Would you a Chitose?
Girlish Number
Not even with a rented dick.
Of course
Im not a fucking gay like the firstpost
No, I prefer a Koto.
Would offer her some eggs.
does she even know what sex is?
Kazuha a best
Yes, but I prefer a Momoka.
First I want to kidnap her.
Then I want to wrap Momoka hair around my cock and cum on her little tits and face as she watch me, then I want to fuck her in the ass as she shit herself and I continue to fuck her throught all the shit, other good thing would be make her suck it after it and make eat and dring all the shit and cum. Finally I want to impregnate her and have her give birth to my unwanted son.
Then I will continuously rape her everyday ans send videos to TV stations so anyone can be jealous.
Also realese her when she is 25 years.
>that face
Are they ever going to run out of expressions for Chitose?
No, Chitose is made to be ravished by onii-chan.
I would give it my best shot!
What's her canon breast size?
How much of a bitch Chitose will be to her? She's stealing her hole after all.
I'd do a number on the blonde.
Chitose has nice socks.
How can one girl be so cute?
Threads have always reached bump limit.
Until the latest episode, which didn't have much Chitose.
Deader than dead.
Chitose is the lifeblood of this show. I... I wrote a song about this.
We Chitose down south, guns in ya mouth
eat Chitose pussy and piss her fluids out
Im talkin blood nigga shit, fuck a Chitose till her pussy red
Im sayin su-woop to da hive, you know wat Im bangin bout
Pistol in my sock, if i run i blow an ankle out
I body deez beats, Chitose in the booth
Red flag around da rear view mirror in the coupe
oops! i meant the boupe, im smoking on a snoop
and dey know my group, more bloods than da loop
Chitose Im too high, imma have to stoop
I hope she likes it.
It'll be fixed tomorrow.
Reminder that Chii-sama is an acting GOD
The only reason those threads managed to hit bump limit was because of the song spam anyway.
Why go for a jailbait estrogen Molotov cocktail when you can go for a Christmas cake?
>no Kazuha love
>your parents will never love you
How hard would it be to beat down these levels of smug?
I wrote a song for Momoka
New blood joins this earth
And quickly she's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young girl learns their rules
With time the child draws in
This whipping girl done wrong
Deprived of all her thoughts
The young girl struggles on and on she's known
A vow unto her own
That never from this day
Her will they'll take away-easy
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee Un-forgiven
They dedicate their lives
To running all of her
She tries to please them all
This bitter girl she is
Throughout her life the same
She's battled constantly
This fight she cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
I hope she likes it
Pretty much impossible.
A punch to the face would suffice.
Yes. Chitose is GOTS.
I... I wrote a song for Chitose.
You are my Chitose
My only Chitose
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Chitose away
I hope she'll like it.
Trips confirm.
I haven't seen a forced meme this bad since x ruined the whole episode.
Yeah, it's that thing she's been having every day for the past ten years.
I hope she goes all out. Aside from that one comment about the guy in the first episode, we haven't really ever seen Chitose be mean, just glib or rude or selfish.
Yae makes the best feces
I hope Yae gets her own episode. Kazuha has gone from a cipher to a really nice character during 6-8.
Does that sunny side up sweater is the only one she got?
user-kun, biiru kattekite~
What's that mean?
>kicking best boy out
I'm already mad.
If they had let him talk KazuhaDad would have killed him in seconds.
I hate him so much, but I gotta admit I admire his fuck everything attitude
These sentimental moments about parents really fuck me up.
Just a bunch of cheap shots.
What's going on in this?
Was there already a thread for this episode because there is absolutely no discussion going on.
You're almost a week late, senpai.
Oh fuck. Serves me right for not paying attention to releases.
Looks like something not homo
Yeah these two are starting to act strange. I'm not sure what it means.
Nothing wrong with Thigh Inspection Day
Touka please.
Do they act like that? I was thinking of picking up more stuff this season
We should spread it to other anime threads.
>rating girl's feces
It is wrong to take advance of kazuha when she is drunk..
That will make her feel human even if is just for some hours.
It's on the Flip Flap thread
Are you racing her
Why is Yae allowed to have tits like that?
I hope that we will get chitose doujins
Because she's the obligatory boring girl whose only redeeming feature is tits.
But she also has a very cute face.
I'd say C according to the LN illustrations.
It translates to, "get me a beer you fucking nerd."
> As she clashes with other girls in the agency, including a cunning airhead and a girl with a Kansai accent, Chitose is about to learn that there's more to succeeding in this competitive industry than she imagined.
Yae confirmed for black hearted bitch
Where do I get my own Chitose?
Is that implied clitoris fingering?
Why does she wear a sweater with an egg on it
Eggs are cute.
She enjoys breakfast food
She wants onii-chan to fertilize her eggs, we've been over this before.
New episode when?
I'm sorry to tell you this, but the show was canceled due to low sales and the episode will not air in 12 hours.
This show and Natsume GO are the only shows I'm following this season, and both episodes this week were completely missing the main character. Why are mid-season off-track episodes so common?
>two shows per season
>per season
nigga plz, ain't my fault glorious nipponland churned out complete shit this time around
Say that to my face you shit-eating fuck.
The blonde girl in back is hotter
If I were a shit-eat fuck, I'd be watching 15+ show this season, you turbo-negroid
>he doesn't watch shorts
>he doesn't enjoy sweaty spats
>he doesn't know about sodium vapor lamps
Absolutely pleb.
Say nice things about Chitose!
She's better than Yae.
I will make her my wife and NTR onii-chan.
it's my fault
i stopped following the show because of subs delays
oh come on, a flaming pile of dogshit is better than Yae
>the best episode so far is the episode without Chitose
really compels you to ponder
If I were a billionaire.
I have this abhorrent feeling to pamper her in every way anhd fullfill her every whim.
No buttfucking though. Fuck that shit.
>best episode
No, Momoka's drama is boring as fuck. Yukino is boring too.
I literally cannot unheard Mumei when Chitose speaks.
Help me guys, lost my Chitose folder and i need to re-fill it
My wife Chitose is extremely cute.