Give it to me in slow people terms Sup Forums, what will happen when net neutrality gets repealed...

Give it to me in slow people terms Sup Forums, what will happen when net neutrality gets repealed. Will I really be affected?

Net Neutrality didn't come into effect until 2015. If you used the internet before 2015 then you know that it was just fine.


Of course you will. Your internet provider, which you probably only have a choice of two, IF THAT will be able to decide want content you're allowed to access. So they could decide no more Sup Forums for you or no more twitter and it would all be completely legal.

They could also provide tiered access, where you can pay more for better streaming. So if there's somebody paying the low tier they'll be dropped to 25mbps while those paying will get the good stream.

Literally anybody not against this FCC ruling HAS to be a faggot Russia-bot wanting the world to burn. This isn't a Right-Left issue, unless you're a complete fascist in the Corporate sense.

So I suppose it is political as Trump is a Corporate Fascist and it's why it's his FCC doing this. Another example of this Congress and POTUS being "for the people" being a complete lie.

Ib4 Republican Trumpcuck support this because their Russian-backed God Emperor does, just like that Pedo in Alabama.

Not true little Russia-bot.

The ISPs weren't trying the shit they're trying nos, I guess they didn't think of the oppurtunity until NN was established. Sup Forums would probably be killed if NN gets destroyed

Net neutrality going away would be stuff like Get ready to pay for every website you like to visit unless it gets blocked entirely.


But the real problem is MONOPOLIES.

>didn't come into effect until 2015

2015 is the year they tried to ruin the internet and we were forced to make laws to stop them. Before then Net Neutrality was something everyone agreed on was the right thing to do. It wasn't a law yet, because it was common sense.