Immigration should be female and sexy only

Before you say this has no solid logical basis, here me out.

A. Integration is damn hard, so the first generation immigrants are big problems.

B. What you want is well qualified 2nd generation immigrants.

C. Now, who are the best 2nd gen immigrants? Those with one immigrant parent and one native parent.

D. How do we assure that the native parent is a capable bread winner and will love his family? If the immigrant parent is sexy as fuck.

We should start to make this argument to the left wing pro immigration globalist feminists. I don’t think there is anything they can come up with to disprove this sound argument.

Stop thinking with your virgin dick

Can’t help thining with penis, girl in green shirt in the back of the weird autistic athlete is hot as fuck.

What kind of non white girls do you want the most?

Too young to have a political opinion then

East asian

this desu. it is the only viable way to get native white women to step up.

Thanks for genociding white women faggots.

if only could be so lucky. Think of the nagging and backstabbing we could avoid.

What about christian refugees from sudan?