this is peak neoliberalism
This is peak neoliberalism
>You harm sheep when you sheer them
Really activates my unsheered almonds
Looks like israel got infected by the vegan cancer.
oh well, atleast it's not as bad as the immigrant cancer.
if you drown in your own blood is that still vegan?
>march into battle knowing no living thing has been hurt by them
What do they expect to do when they get to the battlefield? Be cannon fodder?
i'm ok with this
The lives of the goyim are lower than animals. Big surprise.
taking steps to accommodate different lifestyles is nothing new. Ethnic garb has often been incorporated into military uniforms for specific racial units, such as fez hats among other things. Pretty funny, but if it isnt hurting the combat effectiveness and permits the military to mobilize more forces than there's nothing g wrong with it.
Thank goodness I'm wearing these combat boots made with 100% harm-free materials to crush this guys head in. So woke!
I hope they also start issuing non-synthetic, ethically produced, green diapers too.
you sure you know what neoliberalism is?