How much do you hide your political stance?

Seems like more and more I encounter democrats who just assume I'm like them, and have no hesitation in opening up to me - bashing Trump, praising leftist media personalities like Colbert, Oliver, Noah, etc.
Just today I ran into a neighbor I rarely ever talk to and only a few sentences into our conversation he started bashing Trump. I just chuckled and moved on to avoid getting into a long conversation with the idiot.
It just seems like liberals are too comfy these days in their assumption that their beliefs are the social norm, and are also too quick to cause trouble I'm not interested in dealing with if I open my mouth about my side.
Anyone else experience this shit?

of course. but they aren't the majority. the people who are keeping quiet are the majority. they just dont want to deal with the liberal bullshit, just as you aren't

loud =/= power

Yes it's basically the same here, it's the same "haha fuck Trump" "haha fuck the Tories" "haha I want to suck Corbyn's cock" shit. I just smile and nod.

unless you're full 88 you should be open about your values, pretending you're liberal just to fit in will wear on you like a cheese grater, stand for what you believe in and defend it you faggot.

I tend to hide my power level when it comes to politics. I'll talk about it with friends but they all think the same way I do. I'm not against talking to someone with opposing views, it's just that most of the time those talks are a waste of time. [bubberducky]

Very well, with the exception of close friends and family, most everyone else thinks I am apolitical.

At work I stay out of politics completely. At home I talk politics to friends and stuff. Never post any political stuff on social media though. Don't even use social media

Actually, I met some young people who didn't became agressive when I said I am a nationalist

I don't really interact with the outside world much. But i have no problem explaining to people how wrong theyve got it.

Enough to keep my job

>How much do you hide your political stance?
I hide as much as I need to be 100% safe in any given situation when it come to social issue. Meaning I adapt depending on who I talk to, Im never more extreme than the person I talk to and often tend to try to change the conversation.

The main reason I do this is because I think talkign about politics IRL is absolutely aids

i make $8.67/hr

Yes i just moved from Super cucked Chicgo down to Red NC

I tell people that Trump is the best President ever on a regular basis. Nigs got to love Obama for 8 years, I like Trump why should I hide it?

Depends, if they are people I have to deal with everyday, like at work, I just go with the flow. If they are someone I don't want to deal with I go full the_donald on them.

>I go full the_donald

I had an English (((professor))) that, on the first day of class, told us "the only reason Hillary lost is because she's a woman." This was before he even introduced himself

Non of this stormfags will ever tell a jew face to face what they think of him.
most of Sup Forums users are lonely insecure dumbfucks hiding behind the keyboared.

Welcome to the tarheel state, senpai.

I live in California.

The same experience you had is my entire life.

I'm a bartender though on nights and weekends (second job) and the bar I work at is a place where a lot of conservatives, ex military, active duty PD, etc, come, so for a few hours a day I get to say whatever I want, bu for the other 20 hours a day, I just nod and go "wow, two scoops, really? I didn't hear about that."

I have to hide it here in nyc because I like to keep my job and I like getting laid.

i wonder if people who say this think theyre clever. i heard that type of shit on the internet since 1998

See, made you cringe and go away

This. But I'm also vice president at the company that I work for, and my boss is equally far right so he doesn't give a shit. Every so often some woman quits, but we have a laundry list of resumes on file so it doesn't matter as they're very, very easily replaced.

We don't hire niggers. I do however keep my politics to myself around my family since they're mostly liberal, unless they start going full autist FUCK DRUMP REEEEEEEEE in which case I'll reveal my power level, but I'd prefer not to do that if possible.

Outside of my family and gym, I have to hide it every single interaction Of my life. My bosses were Clinton supporters. My coworkers were Bernie or dismissive of politics. The girls I talk to, almost always fucking Clinton freaks (NYC). The gym I can wear my hat and not worry about being alienated


I don't want to lose my income, only family and nearest friends know my stances well

Man, New York City sounds like a fucking shithole.

I work in International/government higher education. You're damn right I keep quiet about voting for Trump and kicking Muslims out of Europe. Interesting that the working class here in Spain is much more appreciative of those sentiments than some twat PhD from NYU.

I find the best way is to use a good one-liner that clearly expresses your belief in a way that is humorous to normies/exposes lefty hypocrisy and laughing about it while maintaining eye contact to show that you are not going to let them spout their bluepill nonsense. really effective in a group of normies, as long as it isn't too redpilled. e.g. lefty brings up tranny mindvirus not being a mental illness - i respond by jokingly saying "i'm not mentally ill and I'll prove it by cutting my dick off!" to much laughter and lefty butthurt. another one - same lefty asserts muslim immigrants should be given a larger voice due to their status - to which I responded that those fleeing their nations due to failed states ought not be given more ability to effect the state which shelters them from their own mistakes which normies react to generally positively while lefties get enraged. Slowly but surely if you cleverly maneuver the conversation to expose how left-wing programming seeks only to damage and sabotage western civilization, you'll speed up the process of pic-related.

In short, the most effective way to share right wing/libertarian/fashy views (i.e. counter-programming) in casual conversation with associates is humor. The most effective way lefties share their views is through shaming and repetition always, when they're the minority it's crying victim, and when they're the majority it's just simple mob tactics - aggression, drowning out dissenters etc.

>"haha fuck the Tories"
The most irritating thing about this isn’t the comment itself, but the implication that the Tories are actually right-wing and/or conservative, and not just a bunch of libshits who give out *slightly* fewer gibsmedats than labour

I only post my rock collection on Sup Forums if thats what you mean?

they do the same here to our ''conservatives'' aka tories : canadian edition

All the fucking time. I voted for UKIP and Brexit, and I’m a Trump / AFD / Marine Le Pen / Geert Wilders supporter so I’m basically peadophile tear amongst most people in the UK. I’m pretty young (27) and there’s this sort of weird pressure for my age group to vote labour and love corbyn and if you don’t you’re looked at as a freak.

I don't hide it. Nothing I'm really ashamed of.

Interesting how conservashits always play the "le silent majority" bullshit yet Tr*mp lost the popular vote by millions

I dont hide my belifes everyone who knows me knows my feelings these issues. Outside some nitpicks we get along fine.
>No matter how much evidence I bring up no matter what I say
>My friend from england who is 40 years older then me wont say anything but bad things about guns
I swear hes fuckin with me but hey I love the guy hes family to me.

If someone asks me I'll be honest but I don't go out of my way to discuss politics with people I'm not on familiar terms with.

99% I just nod and don't say a single thing if someone goes on Trump, global warming, etc. style rant.

I argued with an uncle 2 years ago and it got ugly, I highly recommend not starting the conversation even with your family and friends. No point and only causes problems.

stay strong fellow bong

I have to defend Trump nonstop. Not because I'm a huge supporter but because the media has lied about him so many times that it's beyond ridiculous. If he truly is such a bad guy they should be able to be truthful to prove their point.

Estimate out all the illegals who voted, you'll see that the American public was evenly split between Hillary and Trump.

This. I don't advertise, but I don't cuck or back down, either.

Medpack is right. Even in my socialist hellhole I openly defend my right leaning values in a friendly and rational way. If you rant about kikes you'll alienate everyone but if you're not a fucking sperg you can gently redpill your normalfag friends.

True, being funny is a lot more effective than, say, black crime stats.

i'm insane, so i can get away with basically whatever the fuck i want. i've said such things as "gas the kikes, race war now", "nigger(s)", "shitskin(s)", denied the holocaust happened like it's said it did, said Hitler's intentions wasn't to kill the jews but that it should've been, named the jew, and more. i'm fairly sure everything is too far fucked to be fixed though. at least the asians are wise to jewish tricks now so they'll be even more privy to it after the last push.

>I just chuckled and moved on
>I just smile and nod

This is weakness. This is pathetic. Grow some fucking balls and stand up for your beliefs. What, you fear how some leftist will view you afterwards? At least they stick up for their beliefs even if they are retarded beliefs.

I don't. That's manipulative.


Any radical can spew out numbers and metrics, maybe even have a source to back it up, even then maybe a legitimate trustworthy source. But people won't respond positively to it - they'll deny it, doubt it, rationalize it, ask why you know such a controversial fact, etc. But by humorously poking holes in the liberal pillars, you do so much more - you not only cut down the lefty's argument, but you show yourself as witty, reflecting wisdom and more importantly that you have put deep thought into this topic. Additionally if it's a hot controversial topic, it shows you're fearless of the recourse, unprogrammed, free of the social conditioning that the normies aren't consciously aware they've been subjected to. They'll gawk at your boldness, amplified when you remain calm and the lefty gets exasperated and resorts to name-calling.

This is a 18+ site

Nope. I tell everyone my positions on politics excluding my Holocaust scepticism. Everyone respects me for it because they don't have any arguments to contradict them. Soyboys actually start listening if you ignore their initial defense mechanisms. I've actually turned 5 of my friends from moderate left to moderate-strong right wing.

Liberals believe everyone thinks the way they do because they’re so engaged in the popular culture, which, like you mentioned, consists of people like Colbert.

They believe that if everyone on TV is saying something that it must be the popular or moral belief, and anyone who disagrees with it is weird or a racist.

This is why they were so shocked by Trump’s election and have to tell themselves that he must have cheated via muh Russia.

They don’t realize they’re in a bubble.

Just shit on Colbert/Olivier/Noah/etc too.
They are too afraid to take a side, that is why they "hate" Trump.

> They are all faggots.
> Bernie took my money and bought a house and a mussolini`s ferrari.
> Shillary is even more crooked, than Drumdpf.
> Obama attacks you with drones and grabs guns just like hitler did to jews.
And so on.