Reminder that Shinji is straight

Reminder that Shinji is straight

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As if that mattered

Bad fanart

He's just an adolescent.

Bi is the only right answer.


Is this true in Rebuilds as well? Am about to watch this weekend. Should I expect anything?


True, YoI invented gays in anime just this year




He's bi-curious

Holy shit, Shinji is such a faggot.

>Should I expect anything?
No, but you will still be disappointed.

At this point I just want to see how much of a disappointment the movie will be.

There's no way they can wrap up everything in a satisfying manner in just 90 minutes. So it will either be rushed as fuck or just inconclusive.

It's sad that Anno will never make a good anime again.

>just 90 minutes

he is bisexial

The first 3 movies have been disappointingly short. Like my dick.

There's no reason to believe 4.0 will change that.

I know in some languages, there are different ways to say "I love you" and they are used in different contexts. Is it the same in Japanese? In English there's only really the word "love", so maybe it just doesn't get translated with the right meaning. The easiest way for me to explain it is you could say "I love you mom" which is a much different meaning than saying "I love you" to your wife or gf. One is a familial or friendship kind of love while the other is romantic.

Saying "I love you" in Japanese is actually more serious than it is in English.

When you say I love you in japanese, you fall in love for real.

Shinji is straight but susceptible to r9k style prison gayness because of loneliness.

He's as much a faggot as can be.

That's right
Straight outta Compton

I thought the word that Korawu says is kind of between 'like' and 'love'?

Exactly, it's not gay if it's Kaworu.

but I'm not.


straight for dick

He and Shinji said the same word to each other that Taiga said to Ryuji in Toradora.
It means love in the romantic sense.


Kaworu isn't a human being.

So it's not gay if it's an angel even if it has a dick?

That's arguable, but what ISN'T arguable is that it sure as hell ain't straight.
