Alright faggots: Shit dindus never say

"Darling, we can't afford another child"

Happy father's day, pops!

i better get to bed so i can get up early for work tomorrow.

I think it's time to buy a new bike.


"there is your change sir, have a great day."

I'm here to apply for the job.

"Mister , you dropped your wallet!"

I'm a little early, I hope it's not a problem.

I infact did do something

I indeed did something

"I'm going to work hard. I wouldn't want to be a burden on others."

Let's go play some football, dad.

I broke the law, I deserve to be arrested.

"I love my brother, but he should never have tried to rob that poor ol lady. I understand that she had to shoot him, no one should fear to be robbed at 2 in the morning."

I pains me to admit that my son was not a good person. My heart goes out to all of people he victimized throughout his short life.

That police officer was right to open fire when I resisted arrest.

I love you, dad.

Hey dad.

We were kings.


I pay income taxes

Shouldn't we eat something less greasy? How about not dumping so many spices in our food? We have to watch our health - trans fats and high sodium can shorten your life... besides, food tastes better when it's baked.

"If my community focused on education instead of thug culture maybe we wouldn't all be living in poverty and going to prison."

Im moving to Africa.

It might become harder to find a descent job, if I have a marijuana leaf tattooed on my forehead.

I think the black guy is guilty.

Thank you sir.

I should get back and help my son with his homework

>"Sorry, I can't make the company picnic, I promised to take my children to Disneyland"

"And here's your tip!"

Yes, officer.

These shoes aren't a very practical purchase.

Maybe I should do something other than McDonald's for lunch, change it up a bit.

These Air Jordans are nice, but this money could be better spent on my children

"Hol up bitch, I gotta put a condom on!"

"Drugs are bad,you shouldn't do or sell them"

Why are nigger hands so disgusting?

While the Egyptian civilization undoubtedly maintained significant commercial and political influence in the Nubian regions, we must resist the urge to assume prominent Egyptian Pharaohs including Tutankhamen and Ramses were of negroid phenotype.

"Don't worry guys, I'll pick up the tab."

"My dad is driving me to school."

Thank you waiter, the food is great, and I have no complaints whatsoever

"Good evening, officer."


Can I hold your pet snake?

I out right refuse to wait on nigs unless there is a white woman with him cuz you know she will be paying anyway.

i take responsibility for this crime officer.

that was an interesting and fun piece of magic you performed for me here on this street corner

Nobody is responsible for whatever happened 200 years ago.