>92% of the Senators who voted to re-elect Ajit Pai were Republicans.
Republicans 2 for, 234 against Democrats 177 for, 6 against
Republicans: 0 for, 46 against Democrats 52 for, 0 against
Why are you guys actively fighting against internet freedom? Don't you enjoy your porn, your video games, your Sup Forums, your freedom? I mean what the hell is wrong with you people?
Do Democrats really think they're different than Republicans? Do Democrats really think that they don't support corporations and the wealthy? They aren't socialists, they're liberals, very similar to the neoliberal Republicans.
Christopher Cox
You guys are hypocrites. You claim to want freedom, but you fight against it.
Joseph Lopez
Net Neutrality is the barrier to free consumer level internet. You will see free high speed internet services crop up once Net Neutrality is dead.
Jacob Nelson
Because none of them have either running water or a college education
Andrew Wilson
hahahahahaah yeah ok buddy. What you will see is you paying extra a month to visit your favorite site Sup Forums. That is what you will see. You will pay more to visit youtube. To visit twitch. To visit any of your favorite sites, including porn. What in the hell is wrong with you people? YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should be fighting tooth and nail for net neutrality. Instead, you are actively marching toward the end of a free internet.
Tyler Carter
Yea in 9 different packages splitting up everything we already have. Are you trying to sound retarded?
Parker Walker
I think the Republican tax plan is stupid, but the GOP aren't explicitly anti-white like the Democrats, and my racial interests matter far more than economics or tax policy.
Ryder Reed
"Net neutrality" did nothing to protect my free speech or the free speech of other white nationalists. So what good is it?