マンガスレ/Raw Manga Thread

This thread is for the discussion of raw Japanese manga.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

Other urls found in this thread:



Is this the new DJT?
What are some good manga with furigana for beginners? I have already read よつばと!


what a fuckin bitch

What's a DJT? This is a raw manga thread.
Anyway, I'd recommend
To LOVEる -とらぶる-

What does the ぞ mean?

Without it it's "the world only a god knows", with it it's "the world God only knows"
It's just a common expression.

Yeah, I've heard it before, but I mean, wouldn't 神のみ知る mean the same thing?

All it does it make it sound more pretentious, which fits Keima's character.

Remember in Shinto there are traditionally lots of gods, so if you said that it would be the world any old god knows. He wants to specify the one true God, that is, of course, Keima.

in the future don't make it look like a general, all you need is two lines

Raw manga thread
What are you reading?

smile and optimism etcetera etcetera

I haven't read this manga, what's it about? Is it good?

This phrase has noting to do with KamiNomi.

Thanks guys
Why so angry?

Other than the fact it's literally the title of the manga?

That manga didn't invent it.

tumblr: Manga Edition

Sumi's arc in that is really really good, made all these months of learning Japanese completely worth it. Some of the other chapters dragged on for a bit long though.

Fuck off to your containment board, crossie.

This is a thread for the discussion of untranslated manga. There is no better board for it; this is the anime and manga board.

About to read these things I just received today.
Also finishing reading ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション and うたわれるもの 二人の白皇, but these ain't really strictly speaking related to this thread, aren't they now.

>look at me, I couldn't learn japanese!
How does it feel sucking translators' dicks?

This one is really cute. Girl and her giant skeleton ghost thing.



Highly opinionated short list, but it is what it is.
An image compilation to give you some visual idea:



[No Furigana]


>recommending 4koma
It's like you want them to fail.

4koma is love, 4koma is life

Literally the same style of joke repeated for hundreds of pages

i'll put you in a 4koma if you know what i mean boy

I've just finished reading a R18 doujinshi with KanjiTomo.
22 pages, took me around 2 hours

rep that as a n+1, do the entire thing back to front tomorrow;
do the native read in 5 days
and make a randomized stack of all the words for +14 days

I've failed in really getting the point of the failure conditions here.

>2 hours
Kept you on the edge of your seat, huh? I'm ready to fall asleep after "reading" a good twenty minutes of porn.

Nah. DJT is gone but it gave rise to regular raw manga threads now where asking for advice fits nicely into the topic. Plus, much fewer flashcard addicts.

Very much so, it replaced 'daily japanese thread' with 'daily raw manga thread' where people ignore the topic and ask for advice on japanese. That's where I come in and report them.

What was in the bag?


dozens of piss bottles

Please senpai win

now you made me 気になります

Reminder to never read translations.

Jesus christ.

>[No Furigana]
Thank you. Furigana has stunted my kanji development.

It's could be a lot worse.

This fills me with hope on my own skill level and suddenly I feel like translating something

Are good guy orcs the new thing?

I don't know but they're bad for my cardiovascular health.

Alright, fellas, how would you have done this page?

Rather similar, more or less.
It wasn't really anything I'd call home about as an example of a really bad translation, just a little awkward in directing the perspective of the phrasing.

bad english writing

You would have used bad English writing?
Interesting approach.

>that archimedes bubble
>just bad writing

The only problem is that he translated "If I told her Archimedes' Principle, there's no way she'd understand it" as "Not even Archimedes could understand what she says."
The rest of the page is fine.

Who are you quoting?

Yeah, that's what I was referring to with the little awkward directing of the perspective of the phrasing.

yep, if umineko can get away with it so can i

>little awkward directing of the perspective of the phrasing
You mean the translator not understanding what he read and just making shit up?

It doesn't really have much to do with perspective. The translator clearly had no idea what アルキメデスの原理 was, and decided not to google it and just made something up that he felt made sense. It's a flat out mistranslation.

cmon man give em the benefit of the doubt maybe they're just an esl that literally doesn't understand english grammar so the meaning totally changed

>It doesn't really have much to do with perspective
It is entirely to do with perspective, which is being confused to the lack of understanding of the reference.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill, really.

What's this I hear about DJT getting axed? I literally haven't even noticed. Was it during that weird rule sticky bullshit? I avoided that like the plague.

Anyway, I gave up my rune grind four years ago after three months, so I'm not exposed to raw manga very often, but a friend of mine became absolutely obsessed with Sora no Manimani and was begging me to get him the raws since translations died at like volume 4/10. I read the remaining six out of curiosity, though I could only really recognize hiragana and sort of guess what was going on. It wasn't bad.

Just new janitors flexing.
DJT was the obvious outsider so it was executed to set an example.


Alright, show me something you've translated so I can marvel at how perfectly you communicated everything. Everyone makes mistakes, translation is hard, instead of blaming this guy you should just read the raws and ignore it.

Why was it even brought up in the first place?

Korean moderator doesn't want people learning Japanese and gets rid of DJT on the basis that it's not anime or manga.

He then proceeds to let a korean comic discussion stay and even deletes some of the posts telling the OP to fuck off

What? Someone asked "how would you do this page" and I pointed out what was wrong with it. Take it easy champ.

I've seen some pretty insane translations before.

Desperate weebs like you who want to be Japanese so much they pretend to hate Koreans and Chinks as well amaze me.

They're literally all yellow monkey chinks who gives a shit what country or language their shitty comics are in? If you read a good comic do you make sure to check whether it's Japanese or not before allowing yourself to enjoy it? Jesus.

Spoiler: manhua are not manga

Not him but 99% of the time you can tell if it's Japanese or not.

You mean 100%

That's great

I haven't done a scientific test on it so I can't say that for sure. Manhua always puts me off because there's something off about the art and their stories tend to be really melodramatic. Not like manga can't be like that but I've never read a manhua that I liked.

Aside from the bottom right and bottom second from the left panels, it is fine. Looks like the translator confused カヌレ with canopy or something (I assume), thus throwing off the second panel from the left. Unfortunate, guess it goes to show the power of how a single important word can change the entire context something.

>Aside from the bottom right and bottom second from the left panels, it is fine.
The bottom panel is entirely wrong. It's not the only mistake in the translation this guy did either. The whole thing is full of mistranslations and broken English. I think the guy behind it didn't fully speak English or Japanese.

Dal Young has fooled me before. Not for long mind you, but it has happened.

It's about a girl who swears vengeance upon a monastery of insane nuns and corrupt monks, set in medieval Germany.

It's pretty good so far, but slow paced because the entire story spans ten in-story years; there are 6 volumes in Japan now.

The start has just the right amount of edge and despair in order to get all of Sup Forums onboard if anyone ever decides to pick it up.


Maybe I'm not yet ready for translating.

Generals are against the rules, newfag.


Not a general.

>all of /a
I think you understand how much of Sup Forums only watch anime and never read any manga

Start practising whenever for fun but a good time to really expend your efforts into translation, if you want to take it seriously, is with say at least the ability to pass N1 with high scores, or the JCAT equivalent, on top of having read at least a dozen full length Japanese novels and a few hundred volumes of manga.
This is worth reading for a bit of an insight, extracting what relevant information is present:

Guan Yu, don't know why that stupid shit makes me laugh.
Is that your partial translation, by the way? Why do they call themselves Honey Come Chatka?

otome sensou is machine translated?

I don't think I'll consider myself fluent in Japanese until I can understand at least 50% of bkub's jokes.

An animated



>Korean moderator doesn't want people learning Japanese and gets rid of DJT on the basis that it's not anime or manga.
I actually think you might be right. I just got banned in Sup Forums DJT for pic related.
Meanwhile, the post I was responding to:
My post gets deleted and banned while the guy talking about dumb condescending japs gets nothing. And this is on fucking Sup Forums, where 99% of threads are about shitflinging at other countries. It really, truly makes you think.

What happened to DJT?



Short story: mods are fags.

Should I read picture related?

>Is that your partial translation, by the way? Why do they call themselves Honey Come Chatka?
Yeah that was my attempt.
I have no idea why they are called that, I was just going off of this since they actually spell it out in English.
Thanks for the advice. I don't want to do it at a professional level though, just for fun. But I guess I'll probably wait until I can get to the level of N1 or something

AnimeBytes sitewide freeleech right now. Good opportunity to download a bunch of stuff and build ratio.