Anyone else read this?


Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. But the real question is, have you read my doujinshi, desu ka?

I can't read

hate the fucking white space. Do Koreans love to fucking scroll all the time?

It's a cellphone webtoon because east asians are addicted to their phones.

Anyway, I read it for the hijinks, yes.

I hate how best girl is losing and lost her eyeball.

Yeah I read it. It's pretty nice. Nothing amazing or mind blowing, but nice.

I'm not sure why I can't get enough of these lewd korean NTR stories.

Got anymore?

Oh look the Yomanga shills are back again.

there's Unbalance X Triangle 3 or something like that.
also Drug Candy and Girls of the Wilds, but those ended.

Give name. I follow 3 Korean comes on sad Panda. One more can't hurt.

Do you follow that forniphilia one? Twin Slave. Hasn't been updated in a few months though.

Because you're a gook and a cuck.

So you're the pathetic people that put that gook crap on sad panda.

SStudy, Brawling Go, and Sports Girl.
I'm behind on all of them but only because I was up to date in the summer. It's about time I caught up again.

>you're the pathetic people
>you're the people
Your grammar and reading comprehension is more suspect than anything else here user.

Source please

>Says the gook

I wonder how much you paid Maximum Joe to ignore your gookshit on Sadpanda?

Perhaps, someone should link the gook publisher to the gookshit on Sadpanda.

>says good 3 times
>shit twice
You know you can filter tags and hide uploaders right? You're either on damage control for no reason, insecure and projecting for no reason, or just shit posting because people like Korean manga as well as Japanese. I'd go with the latter so at least you look like an elitist. Even if it's the obnoxious type

i actually just read it for the comments in the comment section.
It's a fun ride with artificially created drama spikes based on pure coincidences

Yes, it's getting better as it progresses where at the beginning it was just NTR porn with the chicken boy.

That being said Drug Candy and Little Girl are superior plotwise and lewdwise

I also don't get why some of you morons think we actually pay Yomanga for this. I mean how stupid can you get?

>inb4 fake Jap ESLkun starts shitting up the thread

why is this shit thread still up

UnbalancexUnbalance is still going? I was reading that shit years ago. Has the MC actually fucked his hot teacher yet?

It's literally one guy samefagging simultaneously on his phone and another device. I'm pretty sure he actively looks for these threads as an excuse to shitpost it to deletion

no that's done and I forgot if he did but it ended toward that anyway
there is another Unbalance going on and it's Unbalance X Triangle

I just want to know what the manga in the OP is so I can read up on 4 manga.
Zistopia AU and A Tale of Two Rulers can't be topped.

Saucenao works perfectly on the OPs pic

This gook is like cockroach

Lost interest in it pretty fast. What ever happened to the chicken delivery boy?

Keep telling yourself that, gook.

Awww the self hating gook hates it when people call him gook for shilling his gookshit on Sup Forums.

You gooks don't even try to hide it.

Oh looks its about time you showed up. These threads just aren't the same unless you're spamming shill shill shill yomanga shill every other post.

Stopping by to say hi, ESL-kun. I hope you participate in the secret santa this year, cause I know exactly what I'm getting ya.

An English grammar book and some manhwa

Why does you gook just post it on /h/ or something? better yet, just stay in your mangafox forum or reddit, you will get shitposts anyway.

You not even trying to hide your shitposting, gook

Reminder that fake ESL is in every manwha thread ever created and uses them as a means to shitpost it to death

>manwha thread
Is it even Sup Forums? and this is not manhwa it webcomic so your argument is invalid

Did you really think people give a shit about some gook amateur manga wannabe, gook?

what is fake ESL? isn't ESL an esports event?

>calling other ESL
Oh the irony, you fags are even worse than horseshit.

>Not being an EOP

The wall just got 500 feet higher Pablo

Sports Girl ended, there's 28.

>can't even read raw
>only read shit translation, generic crap and amateur gook shit
What a waste of humankind

Hey, gook. You should learn how to stop typing like a fujoshit but I wouldn't be surprised if you were a fujoshit considering your typing style is commonly found in the fujoshit general and what do you know, just looking at the thread right now, I see you posting gookshit in your fujoshit general as well.

Keep crying, gook.

Mad at your failed attempts at shilling your gookshit?

Oh man, gookboo is the worst. Imagine fat guy from Sup Forums with his sdnd headband and pillow and spoke words like oppa gangnang

>new chapter of brawling go released
>shitty rapist NTR character gets BTFO and femdommed after


>gookshit shills

>dat 4th wall break

>manwha is allowed on Sup Forums as stated by the mods
>being so new he thinks Sup Forums will allow manwha
>a-am I fitting in yet

Let me help you out

Being so new that you think your shit doesn't belong in

Funnty considering the amount of gookshit threads that are deleted.

You gooks even brag about your gookshit being on SadPanda.

Perhaps you should fuck off back to

Sup Forums is for anime and manga, stuff from japan not amateur hentai wannabe webcomic trash

Typical gook, always trying to spilling their shit anywhere because of their inferior complex

>Better not let him know I don't have anything to back up my claims, I'll just tell him to go to mlp v2!

Shouldn't you be in your monmusu general? Stay contained in there please.

Then show me a mod saying it isn't allowed.

Oh wait, we have the opposite.

The threads are deleted because you people shitpost them to death

This is too disgusting for me.

>a mods
It's written right in the rules, need me to show you?

You seriously think your gook thread isn't a contamination general?

Yes, I read it for the story

>gook shit
Oh the irony

I can't stand fucking gook names.

Gooks are cancerous mobile phoneposters. Just as expected.

The only thing to keep these crappy gook porn going on is the characters all acted like super duper retard. Even more misunderstanding than harem manga

If you want a peaceful discussion keep this shit in 1 fucking thread. It is so hard to do it?

Hosang is the hero we deserve

I don't know fake ESL-kun. Mods have been pretty strict on generals lately

And this shit and the other thread are not general?

Did the chicken delivery guy die or what? I've been reading this thing VERY on and off and towards the last third he seems to just fucking vanish.

You got it yourself so fuck it, gook. we already let you faggots have 1 thread per week, very generous and you faggots still spamming this shit.

time for game

Gook is like cockroach, cancerous. We need to kill it in the very beginning.

>not even manhwa
>not Sup Forums related
>just a bunch of gookboo circle jerk with their poorly drawn webcomic
The defination of general

Every Webtoon Ive ever read disappointed me. I feel raped.

Gook = rape

It shifted away from borderline porn to a more plot driven scenario. Especially since they've been hinting that piggywife is likely some closet yandere

I'm surprised at how readable it's gotten.


>samefag bulubalabolo

>started reading hours ago
>5 AM
Thanks Sup Forums.

You should stop replying to yourself.

>tfw can't do your job properly because you have a harem to actively fuck




what is a disgusting languege

As expected of EOP gookboo, poorfag who can't even afford manga and need to resort to gook shit

Anyone on Sup Forums hates yomanga garbage

Good thing that they start to slowed down the spamming on sadpanda, mostly because it's all shit