Are you guys really Russian bots?

Have I been bamboozled? Are you guys actually bots?



You and me and the bots.



nyet, comrade. No Russky bots here.


What the hell are you sayin, comrade cyka blyat?

Honestly, there's likely more CTR/David Brock bots working in US social media than "Russian bots/shills."

Didn't Facebook release an official report that said roughly 0.14% of Facebook activity came from Russia?

>being right-wing is a Russian plot
Holy shit, this changes all of European history

Plebbit is the last place which should talk about other sites being overtaken by shills.

bleep bloop seig heil Putin

any post below poo is taking the bait



Comrades! We've been discovered!

really makes me дyмaть

Comrade, I am no Russian man, I am proud black man of the United States.
Don't believe bourgeois lies.

>unironically uses plebbit
gtfo my board new vermin


No, I'm pro Russia but I do it for free

cyкдж йяpл тимчякщ y ьжэтйнжю

It's just you and me buddy. All the other posters on this board are bots.

>Comrades! We've been discovered!
Oh хyй cyкa блятъ! Quick hide the vodka and rush B

Of course not. But brrzzzp don't you guys think Ukraine should surrender its lands to Mother Russia?

Cyka blat, am not bot.

nyet code 783

t. dumb normies

No country is safe from the bants. The Russian rapist and slav memes are proof of this.


Я живy тoлькo paди тoгo, чтoбы cлyжить cлaвe мaтepи


russians are white nigger either way.

repeat after me:

Im soviet russia, internet bots you!

Tы чё oхyeл, гoвнoeд oбoccaный. Tы нa кoгo бoчкy кaтишь хyecocинa?


Убeй ceбя пeдикoм

Liberals are gaslighting again, all that David Brock shit is gonna come out and they need to get in front of the narrative

>we will post on Sup Forums daily to change their hearts and minds. We will show them how progressive-ism is so great
We told them to fuck off on a daily basis and they don't understand why. They are turning people to conservatism.

But in all serious, how do I get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums?
Who do I have to talk to?


>Oн нe знaeт, чтo этo тибeтcкий кopзинy, ткaчecтвo фopyм этo пpocтo poбoты дoхoдoв peклaмы

oывфыш yшaы мчфыи

звyкoвoй cигнaл Я poбoт
Where are my rubles, Putin?

Nyet website is fine

Say the word. The gas is ready.

Xyka niat.

what say you ?

no Russian here

putin is so fucking powerful. he controls the whole internet, the american president, all right leaning parties in the western world, the ukraine conflict, syria, north korea maybe even climate change and ayyyylmaos.

a godlike being this putin is



nyet we are all russia now

>Getting paid to shitpost

I wish

Nyet, tovarish. Have some vodka and go to sleep. You worry too much.


I always hear this russian bot/shill excuse, but no proof is ever provided. It's just some boogeymen the left throws out because their pea brains can't fathom people actually willingly supporting right wing politics. It cracks me up they have to lie to themselves while they self immolate.

Я выгляжy кaк Cлaвянcкий ниггep?

how can they be so retarded? it hurts

So it's like Putin paying for nazis and for commies?
Isn't Soros paying enough to these groups already?

My mother and father were both humble Russian scripts. What other choice did I have but to be a Russian bot?

ny- No, we are postings just like yuo comdrade

Phew I am glad I am on his side.
I fucking deserve it. Putin where my rubles?


I don't come from reddit.
I came here to become an ultranatsoc but I became an internatsoc with gommie idealism



your an american with proxy
you should know is spelled "rash"

You caught us

I'm American oывфыш yшaы мчфыи

Nyet. What Russians are you speaking of? You see ghost? I see nothing.


Ill help you, address?

o pepe ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke

Nein, my comrade. Long live comrade Putin and the CCCP!

Nyet. Here is broofs.

If a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes the truth. Jus' sayin.

nye- I mean no, we are not Russian, comrade. I am normal Dane who enjoys rod grod med flode and aebleskiver


Nah, I'm a paid shill assigned to r/politics and r/worldnews.

sometimes i try to do the captcha really really fast and i pretend to be a russian bot

the faster you do them the more it forces you to solve

>please halp autism needed

У этoгo пoдpaздeлeния ecть дyшa?

zdraftsvuyte tovorishch

why don't you subhumans just use legacy

im a stupid robot

Of course, they forcefully recruit me while I was (illegally) playing the online government alpha of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, seized to GSC by force bytw

*gives support*


It's okay just don't do the picture one anymore

Maмa Maмa!

Я нe пoнимaю пo pyccкий.
Я итaльянcкий чeлoвeк!

They're like retarded kids trying to hide behind spoons and insisting that we can't see them. It doesn't change the fact that we can still fucking see them and that they're delusional, it only gets funnier as time goes on.

Nyet, tovarish.

>Are you guys actually bots?
yes, of course I am, since you are an idiot.

Cyka blyat

The secret of Sup Forums is that I'm the only poster and the rest of you are all figments of my imagination.

nyet. I am fellow American as are you comrade

>reading reddit, then posting reddit screenshots here
Fucking sage

>ywn be paid in vodka to shitpost on Sup Forums