Climate change

Who here thinks that climate change will be the end of humanity and why? Lets get some discussion.

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Humans are not exempt from the rules of nature. they will go the way of the dinosaurs. It's just a matter of time.

Its fake retard! You havent heard this?! Go to

lol when something actually happens that they predicted Ill start caring

So the increase in natural disasters isn't enough for you?

The CO2 levels is what keeps me up at night. CO2 dissolves into the ocean and raises it's acidity. Raise it enough and the ocean will be dead. A massive portion of our oxygen comes from algae in the ocean and we'd all slowly die from hypoxia if phytoplankton can't fight the rising ph levels

American anthropogenic climate change is a joke. Residually even you compare it to Asian countries. Come the hell on, yet we have to sort out money around the world lol not hppening .

We're already seeing the rise of ph levels in the form of coral bleaching and ocean deadzones. Im afraid it's a matter of time user

The larger problem is poor environmental stewardship in the third world combined with a resources in the west being diverted to deal with the burden of third world overpopulation.

>climate change will be the end of humanity
plantes overall ability to sustain population will decrease. It won't end.

People in western nations have naturally gotten to a stable birthrate that allows population replacement or a slight decline. The problem lies in the breeding patterns of developing nations, who reproduce for elder care of the parents and to account for the high infant mortality rate. The problem is that the west feels compassion, and allows them to continue growing their population because of modern medicine and food being given to them. If they were allowed to operate in a vacuum, their populations would stabilize at a level that their environment can sustain.

Not only that but at high levels CO2 impairs cognitive function.

Source for pic ( )

It won't because humans can create artificial environments which are suited to us. Climate change will happen whether we try to stop it or not, and while it will make life harder for us it won't be the bullet that kills us.

If anything could I'd argue it will be an antibiotic resistant super-disease, communism, or another asteroid/comet impact event.

Yet we still consume much more than these developing countries

Archive or screenshot please

And somehow the West is infinitely cleaner.

(((climate change)))

in eastern PA weve had warm winters and an abnormal fluctuation of fall and spring. For about 5 years straight now the climate has not been typical

Wow, your anecdotal evidence about your specific city during the last 5 years really made me think.

Because of regulations. We do a lot of things to our coal plants and cars that make them run clean

It was first called global warming and when the temperature started cooling they changed name to climate change. I live in Sweden and have a degree in economic statistics. Using actual data from SMHI I have concluded that the alfa level needed to say that "global warming" is happening is way to low to make any claims credible. Of course I would never publish my findings as that would ensure my funding being pulled. Just saying that your study is related to climate changes guarantees funding. Everyone in the science community knows it. Same with relating your study to CSR if it has economic implications.

You can't argue that the average global temperature isn't rising though.

If the globe was cooling, I'd be worried about it. Minor upticks in temperature, be it caused by humans or not, are not nearly as disastrous as portrayed. Michigan, over the next 300 years or so, might become a little more mild during the winter. That's about it. Not worth chastising ourselves over.

I could pull out some climategate emails and you could pull out a hockey stick graph. You can't prove it is and I can't prove it isn't.

Weather is compensating itself.
Colder winter will mean warmer summers. And vice versa.
I am more worried of the intensive farming.
40% of arable land has been destroyed by gay from serum and other pesticides.
60 years is what we have left of farming.
There is two garbage islands the size of countries in the pond, soon more plastic than fish in the oceans.

You can thank India, Africa, and China for the garbage in the ocean.
As for pesticides and GMO foods, that's the only reason we can support the population of the world right now. If we were to ban those methods, there would be a famine like none the world has ever seen.

>citation needed.

You would be funny if I didn't already have that argument 50000 times with poltards who think the world isn't finite and his shit country, the reason why all of these other countries do worse than us ecologicaly, isn't the enabler if not the inventor of those practices.


Who doesn't like warm climate?

He has a point. The world is finite, and that's why we need pesticides and modern farming techniques to provide food for the billions who need it. Overpopulation in the 3rd world is a huge chunk of the problem. The West has become sustainable.

Humanity will colonize the stars

Its scientific, Its based on 30 years of observation.

The science is settled!!

Did you come on the internet today to purposefully act like this, or are you always this daft?

>climate has been changing for millennia and humans
>scientist notice climate is indeed still changing
>ring the alarm bells for ridiculous levels of funding
>people find out they actually fudged the numbers to make it look slightly more dramatic than normal
>mfw people still actually take these fuckers seriously

I've been using a few different IDs in this thread, you were responding to me.


You cannot have a finite view of our ressources and say we need techniques that will actively kill the soil it is supposed to help.
We really have don't much time left, we need AI and automation to take care of farming, take it off the market of commodities and make it a necessity.
It's the only way we can do somethong if we want the next generations to eat earthy food and not some GMO grew in Hydroponic houses...

>ive been using a few different IDs in this thread


A solid argument against the global warming and the irrational fear of flooding used to be the fact that the crust is still raising up after the pressure from the ice during the last ice age. The predicted water level rise would have been nothing compared to the natural raising of the landmass. Besides, the ice age is a far more deadly threat then any global warming. All the carbon we dig up has once been part of the ecosystem and we started getting ice ages probably because the earth atmosphere is carbon starved after all the mass extinction events and life that fall to the bottom of the ocean and buried forever unless we humans return it to the ecosystem.

You got me, there has been more natural disasters but there is not enough evidence to link them to climate change.

However, natural disasters aren't the scariest thing, ocean acidification will change the earths oceans beyond recognition

That's the thing I think a lot of people miss. The earth is a closed system, and it's not like we can destroy matter. Also, I always crack up when I hear about water being a scarce resource. There is no lack of water, and doesn't the water cycle constantly replace what we use?

B-but user... i though the plants needed CO2 and the more the better.
R-right lads?

Here's some general info from NASA

B-but user... NASA faked moonlanding.

Africa, India and China will probably start wars over fresh water rather then curb their population growth. That's why the globalist try to centralize the industry in China and then let the rest of the third world skip industrialization and move straight to a green energy consumer society that ship all its resources to China in exchange for condoms and iphones.

Nasa's primary mission is Muslim outreach user

climate change is the ultimate end of earth, and everybody knows it.

in a few short billion years the sun will explode and the climate will change on earth for the last time

Climate change is natural. Humans and their direct ancestors have managed to adapt to a couple million years of it and there is no reason to suspect they cant adapt to a few million more. Our capacity to invent purposeful ways to destroy ourselves is a far more relevant threat. The global warming hoax is just a power grab by the reigning global elites.

Won't we find a cheap way de desalinate water by then?
Or even making us drink our pee like on the ISS?

Post the satellite data now

I know... i was so sad when Hussein Obama said that.

We will, but they won't. Unless they figure out how to stop shitting out 9 kids a family they will always be in an environmental bind.
>French sarcasm

Did you even read the article you posted it explains that NASA wants to bring science to Muslim nations, dumb ass.

It was a tongue in cheek joke. If you were over 18 in 2010 you might have gotten it. It was a shitstorm in the news for like 2 months.

Natural disasters kill fewer people than even 50 years ago BECAUSE we use energy to engineer better homes, electricity and communications for people.

I don't think it'll be the end of humanity, but it's going to make our world a lot less stable.

I think we need to more so ADAPT than PREVENT

We can already drink our pee to be more environmentally friendly
Shit, im the dumb ass

Even without the so-called AGW mechanisms forcing a warming climate, the climate will change ANYWAY on a sufficiently long term - 10k years is the length of the average interglacial period and recorded civilsation has been around for about 6k years.
Even in the absence of AGW, we should adapt to shifting climate patterns. Building cities on land reclaimed out of river deltas and stripping trees out of river flood basins is stupid and short-sighted. Knowing more about the direction the climate is moving in is inherently good, as we can plan for the next 100-year flood or drought level, but there won't be an apocalypse like the dumbass carbon-tax advocates are screeching about.

Can't the NWO make a lone child law? Like there was in China?
It's not like we have a choice, they either do it themselves (but we know they won't), or we force them, or we exterminate them (but we know we won't)
Oh come on...

so because the retarded media reports on every occurence of heavy rain these days, you think you are mucho scientificco by proclaiming:
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE more shit is going down!!!!!

There's a lot of good to come from this, desu.

> Booming third world population

Checked by Super Malaria and AIDs, both of which are becoming drug resistant:

> Thot issue

Solved due to global warming meaning higher female birthrates. Supply and demand works again:


First three articles mainly cover the science behind it, as well as cover some of what recent studies have found, while the last one covers hows it already beginning to massively impact the Arctic region.

Climate change is one of the biggest dangers to modern civilization. The other is islam.

No worries man. It was a quote people took out of context and that article was the refutation of it. If Sup Forums were around back then there would have been 20 threads about it a night during the controversy.
Free will user, a free society can't do that, it depends on the citizens being responsible enough to do it themselves. The West did it, but then they started importing the hordes of 3rd worlders which negated their responsible choice.

I think third worlders pooping out 6 kids a family is a bigger problem, but that's just me. What do you think Mexico?

The ONLY thing that will "cure" climate change/global warming is a mini-extinction of human beings. Genghis Khan killed so many people that it triggered a cooling period. Think about that...

Growth in general is a problem if we don't beat the clock with new technologies. Its gonna be a race till we win or die.

Here's two examples of how they try to reduce population growth. One by the use of brainwashing. They've been using the same method in western society for 60 years.

They also have a project in south america where they give a farm in exchange for vasectomy.

I read this sci-fi author who tackled this as an issue humanity had to deal with. He had some interesting ways to approach it. Ben Bova. He's obviously liberal but realizes that overpopulation is the biggest factor affecting humanity.

Climate had changed for the 4 billion year you burgertard. Middle ages had a literal ice age and its warming up now.
You people should be shot into the sun from a giant cannon.

Annnd that is why I am a royalist.
The west did it but not all the way through.
The french revolution was about enlightenement, it ended up passing the memes of production from royalty to the oligarchic elite. Not the people.
Otherwise the amount of goyim, especialy in america, would have been highly reduced.

Good post, i'll keep on lurking here

Luckily climate change will automatically cull some people until it restores to balance.

Nice chatting with you user.

Third world populations are for the most part on the way of becoming stable. Climate change is not going away anytime soon, neither is the growth of islam in europe.
Modern global western civilization is the peak of human develompent, and there is a chance we fuck this up in the next few centuries.

>Genghis Khan killed so many people that it triggered a cooling period.
can't tell if LARP or stupid

I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of Modern Europe. Too crowded, it's like living in a hive. I'll take the US approach of space around you any day. Regardless, we have more pressing problems that are real, rather than climate change.

What do you think is the number one problem we face today is?

It's true user. The guy was the best thing that ever happened to this green earth.
He killed and displaced so many people that forests had time to regrow. Allowing for a slight cooling.
Kekistanis deserve to be hanged.



t. retarde climate fag

Fix it and everything will fix itself.
There is no humane way around it.
Either we kill people, or stop them from reproducing by any way imaginable.

> "Climate change will turn all of the world into a desert."

Pretty much....


Is there a source for this image ?? or is it some made up shit.

As a gas absorbing energy the first amount of gas does the most while each further increase does less and less.

>Not using the rising acidity levels in the ocean to turn it into a giant battery, solving the energy crisis
Are leftists even trying to help people?

Economic development correlates with lower birth rates. If trickle down economics was not a meme, then poor parts of the world would slowly develop into modern economies. But as some americanon said, its a race against the clock.

Philadelphia Museum of Natural History exhibition...wanna say around 2016? had a whole exhibit dedicated to Khan from birth to death. One of the major facts presented about his reign was that he killed so many people it triggered a global cooling.

Not a LARP and not stupid. Enjoy museums and history.

yes and yes in a way

My theory is that global warming will cause another Great Flood and we’ll be like, “But God, you said the earth wouldn’t be flooded again” and God’ll be like, “I said I wouldn’t flood it again, this time y’all niggas did it”

>it triggered a global cooling
sure. stay on narrative. attribution is bs.

No. Even if you accept the most liberal wet dream about what is going to occur in 100 years, the worst you can expect is severe international discord from displaced Africans that makes the current 'migrant' crisis look paltry by comparison. Possibly a world war. Our oil reserves will give out before our planet does.

Oil scarcity will be a real shit show. That's how we get most of our energy.

I don't believe in man made climate change.

It's just arrogant to believe that humans could cause any meaningful harm to the earth that wouldn't easily self correct