/polder/ #bringbackthemonarchy edition

Get in here bitterballen

Not welcome: AIVD

King Willy has sworn in the 3rd government headed by Marx Rutte

With a small majority of 76 (/150) seats in the House and 38 (/75) seats in the Senate, Rutte III consists of 4 parties: the lyin' libtards (VVD), Christian cuckolds (CDA), Democratic demophobes (D66) and the social Jew on a stick union (CU)

>referendums be banned
>(((refugees))) be welcomed
''As requested by the EU, the Netherlands will continue to take its fair share of (((refugees)))''

>force other member states to take in (((refugees)))
''Subsidies should be reduced for member states that do not fulfil their obligations in this respect''

>an end to dual nationality for staying (((refugees)))
(Making it impossible to ever deport them)

>volunteering in (((refugee))) or neighborhood centers result in a certificate that gives you priority over others seeking a (government) job
>punishment for (online) incitement to racial, religious, sexual or ethnic hatred doubled from 1 to 2 years imprisonment
>internet-connected devices may be hacked by AIVD/MIVD (FBI/CIA), collected data may be shared with foreign intelligence services:
''€10 million will be made available for law enforcement authorities to purchase hacking software''

>mandatory gender-neutrality
>€20 million investment in (((independent))) research journalism
>VAT-1 (food a.o.) increases from 6% to 9%
>mortgage interest deduction will disappear within 10 years
>an end to dividend withholding tax
Good goy Netherlands

>bigger role for the EU
''EU brings peace, security and prosperity to the Netherlands. In addition to an economic community, the EU is a community of values in which the Netherlands feels at home. In the re-reflection on the role of the union, the Netherlands is fully linked to the EU''

Hooivorken wanneer?

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Deport Darkies.

Let's start a monarchy movement

Alsof jij wel een argument had.

Herstel van De Habsburgers dan wel

Ik hoop op:

Een provincie stad met het predicaat "Hoofdstad"
Een reisverbod van en naar de Randstad.
De afscheiding van Amsterdam.

I don't get it.

What is wrong with you Orange house?

We should make them want to leave themselves. Force will not work if your government and half of your own fucking population is against you.

Also, hé poffertje van me




Caribische Strafkampen wanneer?

wat de fuck is er aan het gebeuren polder?
>boze stiefmoeder uit het oosten word uit haar kasteel getrapt
>(((groenlinks))) spreekt zich uit tegen islam
>geen hoofddoek bij politie

Zijn we aan het winnen?

>yfw Wilders is clinically retarded
Sad to see Bosma look stupid at here but what is wilders doing?


Lelystad - Zinkstad, bedoel je?

Willie being present at Bilderberger meetings is one thing. Also, other.. more nefarious things...

I see a connection gents. Since the beginning of this year, since poffertjesblad is in our threads, they allow us to speak some Dutch in polder

Is poffertjesblad /onzemodneger/?

Hoi Sup Forums, ik ben een journalist van de volkskrant, en ik wil binnenkort een stuk over jullie schrijven. Ik heb een paar korte vragen:

-Waarom staan jullie achter Thierry Baudet?
-Wat is de 'alt-right' en maakt Thierry er deel van uit?
-Hoe groot is jullie invloed op Thierry?

Ik verwacht dat het stukje over een paar dagen gepubliceerd wordt.

Alvast bedankt!


nee we polderen gewoon de eilandjes aan elkaar vast

Ik stem SGP, sorry.

What? Don't you remember around election time? We got hammered by the mods, poffertje was already with us for a while back then.

Ik sta niet achter baudet
Ezels kunnen hard trappen hoor.


I miss the elections. Good times.

Wij stemmen massaal op Denk, de FvD memes zijn om ze te discrediteren.

Its illegitimate, they rejected the rightful monarch and got the position of Steward. And then got appointed as kings by Brits after Napoleon.

Dag Volkskrant, politici zijn een grote fop, geen enkele uitgezonderd.
De alt-right is een Joods opvangnet voor mensen die nationalistische ideeën hebben om te zorgen dat er geen opstand komt en ze zich met hun verdoofde hoofd achter een (((leider))) kunnen scharen.
Als je denkt dat mensen invloed hebben op Thierry, heb je het mooi mis. Die jongen is heel mooi geworteld en genesteld in de elite sferen van Nederland. Kijk maar naar zijn hoge culturele activiteiten en z'n dure woorden.

Sharpie in je pooper, pls?

We have to choose a new bloodline, one worthy of leading

Not these good goys

Helemaal polderen naar Caraïbisch Nederland?

Ik dacht, we maken een zinkland van Lelystad. Telkens laten we er degenerates naartoe verhuizen, waarna we het afsluiten en laten zinken/vollopen met water, om het later weer omhoog te tillen/leeg te pompen

Niet gluren jij, hier word een staatsgreep voorbereid.

kan iemand mij misschien een invt naar de polder discord geven aub

This is the right moment to thank those who gave us the freedom to post whatever we want, here you can say thank you.

nee, gewoon kankerbuitenlanders naar de carabische zee sturen om ze dijken te laten graven, kunnen we dat leegpompen en dan hebben we een polder.

Kan ik wel doen

>patriarchale gender-segregatie

Homo's zijn Pedofielen schrijf daar een stuk over

Hey based Dutch bros, is this channels stuff any good? I watched some of it and (although I don't speak dutch) I know enough about Dutch politics to find them funny, thoughts?

>Koefnoen- Geert Wilders, zandkunstenaar




dank u bladeren, ik zal het nooit vergeten.

Ik miste je al

>Waarom staan jullie achter Thierry Baudet?
Omdat hij de knapste is
-Wat is de 'alt-right' en maakt Thierry er deel van uit?
Ik dacht dat je een journalist bent.
-Hoe groot is jullie invloed op Thierry?
Gigantisch. Bijbelse proporties.

Ohh, nice idee. Alleen is de zeestroming daar wel iets te sterk, omdat het aan de Atlantische oceaan ligt. Daarnaast ligt er waarschijnlijk koraal en daar gaan groentjes over zeuren

Hey faggots, someone from the the 4cc made a team for you in the upcoming Sup Forumseague


Dankjewel voor dat!

We came to remove Duitsers and eet pannenkoeken :^)

moet ik 't jullie nieuwfags uitleggen in jan-en-jippeke-taal?

terug naar de nederdraad, homo's

gewoon richting het vaste land graven? oude tijden herleven

aivd aub...

Je legt helemaal niks uit, pik

right, "Liberation"

That mongrel sp*an whore

An incredible sacrifice.


I guess MAD AMX isn't in since he is also on /f1/'s squad for the Sup Forumsleague?

>giving Mark ''NO 1 PARTIJKARTELIST'' Rutte number 33


For /ourblad/

>A sole leaf flows towards a town in a semi-mysterious land. He has been before; he recalls, though he doesn't recognize. Blown 'cross the ocean, from home to here. For what, he thinks. This? He came for long lost friends, some family and sweet, sweet poffertjes. Not this.
>Entering the town, he grows more and more concerned he will not find what he was looking for. What the hell is 'kapsalon' even?! It's sold everywhere, along with kebab (of course), and some mobile phone stores. These stores are extra noticeable since they have glaring full frontal LED-billboards. It's broad daylight and still these things make his eyes burn.
>But no poffertjes, nowhere.
>No pannenkoeken.
>Maybe never again.

>Slowly, and sadly, the leaf twirls his way back out of town, and into the forest. Where at least he shall find peace and solace. Or shall he?
>[to be continued]
t. Pannenkoekenprofeet


I remember. However, soon afterwards pol started looking for new mods. Perhaps poffertjesblad became one, in his eternal struggle for the pannenkoekenrevolutie

Koefnoen is fucking atrocious.

There is also an ongoing theory he is /aivd/. Next to the Brian Adams theory, I think your theory might be more solid. Theory wise.

Ja, 20 meter hoog en dan zetten we de pompen uit...

Not a bad idea. Keep the cancer contained.

Beetje uitbreiden uiteraard, maar het begin is er.

We will never forget what you did and what you gave us. My children are coming to now to tend the graves.

wad is dit voor zjit?

Good video vriend, and thank you for the kind words. Sometimes people say we did the wrong thing because western degeneracy resulted in today's Holland, things were better under the Nazis, whatever. All I know is what's done is done.

ethische kwestie aan koninklijke families koppelen... in ruil voor al dat belastinggeld mogen we wel wat diversiteit verwachten, niet?

That was beautiful. Another single manly stroop-tear is rolling down my cheek.

Wait, what if poffertjesblad is both a mod AND AIVD?

My grandmother told me what really happened , what really happened was you giving your lives to save us from the worst time any hollander can remember

>Sometimes people say we did the wrong thing because western degeneracy resulted in today's Holland, things were better under the Nazis, whatever.
Yes, and not just anyone saying that...

In ruil voor dat belastingsgeld mogen we wel wat minder restafval zien, toch?

> .t Spaanse cuck

T. Calvinist

Wij stemmen enkel Groenlinks want Jesse Klaver weet dat de Joden verantwoordelijk zijn voor alles.

if only our ancestors had internet. no more brother wars

... and Brian Adams?

We can never repay you but our gratitude will last forever.


Denk natuurlijk, PVV end FvD zijn gefinancierd door de Joden

En een trotse


Je ketterij is gestoord.

At least you have a government.

>tfw stuck inside the wall

Ben jij dan een katholiek?

Nei, jong. Ik word poortwachter.

Ja de enige Kerk die niet een Dogmatisch wereldbeeld heeft. Het feit dat je dan gelooft in predestinatie is voor mij vreemd.

Please take the potato out of your mouth. I can barely understand you.

if they included this in (high school) world history, the world would be very different today



Dit. Jesse is geroodpilled.

Don't worry, Merkel will take his place.

Bedtijd dames, morgen weer fris uw belastingcentjes verdienen...


Also wtf why isn't this video available in Germany?! Fucking liberal fags...

My grandfather almost gave his, he was a merchant marine in the North Atlantic. Our grandparents survived somehow, when so many others didn't. It was a brutal time.

Sobering, my man.

No more brother wars.

Vrijheid voor Nederland!

No real Dutch person could ever forget what Canada did for us.

My bad I will speak you language
شاياش تنيا شايتشساينتشايتشسيى شمسيتشمستيشتيش شمياشمستيشمي



Is this available in your country?



oder ähnliche Videos?

What did Canada do then? However Canada is a sad place recently, how did it ever become like that.

There is rumors the Dutch royalty murder poor children for sport.

Netherlands are Spanish Rightful clay

Wow i’m a merchant marine captain myself. Thank you and your family. We will never forget.

Canada worked with the international allies who wanted to defeat the prosperous country of Germany, who tried to get away from the international banker gangsters.

War propaganda, of course, made sure that Germany was depicted as a demon or devil. Oy, think of the six million, oy vey!


Bad enough having Moors in Europe.

Three videos weren't available.