Why was Bolshevism synonymous to Jews in the 1930s and 1940s...

Why was Bolshevism synonymous to Jews in the 1930s and 1940s? I am especially interested in what coerced the people of Eastern Europe to decimate their own fellow citizens under the supervision of the Nazi death squads? They seemed more than willing to rid their land of the communist regime, but why were the Jews specifically targeted and not bankers and elites? Also, is communism and Bolshevism responsible in part for the holocaust and death squads for keeping their populations under such dire conditions?

I also wonder if the Jews that did not denounce communism were afraid that their fate after denouncing communism would be much worse than death.

Tldr; what were the Jews up to that made them all "Bolsheveks"?

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stopped reading right there

Are you so new to Sup Forums you believe that's a reddit habit?

Jews are commies, but not all commies are Jews.

So it's synonymous even today.

>a reddit habit?
stopped reading right there

What is it about the Jewish brain that makes them commies? Is it the opportunity to manipulate wealth rather than earn it? Do they all really believe they will end up in top of the system if there is a reshuffling?


Some National socialist tou are giving up a valid opportunity to denounce Judaism and justify genocide

>and justify genocide
stopped reading right there

>what were the Jews up to that made them all "Bolsheveks"?