Racemixing is eventually perfect for keeping the white race


Racemixing strengthens the white race,
because desire to racemix is genetic and if racemixing is suppressed by an oppressive
environment women that have the race-traitor genes (instinct, readiness or desire) cannot be
identified and therefore would reproduce with white men and produce children who are also
prone to racemix.

Pushing women to racemix will remove all white women from the white gene pool who are openly or secretly racemixers.
This will protect men from investing in a woman and children who harbor the racemixing genes.

Therefore, this period of racemixing is only transitory - in one or few generations no white women who are willing to racemix will be left; therefore the white race is even better defended than today, because practically all white women who then exist have genes for a disgust-reaction toward blacks.

Anyway, not only secret or open race-mixing women are eliminated;
also the current lowest class of white women (fat, dumb, ugly) racemixes most,
therefore future white women will be more beautiful and smart on average.

It's actually racial cleansing, the white race is just getting rid of white trash.

Other urls found in this thread:


Keep telling yourself racemixing is a benefit to ease the pain of all the sand nogs merkel imported raping your women, germanfag.

At best, they'll have slightly less retarded children, though still lower iq than typical whites.

DId you even understand what I wrote?

>Race mixing with niggers

Hahahahahahahahahaha if you want your child to be a sub 90 iq retard be my guest. Atleast race mixing with asians has some benefits such as higher IQ but the aesthetics of your newborn means he/she will be an outsider in both communities and genrally that isn't good for a child

Listen up here, dumb ass mixed race goblin. Most people male or female have in-group preference. That being said, degeneracy and racemixing must be even encouraged to eliminate the week elements of the White race. Race-mixing counter-intuitively just leads to the purification of the White Race, as all the weak anti-racist genes get bred out, leaving behind only the Whites who are repulsed by non-whites on a genetic level.

This shit will bite shitskins and kikes in the ass hard in a few thousand years, when Whites actually evolve into universally monstrous racial supremacists they fear today.

That's why you don't accept anyone who is not 100% European from North America into your movement. Beware of Spencer - negroid loving traitor on a genetic level

For mongrel genetics often breed mongrel rhetoric

"White" racemixer is a subhuman and so is any "White" that forges any relationship with nonwhite that are not directly exploitative

DNA you are born is not enough to be a part of the Blood Community (although not being pure in race banishes your chance to join no matter how accomplished you are).

racial awareness + noble living + pure bloodline = White/European ethnicity x


Idiot, we are going to cleanse all of those “White” in DNA only capable of empathy for no whties let alone racemixers and mongrels

Can we go half an hour without one of these threads?

This is a question I wanted to ask are we more similar to asians or to niggers


yea. more retarded mutts will help the west

could you make this image a bit bigger please

I said it had some benefits I never said that it should be done.

To Gods
Another option is extermination/exile of non-racist “Whites” from Europe. I prefer this one since it’s disgusting to look at nonwhite stupid ugly faces on a daily basis

Once you taint your genes they're tainted forever. You can breed with others who have desirable traits, and over hundreds of years, the overall genetics of your lineage will be positive. But your genes won't be there. Just as the genes for dark skin and African features dissappear as time goes on, so does the mentality of the African. You cannot bleach yourself and truly say that your white offspring are yours. They are not you if they are not equally as tainted.

Truth right here. Should the white race strive for perfection

So you guys can become Amerimutts? Lol

whites would more readily mix with mullatos and we dont' know anything about "racemixing genes" you are a fool.

Honestly, to poo and Arabia

>Racemixing strengthens the white race,
No, it doesn't. Sage.

If only. But the mongrel offspring will attract the next generation of whites to produce more mongrel offspring.

Threadly reminder that only

Looking at OP's pic, nothing was lost.

Interesting pic. It's quite often I'll walk into my local grocery mart and see a white grandmother pushing a buggy with her caramel colored bundle of shame grandchild. The grandmother wears a look of shame and depression the English language cannot express. I've never seen the mother of the child. I guess she has better places to be.

The next 15-20 years is ideal period to see “who is who”. Brace yourself for purge. Mongrels don’t attract good Whites, only dysgenic subhumans