtard website went out of business and is a malware honeypot now. Go back Reddit faggot. Slashtards are always wrong.

capitalism will usher in a socialist utopia where robots and AI do all the work. Money will be a thing of the past.

>capitalism will usher in a socialist utopia where robots and AI do all the work. Money will be a thing of the past.

Highly speculative.

1)Suppose the robots start killing humans
2)Suppose we "merge with the AI"
3)Suppose Elysium happens

"Cowen forecasts that modern economies are delaminating into two groups: a small minority of highly educated and capable of working collaboratively with automated systems will become a wealthy aristocracy; the vast majority will earn little or nothing, surviving on low-priced goods created by the first group, living in shantytowns" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_is_Over

All of these things will probably end capitalism but won't result in socialism either. To put it differently, if I were to bet against a utopia happening for the last 5000 years of human history I would have been right for all 5000 years. I'm not about the change my betting strategy.


Money will never be a thing of the past. It just won't be as important as more and more stuff becomes free. We'll still need ways to decide how to divvy up things that are limited though. For example, if a concert hall only fits 500 people, you need some way to determine who gets in. Money is the most straightforward way.

Concert halls wont exist anymore retard

>using picards statement to mean socialism
they literally have private owner ship are in a post scarcity society and dont hate the concept of markets or money they literally use rations to trade shit in voyager

Why did we get so excited about Trump instead of Bernie? Why didn't Sup Forums back him instead of cucking ourselves?

We were conned. I'll admit, I supported him since I thought he would actually change things but of course he wouldn't. We were all gullible idiots.

>if you don't support net neutrality you won't be able to access this one site you happen to be on if we lose it!

This is why I don't trust this shit, you sound like another insinsere disingenuous faggot leftist just parroting nonsense that you don't even seem to understand

the internet was fine without net neutrality just a few years ago, what the fuck are you idiots so worried about


It'd be like letting car companies build the roads, you idiot. Would you want Toyota, Ford, GM, etc to build your roads? Because you can be damn well sure that in 10 years time they will be doing shady shit like forcing non-Toyota/GM/Ford cars into the slow lane on their roads.

It's bad for individual freedom, good for corporate freedom

I dont want to pay for fucking everything and have it all broken up into little over priced packages for everything

>Republicans: 0 for, 46 against NN.
All these republicans are jebs friends trying to stop us from spreading jeb memes

don't expect Republicans, especailly Trumpcuck to explain why they're dumb as fuck. They legit think that Republicans are FOR MUH WORKING MAN.

Thanks for the tax cut and the stock bumps you rural and suburban retards. Enjoy poverty.

Practicing/orthodox Jews overwhelmingly vote republican though

It's gotten to the point where you have to be either stupid or a bit of a racist to be a Republican these days. I'd like to think most of them are just stupid. But either way I can't wait to watch them start to see the consequences of their blind loyalty to Trump.

Most Senators do not understand the internet. I'm willing to bet that a large portion of them, on both sides, hate the internet because it makes their lives harder.

The internet was the primary reason Trump won. A lot of the old-guard hate Trump for stirring the pot.

Yeah, but the Dems don't pretend they're for the working man like the GOP is. The Dems never steal from the working class like Republicans do. They're for sure Corporatists, especially the super-rich blue states like CA, NY, NJ.

There's a reason low-educated, poor, blue collar people vote Republican. They can't blame themselves for being poor, so the blame jews, black, spics, women etc. etc. Dems don't do that shit.

Reminder for Sup Forums


The only people who vote republican are rural and suburban retards.

High IQ city people all vote democrat.

Republicans are basically just unrducated yokels who are too stupid to know what’s best for them.

That’s why we need socialism, to take care of them.

High IQ city people are generous, even towards those that hate us.

i live in the south, jews here do

You suddenly realized: Trump has formed a State within the state, to fight another (((state))) within the state.

How many states are there now? Who is even governing USA?

I bet JEB has a hand in all this chaos. KEK is probably giving him some secret memetic powers.

Net Neutrality is a bunch of regulations. Regulation =\= freedom dingus. You regulate something you limit the free use of it. By the basic definitions alone you're retarted.

Sweden gets it

>net neutrality
>Obamacare for the internet
thanks, but no thanks

>There's a reason low-educated, poor, blue collar people vote Republican.

There were attempts at enforcing NN by the FCC over the past decade and certain criteria set by the FCC which were very similar to NN. So America had de facto NN (or something close to it) over the past 10 years.


"During the FCC's hearing, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association urged the FCC to adopt the four criteria laid out in its 2005 Internet Policy Statement as the requisite openness. This made up a voluntary set of four net neutrality principles.[27] Implementation of the principles was not mandatory; that would require an FCC rule or federal law.[28] The modified principles were as follows:[29][30]

Consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice;
Consumers are entitled to run applications and services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement;
Consumers are entitled to connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network; and
Consumers are entitled to competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers."

The truth is no one really knows what's going to be the end result of this legislation just like no one knew what would be the result of NAFTA/GATT/Glass-Steagall 10 years in advance.

Maybe Ajit Pai and the Verizon shills are right and killing NN will usher in a new internet utopia. I wouldn't bet on it but it's theoretically possible.


You're an idiot. You were okay with google (lefty biased shithole) having a monopoly on your info, but you're against taking it away from them. Fuck off leftist cuck.

>Lefties never give corporate handouts.

Trump knew how to play the internet. He's pretty much the first internet-era president. Obama and Bush used the internet in their campaigns, like having Myspace or Facebook pages, but Trump actually fully understood the internet and used it to appeal to people online. He's even proud of being a shitposter. The only problem with that being that he hasn't reigned in his shitposting since becoming President, and now he has the highest power in the world behind his shitposts.

Verizon shills are out in full force today.

How's that independence working out for you?

So how can we take shitposting to next level? How can we make shitposting implode internet? How can we make shit shittier than shit?

>but you're against taking it away from them

>believing in utopia nonsense
is correct.

you are a shill. you know very well that in voyager they were in the gamma quadrant millions of light-years away from the federation, which is a socialist utopia.

>Literally the opposite of what NN does, but ok, shill

At least the Democrats pretend they care, the Republicans just deny they don't care.


This NN stuff popping up out of nowhere reminds me of the anti-fracking propaganda. It is propanganda designed to stifle American industry. The main argument seems to be that
>internet should be free, it’s a human right!
which reminds me of the free healthcare argument. The other argument is >corporations are evil
which reminds me of anti-pipeline arguments.

All of these arguments are designed to bankrupt the American economy. It is literal Russian propaganda.

>All of these arguments are designed to bankrupt the American economy
>It is literal Russian propaganda

Who is paying these retards? Rachel Maddow?

>being this moronic

What the GOP does, with their clear and open racism, which is only becoming more clear in the post-Trump political climate, is building up hatred against white people. All the millions of white men who voted for Trump a year ago have been vilified for an entire year, and groups like Antifa and BLM are becoming increasingly anti-white as a result of this political climate. You voting for the current GOP will lead to more Trumpist Republicans going apeshit about Mexicans and Muslims and blacks in order to pander to you, which will in turn lead to more of those groups resenting white men. The white liberals, finding your racism repulsive, will also become more extreme. In the end, this is only hurting you in the long term.

>A vote for the GOP is a vote against white America

>implying Sup Forums hasn't been bribed to systematically put these threads on the frontpage with zero bumplimit.

>internet was fine without NN


You can NOT be this much of a brainlet. The internet was FOUNDED ON NET NEUTRALITY! NN HAS ALWAYS BEEN HERE! Companies actually fucking restricted themselves in the past to keep net neutrality alive on their own.

Then we had hulu, netflix, twitch, and other streaming sites. These streaming sites took the consumers attention away from tv thus the major profit piunt of at&t, comcast and others. By about 2010 or so ISPs started throttling these streaming sites to slow them and hinder them, this made them raise prices on the consumers and people were PISSEDDDD, FFS Sup Forums! YOU WERE THE LARGEST GROUP OF PEOPLE FIGHTING SOPA, PIPA, AND ADVOCATING FOR NN IN 2012! WTFH WENT WRONG YOU KEKS?!

Because of the outrage Obama HAD to step in and appease the consumer and TURN THE INTERNET TO ITS DEFAULT STATE! CAN YOU FUCKING RESEARCH!

Now Trump and Pai wants to sell our soul to (((them))) and yes google and kikebook are fighting for NN, but FUCKING WHO CARES?! It's jews fighting jews and IF WE LOSE NN WE PAY, NOT THE KIKES! THEY WILL PUT ALL THE FUCKING LOST REVENUE ON US YOU MORONIC BRAINLET!

You're games, your porn, your meme, your anime, all of it will be throttled to hell and your internet bill increase by 50% if not 100% or MORE!

But tell me more about 'lolz libtard soyboys who cri', you fucking mongoloid. /pol used to have standards, /pol used to actually fucking argue and reason, /pol used to take the RIGHT side no matter the politics of that decision! Now you're all 'trump daddy, let me suck cock, gib cummies, libtards ha'....fucking pathetic.

Gas yourselves, everyone of you, you're scum, you throw your rights away over meaningless bullshit.

The mental gymnastics you inbred losers are doing to avoid the realization that you hillarously fucked yourselves over and voted against your own interests is fucking funny as hell. Continue to conflate this with unrelated shit like Obamacare and racial politics as you try to desperately convince yourselves that you didn't back the wrong dipshit. The fact that you guys actually believe that you think for yourselves is the funniest part. Laughing forever at you morons.

>All the millions of white men who voted for Trump a year ago have been vilified for an entire year, and groups like Antifa and BLM are becoming increasingly anti-white as a result of this political climate.
That's good though. We want division and animosity between races.

>You're games, your porn, your meme, your anime, all of it will be throttled to hell and your internet bill increase by 50% if not 100% or MORE!
>implying this is bad

>The mental gymnastics you inbred losers are doing to avoid the realization that you hillarously fucked yourselves over and voted against your own interests is fucking funny as hell. Continue to conflate this with unrelated shit like Obamacare

I suspect a lot of these guys are literal paid shills. If I was Verizon/comcast I'd hire 5 or 6 guys to shill Sup Forums and at least keep us from mounting a solid resistance. At most this will cost Comcast a few thousand dollars/week to run this operation compared with the billions they could make by getting this thing passed.

The "Russia propaganda thing" sold it for me. I have not seen someone on Sup Forums complaining about Russian propaganda and "Russian's trying to destroy our economy" in any other thread.

They're using the same talking points and posting style as well, as you said conflating NN with obamacare..

These are paid shills. There is no doubt about it in my mind.

Remind me again how white supremacy has fared in the past? Cause as far as I can recall, generation by generation, the idea has been pushed back and beaten. With all the liberal whites in the US, I don't see there being enough white nationalists for there to be ANY hope of shit going well for you.
And just to be clear: no, more division isn't leading to more whites supporting white nationalism. It's leading to more whites embracing leftism, because they are repulsed by retarded Trumpism.

paid verizon shills pushing Russia is behind NN in the other thread

boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/150352995

Google has far more paid shills pushing for it, moron.

>no, more division isn't leading to more whites supporting white nationalism.
Data shows otherwise


Yeah enjoy paying 40€ a month for being able to spread your views on a platform without me spilling your brain down a gutter. How much did Comcast pay you?

LOL, now do the "voting democrat" meme where white men and women are raped and beheaded by third world hordes, while there children are dashed on the rocks and their statutes and flags are destroyed.

Data shows a blue wave in response to the retarded racism of Trump. More division doesn't lead to the number of white nationalists growing. Just look at history - there was a time whites literally saw non-whites as animals, there was a time segregation was normal, but those times passed. The majority of whites are becoming more liberal and accepting, not less. You can maybe find a few college boys getting "red pilled" by the identity politics of the left nowadays, but society is moving very clearly in one direction, and that direction ain't right. You are actively hurting your own future by supporting the American right.

>blue wave
Yawn. Only in a shareblue fever dream.

in the context of net neutrality, the vote was 100% party line, so any sort of equivalency here is moot. sad to see you underage trumpcucks sinking to new depths, but i guess that's what happens when your fathers are soyboy pussies.

>this is the best shill 18B can buy
Pathetic mate. Brock needs a refund.

>in the context of net neutrality, the vote was 100% party line, so any sort of equivalency here is moot. sad to see you underage trumpcucks sinking to new depths

You're right. I guess we should support the democrats next time.



not an argument

you underage faggots really cant fathom the idea that both parties can be correct in some cases. all i'm pointing out here is that many people ITT are trying to suggest that "hurr durr democrats are the same as republicans" which they are clearly not, as demonstrated by thsi party line vote. if you dont think net neutrality is an important issue, then obviously you would ignore this vote, but if you do consider it to have impact then you are simply doing mental gymnastics trying to prove that the democrats hold the same views as republicans on this issue.

>fucking Alabama, of all places, is about to elect a Democrat
>there is no blue wave guys, don't worry
>he will definitely have two terms, guys
>two scoops, two terms, guys, i promise

I mean where do you pull this argument from. Your ass that's were. Every time I hear this I get a little dumber and everyone else who reads it does. Stop spreading bullshit and for God's sake do not breed.

Raise prices too high and people will stop paying for internet and stop using it.

ISPs have a choice to compete for affordable internet service, or make no money whatsoever.

Wow holy fuck axe net neutrality right now and compete for my fucking business.

>every democrat votes for net neutrality
>every republican votes against it

once again, the issue at hand is specific, but that's real cute that you can repost tired & overly generalized political cartoons.

>ignore the dems flipping seats left and right, guys, i'm sure it's not a sign that they're becoming more politically active
>all those dozens of flipped seats are probably not a part of a greater pattern, not at all

>>fucking Alabama, of all places, is about to elect a Democrat
Lol, nope. He's still ahead, even with this pathetic smear campaign that materialized "spontaneously" after the primary and before the election.

it'll be interest to see how it pans out, but yeah, pretty sad reflection on alabama (which already ranks bottom 5 in a lot of HDI categories including education, health care access, STD prevalence, obesity, infant mortality, you name it) to elect a child diddler to high office.

Sup Forums here.
The fact that anybody here could oppose NN is bewildering.
Let's assume there are 0 shills in the thread, and actually provide arguments over why you would be for or against the bill.

I personally, choose to be for it solely for the reason being I don't want to be sodomized by the second largest corporate entity in the US. Cable companies have shown time and time again they have no respect for their customers, and offering them control over the last bastion of free speech on a silver platter is selling your soul in exchange for nothing more than a firm butt fucking.
No, I don't think other companies will take the initiative to offer a proper service, sites like Sup Forums, reddit, and any independent media will be silenced, or destroyed entirely.

Just look at what happened to Google Fiber, lobbying from big media drove it into the ground. I despise google, but I would hand them the metaphorical strap on and lube in a hearbeat when compared to comcast, time warner, or cox.

only a fool would vote democrat. we have tried 3rd parties but they just don't work. google, youtube, facebook, twitter is the internet now. in too deep. as if the dems would help anyone but themselves. reps are just following the money.

This! Please don't feed the animals

It doesn't even matter who wins in Alabama - the result will still be bad for the Republican party. The state will either elect a Democrat, which is more than possible, or they'll elect a child molester, and the rest of the country will be disgusted, and even more anti-Republican. Truth doesn't matter. I think Moore is guilty, but the truth doesn't matter. If he wins, that will strengthen the Dems in the future, and keep the blue wave rolling.

>I don't want to be sodomized by the second largest corporate entity in the US

But Google is pro-NN.

>hurr durr muh NAFTA

any neutral analysis has determined inconclusive results from NAFTA, like most economic policy, there are some winners and some losers as far as "average americans" go. you should really stop posting, it's clear you only regurgitate memes you've heard on Sup Forums during your formative years.

the reality frankly is that most impoverished parts of america are held down in a victim complex ("muh coal!"), and they refuse to adapt to changing economies and would rather blame niggers, democrats or [insert bogeyman here] rather than take resposibility for themselves. as an example of the reverse, look at a place like Pittsburgh; the city saw some rough years when the american steel industry contracted and dried up, but they are seeing a rennaissance as they adapt and engage in a tech driven economy. west virginia, kentucky, alabama, and so on will never prosper until they can adapt too. this of course is the "NON-PC" explanation, but trumpcucks dont want to hear it because it hurts their little feelings.