is it ok as a greek,if i date a turkish girl?
Is it ok as a greek,if i date a turkish girl?
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your the same people anyways so it doesn't matter.
Guys please,she is attractive for a roach
Don't let national relations impact your relationship
Post some pics lad.
The book says stick to your race, but you’re both human trash so personally I don’t give a fuck.
Yeah, go ahead mate. I also date a turkish girl - I really love how traditional they are. Hearing her talk in turkish with her girlfriends gives me a boner.
You are both sand niggers so yes.
only crete is roached,you fucking faggot and cyprus,the majority of greece is genetically pure
Shut up! Shut up you American. You always talk, you Americans, you talk and you talk and say 'Let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this', Well you're dead now, so shut up.
You have a burger approval. Just dont knock her up.
I wouldn't recommend it m8, they're hairy and sweaty like the Greeks.
Oh wait..
>is it ok as a greek,if i date a turkish girl?
Whats the difference
Don't do it. She's a roach.
Only if it's a cute Turkish girl (boy)
you don't need approval from us, ask her father, see the acid fly britbong malaka
show your flag coward
amerimutt talking
Turkish girls are great so yes
Do it. My gf is half-turk. They are way better than white girls and much more loving and traditional
Why do you want to contribute to our genetic bastardization?
Why don't you date a Greek girl instead?
no they are just cock-hungry for foreigners, literally the most horny human beings on the planet.
Turkish women are made for white men to breed
Bulgarian with a turk gf, can confirm. Traditional, but also horny.
she is attractive non degenerate,plus most greek girls here are typical slute scum
Came here to post this
Nothing compared to Finnish girls. Our girls have been proven to be the easiest sluts in the world. Any foreigner will get laid here and our girls are proud of it.
pics pls
I'd say it's more important to date a greek girl instead, rather than diluting your heritage.
That said, I'd be okay with it if we're talking about one of the more "byzantine" looking turks. You know, the ones who clearly have mostly/all greek/balkan blood rather than having overtly middle-eastern or mongoloid features.
memeflag opinion discarded,show your flag then talk
Top kek
also, turkish girls on erasmus are easy. So one of you virgin neckbeard faggots can just go to a night club where erasmus students usually party at and easily grab a turkish chick and finally lose your virginity. they will probably worship your cock no matter how bad you are at sex. they will think you are some kind of a god at bed and will tell her friends so.
just believe me it's true. one of you eurofags just go to a night club with erasmus students in it, and hit on a turkish girl. you won't believe how easy it is.
> getting any advice from this place
You should be castrated.
Watch out with this thread, Ikibey will come and he will get triggered
Yes, that is not racemixing.
You both have to go back though.
You’re both shitskins to me with basically the same food and culture so feel free. Make shit babies all you want.
i wasn't planning to.go back where exactly?
So what's your deal, Mehmet? It's rare for people to actively encourage other races to fuck their own people. Are you a cuck and want your women dicked by Big Aryan Cock or something?
In all fairness, Turks really are the worst though.
Greece, obviously.
Tfw she's RICED
well to be honest,turkey and greece are more clean than the uk,just visit london
>*checks flag
>Confirmed for legit Turk
no I enjoy watching them getting degraded&exposed on tumblr blogs meanwhile they shit on turkish males 24/7. it is a joy that I can't describe, they worship italian manlets with dark skin so much that they lose their shit, lmao.
Guten Tag, der Herr !
You are both shitskins so why would it matter
What a fucking pathetic beta virgin faggot
riced mi? arslanım, o kız ızbandut gibi gürbüz bir türkmen oğlanına vurduruyor.
Of course it is fucking ok. Don't let yourself be brainwashed by the racially oriented memeing cuck-mongoloids here on Sup Forums
No. Read accounts of the Greek Independence Revolution and never forget they murdered Patriarch Gregory V while (((they))) cheered on:
It is your duty to Make Turks Greek Again one roachette at a time
Well, I guess you can get Slavic whores as a trade-off.
Everyone wins
shitskin diaspora
you came with a hidden flag shitskin
i hope you die
Can confirm.
This whole "shitskin" stuff is getting old.
someones diaspora shitskin
If your shit is the same colour as the skin of Greeks or Turks, you probably have a serious liver condition, since this indicates that you stools lack bile.
there is a literal 50% chance that americans are shitskins
Depends on what you mean by "date". If you mean fuck her for a few months and dump her, then sure go ahead.
But don't be stupid and fall in love and marry her. She might look okay but you have no idea what kind of horrid syrian and steppenigger genes might surface in her spawn.
albanian subhuman in norway
albanian subhuman
I'll take that as a yes then. This is an interesting parallel, because I imagine it's the same attitude the reddit cuckolds have while watching niggerdick porn
>deadbeat degenerate dating a roach
Go ahead, you'll be exterminated in the race war anyway.
You are Untermensch either way, so go ahead, make plenty little cockroaches.
I see. But you should nevertheless try to find a decent greek girl. Have you thought about vacating in Greece?
On a related note, if the date ever evolves into something bigger like a marriage, lets say, the cultural differences will start manifesting themselves and will become an insurmountable obstacle that will eventually either polarize the relationship or end in one party forfeiting their culture. You have to trust me on this because I have seen it happen in a Greek husband Turkish wife marriage before. Since we are more "western" and therefore more cucked, we tend to forsake our cultural values more easily. A case in point, in the marriage I previously mentioned, the fucking greek cuck agreed to have his own fucking son circumsided because that's what Allah demanded. Think about it.
whiter then you Mehmet lets see your skin
Turks are mostly alpha but not nigger tier. Their kids will be fine I think.
And why would you think that? You seem horribly dumb for being German.
Yeah except you're purifying a girl's bloodline.
29.05.1453 NEVER FORGET
post your face you shitskin
I'm not enjoying my wife getting fucked, I'm enjoying some sassy whore with le traditional values losing their shit abroad, cheating on their bfs, doing every nasty shit and continuing as if nothing happened get degraded on the internet. sluts deserve it. I don't care and nobody will marry with such a slut except leftist&liberal cucks in turkey, lmao
As a Greek you are basically a Turk rape baby so why not.
they are retarded subhumans
I am a Greek
its because the albanian in germany
and you
are albanians who are very sneaky
almost never showing their nationality
I'm all honesty albanians are much whiter than you at this point.
thats wrong you shtiskin
albanians are subhumans you flag hiding shitskin
go ahead greekbro, you're alright
you don't have any an*lo blood in you by any chance do you?
he is a subhuman
Only if she is a crypto-Greek like these. But she probably isn't so then you shouldn't, fucking think about your ancestors. You can literally pick anyone except a Turk, why do you have to go with a Turkish girl?
As the only true racist/nationalist on Sup Forums
NO it is NOT OKAY and YOU dont have MY APPROVAL
If you decide to disregard my opinion well good luck with the new inlaws....muslims and orthodox christians ...I can already hear the new family arguing
>all those amerimutt mutt mongrel subhumans with no identity
If you need approval from Sup Forums maybe you should let that poor girl go
stop throwing buzzwords and pick a history book
And krauts are self destructing numales. Albanians are illyrians and jannisaries.
>thinks they have greek blood
you've never been to greece have you swedecuck? also gtfo of this thread we're talking about women not bbc