How much will the wall cost the taxpayers?

we spent $5.000.000 on it already.
I've heard 20 billion on the low end and 40 billion average.
Estimates on the full cost including transportation and pay are climbing to 100 billion.
We deserve to know the real cost because we will be taxed accordingly.

Over 6 Million Jewish tears


the cost will divert to visa fees and border entry tolls.
We can't make Mexico give us money. However we can make Mexicans pay.

nothing. it was factored into the budget!

the actual reports from the completion of these 8 walls stated that contractors got $5.000.000 for just this section

i like the one with the bars. so they can see through, knowing they will never be welcome here again

why not instead of literal wall, we use a line of poles with high-tech sensors crammed on top of them with a proper AI that can detect the heat signatures of aliens in the distance and alert the border patrol?

>up to $20billion/year spent on security and intelligence agencies to deal with illegal immigration and the illegal activities it brings
source: CBO Report, every fucking year since 9/11

Wall pays for itself in three year max, in case its only 99% effective

Don’t forget about the yearly maintenance. Once it’s actually built who knows how that is gonna cost taxpayers.

Illegal Immigration costs the United States $113 billion PER YEAR.

Even if the wall costs $100 billion it will have paid itself off in less than a year.

>how much will the wall cost taxpayers
Less than the cost of feeding and housing spics, educating their children, incarcerating their criminals, and providing them healthcare.

>However we can make Mexicans pay.
yea, we can send them 11 million people to deal with.

>wall stops migrants
>migrant dont drain gibs
>wall pay for itself and you get a drop in crime to boot


cost is irrelevent if you don't start stoping illegals you don't have a state anymore

who gives a fuck? i'd rather my tax dollars go on a big beautiful wall than buying mango soda for jorge and his six babies.

republicans should be rounded up and put in camps, their stupidity is out of control.

I thought Mexico was paying for it.

defining irony to an american
Wall to keep illegal mexicans out
would be a lot cheaper
If they used illegal mexican labour

Imagine if they assigned a special task force to round all of the known illegals up

that's $250 per person, even if it does get as ridiculous as $100 B

it'll still pay for itself in a few years even if it is that incredibly expensive

$250 per person (or even $1000 since only 1/4 people taxes or something like that) it's nothing compared to the cost of paying for illegal welfare, medical, etc

>how much will the wall cost the taxpayers?
Nothing. Mexico is going to pay for it. Just wait and see. Trust Trump.

I would go for the one on the top right. Has barb wire on top.

>$113 billion PER YEAR.
>OP is a faggot

why not just make it a no mans land? mines are pretty cheap

why the fuck dont you use commas you fucking moron?

Bc those never go away and will end up killing some kid living there a century later

well the nafta negotiations will go nowhere. It will fall apart. Then we can slap a tariff on those spics

we've seen how much it costs to not have a wall

Oh, yeah, you'll get 100 billion dollars from visa fees. Good luck getting anyone to pay $400,000 for a tourist visa, retard.

>why not just make it a no mans land? mines are pretty cheap

because abloo bloo muh legless mexicans

Theird be an increase in crime. In la the murder rate has dropped because spics are kicking the niggers out via threats or randomly killing any black person they see

And it will increase every year. These countrys continue to have major problems and keep producing more and more people. Its an invasion by an inocent army. Who the generals are is confusing

Who could realistically do that, you know, without gettin turned into swiss cheese.


This is just one of the reasons why i'm not a libertarian. How do we pay for the walls!?

It costs 250 billion a year to give benefits to illegal aliens in the US. So if that or under its a fair trade for the amount of cash we will save.

the 2 in the middle on the bottom look like smugglers would have a field day with it, without even having to cross the border. All the other ones look pretty good.

>how much will not building the wall cost the taxpayers?

Stop making shit up you're not even from this continent they're both a menace

Slightly less than destabilizing governments around the globe and replacing them with globalist puppets.

Im nit saying spics are great, but id orefer spics to negros

>$5.000.000 instead of $5,000,000
GTFO shill, we use commas in America you stupid piece of shit. Sage.

They are set up so that if the spics cut through them it collapses and crushes them

Less than it costs to keep educating spic children all over America most of the year, housing them in prisons and jails, giving them free healthcare that American tax payers have to pay, and all of the other various "hidden costs" that illegal immigrants burden us with.

Should't you be building more methadone clinics instead?
