Storytime: Les Miserable

Continuing off with chapter 3.

Other urls found in this thread:



Remember guys, bump anytime.







Anyone still reading?







is this the same OP that posted the shoujo one?


No, why? I was in that thread, though.












Hi Aslan!





Anyone still awake?


Still here. Keep going.





After the thread the other day I went out and purchased a copy of the novel. Thanks Sup Forums.




Did you buy the uncut version like a real man


All 1231 pages of it.

Holy shit this is just like how I remember Les Miserables. This guy gets the imagery perfectly.

Thanks for dumping OP


tfw I mention this manga in the other thread and now it's getting a live reading thread.

but too bad, the scan will never continue.


This masterpiece is not something you can trivially read and comment, you just read from the beginning to the end, uninterrupted


I just arrived, so yes.


金を払わないで読む泥棒は死ね お前らは漫画業界にとって糞以下の存在だ


Sorry, I'm back.



>金を払わないで読む泥棒は死ね お前らは漫画業界にとって糞以下の存在だ

What? Get back to your place, Javert



I have to wash the dishes, sorry. Someone can try and fill in.

Miss me?



Eating some sushi while doing this. Hope you guys are still around, and I'm sorry.






Oh great merciful bishop! Hallelujah!


Is anyone still here? Sorry if I was gone for too long.







Hey look, it's Aslan!




There are far too many Jeans in anime/manga than what should be acceptable. Out of all the names the author could have chosen, she chose Jean? Really? Fucking ripoff.







Dammit, Jean.

